Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?
@Steelerof3Rivers said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@lazy_toast said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@CalisGW said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
Tired of the OP saying MUT is better for nms because you can do solo battles and other things to get coins. Yes , madden gives you a lot of coins. The OP is being disingenuous by not mentioning the value of madden coins. Buying power with each games currency. Stubs= US Dollar and MUT coins = Mexican peso. I can be a millionaire in Pesos but I i ain’t getting very far. Million MUT coins can not get you the best cards . The top cards last year (signature cards MUT ) a lot of times were priced over a million coins. Million stubs gets you a lot.
TLDR. STOP saying MUT is easy nms without actually acknowledging the value of each currency.
Yea bro the golden tickets this year went for 5-10 million coins. Freaking nuts. If you didn’t grind for coins with “methods” and all that [censored] good luck.
Golden Tickets are the rarest & hardest cards in the game to get & yeah they’re expensive as heck....But you don’t need them. Example - The 99 gold ticket Jalen Ramsey goes for millions...I have the Jalen Ramsey power up - Grew him a little all year long & with chems I have him at a 99 - Just as good as the golden ticket. MUT gives you so many ways to build your team. They do such a great job over there at EA.
I can not take you serious anymore. You are either an EA employee who happens to play The Show . You are most likely believing that covid is a hoax and Trump should be on Mount Rushmore.
People are giving you FACTS, yet you refuse top acknowledge any of them. Plus side is, your president will be kicked out soon.
@CalisGW said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@Steelerof3Rivers said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@lazy_toast said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@CalisGW said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
Tired of the OP saying MUT is better for nms because you can do solo battles and other things to get coins. Yes , madden gives you a lot of coins. The OP is being disingenuous by not mentioning the value of madden coins. Buying power with each games currency. Stubs= US Dollar and MUT coins = Mexican peso. I can be a millionaire in Pesos but I i ain’t getting very far. Million MUT coins can not get you the best cards . The top cards last year (signature cards MUT ) a lot of times were priced over a million coins. Million stubs gets you a lot.
TLDR. STOP saying MUT is easy nms without actually acknowledging the value of each currency.
Yea bro the golden tickets this year went for 5-10 million coins. Freaking nuts. If you didn’t grind for coins with “methods” and all that [censored] good luck.
Golden Tickets are the rarest & hardest cards in the game to get & yeah they’re expensive as heck....But you don’t need them. Example - The 99 gold ticket Jalen Ramsey goes for millions...I have the Jalen Ramsey power up - Grew him a little all year long & with chems I have him at a 99 - Just as good as the golden ticket. MUT gives you so many ways to build your team. They do such a great job over there at EA.
I can not take you serious anymore. You are either an EA employee who happens to play The Show . You are most likely believing that covid is a hoax and Trump should be on Mount Rushmore.
People are giving you FACTS, yet you refuse top acknowledge any of them. Plus side is, your president will be kicked out soon.
Lol what does any of this have to do with politics? Seek therapy for that tds of yours
I'm pretty much done with the show this year and it has nothing to do with madden. I love the game, but I've been playing since april and i'm completely burned out. I don't know how you guys can stay on one game all year lol.
@BLAZE__556 said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@CalisGW said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@Steelerof3Rivers said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@lazy_toast said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@CalisGW said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
Tired of the OP saying MUT is better for nms because you can do solo battles and other things to get coins. Yes , madden gives you a lot of coins. The OP is being disingenuous by not mentioning the value of madden coins. Buying power with each games currency. Stubs= US Dollar and MUT coins = Mexican peso. I can be a millionaire in Pesos but I i ain’t getting very far. Million MUT coins can not get you the best cards . The top cards last year (signature cards MUT ) a lot of times were priced over a million coins. Million stubs gets you a lot.
TLDR. STOP saying MUT is easy nms without actually acknowledging the value of each currency.
Yea bro the golden tickets this year went for 5-10 million coins. Freaking nuts. If you didn’t grind for coins with “methods” and all that [censored] good luck.
Golden Tickets are the rarest & hardest cards in the game to get & yeah they’re expensive as heck....But you don’t need them. Example - The 99 gold ticket Jalen Ramsey goes for millions...I have the Jalen Ramsey power up - Grew him a little all year long & with chems I have him at a 99 - Just as good as the golden ticket. MUT gives you so many ways to build your team. They do such a great job over there at EA.
I can not take you serious anymore. You are either an EA employee who happens to play The Show . You are most likely believing that covid is a hoax and Trump should be on Mount Rushmore.
People are giving you FACTS, yet you refuse top acknowledge any of them. Plus side is, your president will be kicked out soon.
Lol what does any of this have to do with politics? Seek therapy for that tds of yours
Bro, I quit responding to this clown once he started bringing politics into it. Imagine being lectured by a Mets fan lol....nope
@Steelerof3Rivers said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@BLAZE__556 said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@CalisGW said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@Steelerof3Rivers said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@lazy_toast said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@CalisGW said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
Tired of the OP saying MUT is better for nms because you can do solo battles and other things to get coins. Yes , madden gives you a lot of coins. The OP is being disingenuous by not mentioning the value of madden coins. Buying power with each games currency. Stubs= US Dollar and MUT coins = Mexican peso. I can be a millionaire in Pesos but I i ain’t getting very far. Million MUT coins can not get you the best cards . The top cards last year (signature cards MUT ) a lot of times were priced over a million coins. Million stubs gets you a lot.
TLDR. STOP saying MUT is easy nms without actually acknowledging the value of each currency.
Yea bro the golden tickets this year went for 5-10 million coins. Freaking nuts. If you didn’t grind for coins with “methods” and all that [censored] good luck.
Golden Tickets are the rarest & hardest cards in the game to get & yeah they’re expensive as heck....But you don’t need them. Example - The 99 gold ticket Jalen Ramsey goes for millions...I have the Jalen Ramsey power up - Grew him a little all year long & with chems I have him at a 99 - Just as good as the golden ticket. MUT gives you so many ways to build your team. They do such a great job over there at EA.
I can not take you serious anymore. You are either an EA employee who happens to play The Show . You are most likely believing that covid is a hoax and Trump should be on Mount Rushmore.
People are giving you FACTS, yet you refuse top acknowledge any of them. Plus side is, your president will be kicked out soon.
Lol what does any of this have to do with politics? Seek therapy for that tds of yours
Bro, I quit responding to this clown once he started bringing politics into it. Imagine being lectured by a Mets fan lol....nope
I Am trying to comprehend your refusal to acknowledge any facts. Closest comparison is Trump. Maybe you are trump? Hmmmmm would explain a lot
Anyone saying MUT is better than DD I just can’t take seriously
@Steelerof3Rivers said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@lazy_toast said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@CalisGW said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
Tired of the OP saying MUT is better for nms because you can do solo battles and other things to get coins. Yes , madden gives you a lot of coins. The OP is being disingenuous by not mentioning the value of madden coins. Buying power with each games currency. Stubs= US Dollar and MUT coins = Mexican peso. I can be a millionaire in Pesos but I i ain’t getting very far. Million MUT coins can not get you the best cards . The top cards last year (signature cards MUT ) a lot of times were priced over a million coins. Million stubs gets you a lot.
TLDR. STOP saying MUT is easy nms without actually acknowledging the value of each currency.
Yea bro the golden tickets this year went for 5-10 million coins. Freaking nuts. If you didn’t grind for coins with “methods” and all that [censored] good luck.
Golden Tickets are the rarest & hardest cards in the game to get & yeah they’re expensive as heck....But you don’t need them. Example - The 99 gold ticket Jalen Ramsey goes for millions...I have the Jalen Ramsey power up - Grew him a little all year long & with chems I have him at a 99 - Just as good as the golden ticket. MUT gives you so many ways to build your team. They do such a great job over there at EA.
Wasn’t that hard you got one for free. It’s just the premise that a single card can be worth that much and just like you stated it wasn’t much of an upgrade.
The Show poached me away from Madden months ago and I love football than baseball, there is nothing fun about spamming the same 3 plays over and over again. With the new play logic added I might pick up M21 after all, and I'll probably split my time between the two. I didn't get to enjoy the good Griffey and Edgar last year so I gotta stick around for that.
@SchnauzerFace said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
I literally haven’t played anything other than MLB 19 & MLB 20 since March of last year. I have thought about another runthrough of Horizon: Zero Dawn or maybe Spider-man, but, nah. If I am going to play a video game it’s gonna be this one.
A man of culture playing Horizon: Zero Dawn. One of my favorite games. I’m excited to play the new PC port when I get some money to spare.
Won’t even touch madden
I won’t get madden this year. EA needs to care about their game a little more. I don’t play online In madden I’m terrible
I actually stopped playing Madden 20 to play MLB TS 20 and I'm so happy I did. Thought about preordering Madden 21 and then remembered how bad It was last year. I think this year I'm sticking to MLB TS 20 until atleast MLB TS 21 comes out.
Now that I'm thinking about it, it looks like my sports game of choice has changed. It had always been Madden until now.
@Steelerof3Rivers said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
@foge011 said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
I don't play Madden. I'm wondering how you can compare the two and say one is a better game? It's an entirely different sport.
It’s not sport vs sport, It’s the structure of MUT vs the structure of DD....MUT is way better in so many ways. Just a few examples...
You can earn tons of coins every week just playing the weekly modes - Solo battles & Weekend League...The Show doesn’t offer anything like that. In the show unless you’re a great player that can go 12-0 or make WS or spend tons of time working the market you’re not gonna make a lot of coins easily.
In MUT most good players have a power up card that starts as around a 70 overall that you can spend training on to build them up to a high 90’s card. In DD you are completely at the mercy of what SDS drops to you.
In MUT you can increase your team’s attributes by adding different types of chemistry to the team, stadiums, uniforms & coaches.
And the gameplay...You don’t have the RNG that you have in the show. The only RNG is when non user controlled players like a offensive tackle & a pass rusher are fighting.
You have got to be joking right?
Madden is a big heaping pile ofcompared to MLB the show. There is more RNG in Madden than any other game on the planet. You EA and Madden fanboys kill me, y'all are the reason that Madden has gone down the crapper since 2013.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Will you keep playing The Show after Madden drops?:
I will likely give the new 2k golf game a go but other wise its MLB till Januray then I play something in my 4 year backlog like Spiderman
I was so excited for a new golf game, and I really want to like 2k, but the graphics looks like early PS3. I can’t fathom how they wouldn’t put more into that aspect. I also don’t get why you can’t upgrade golfers and stats and clubs. The old tiger games may not have been perfect, but this game looks like it’s just golf club 1.1
Madden has the better Ultimate team mode experience by far. DD has slightly better content, but the gameplay is horrible. Say what you want but if you have to buy a monitor just to compete then something is wrong.