Question about the Lightning part for the Trout vouchers
Does anyone know if they will make another voucher for the lightning collection (the completed monthly awards cards)? Since they haven’t made a 5th card yet. I’m just wondering because that would save me from a lot of grinding.
I doubt it, it would have already been there if they were going to, much like how the Topps Now had a voucher, you just couldn't get it at release.
Doubt it.
I think at best they will attach a different award to the lightning collection maybe that's where we see Blyeven or someone else. They won't be part of the Trout collection though.
I was just going to post about this. I was banking on the lightning collection for 1 of my 15. I noticed tonight that when you get 5, there's no voucher. I'm super disappointed. It was perfect because I'm coming up to picking Thames for xp prestige. This was going to be my 15th. Now I have to go for post season and I'm short 150k stubs.
Yes there will be, that’s why it’s in the Trout collections. There was no Elite Ducks pack until they released the last PoTM, they will add the voucher in.