Progressive Fatigue and carryovers
They need to have like in the Japanese Baseball Spirits game player performance carryover and fatigue carryover game to game...
Ideally if you have someone who is say 1/4, 0/3, 0/5, in a series , ideally theyll play cold and colder, wont get on base, have a harder time getting on base and even fielding. Though those who are raking going 3/4, 2/4, 3/3 ETC will play better offensive and defense as well. Same for pitchers, but stamina is also a factor, making sure someone is rested a full 5day or more and not using bullpen guys over wheat they can throw
I vote against this idea. Sometimes this game is for mental midgets or children. The fact that they make fielder's autoshift is a slap in the face to any kind of strategy this game would entail.