Paxton vs Leiter
Obviously Paxton has the higher rating, but who do you guys prefer? Thinking about selling Leiter and putting Paxton in the rotation. Leiter is a little rough on all star but is great on HoF from what I’ve experienced. Worth the stubs to sell him and replace with Paxton?
Leiter does well for me on All Star and did well in H of Fame event. Paxton on other hand I struggle with however I just got his prestige
Paxton has been dealing for me. Paxton is free and is pretty easy to prestige. Sell Leiter and take the coins.
I just had a slaughter rule game against Paxton. He’s so easy to read, leiter is defiantly better.
I prefer Pax. Leiter leaves me wanting for velocity and a changeup.
I pitched really well with Paxton in the last event and not so well with Leiter. I hit both of them really easily every time I faced them but then again it was allstar.
Prestige leiter is a beast, his velocity hurts at times. Paxton is hit or miss, one good game and then a bad game
Paxton might be one of the easiest pitchers to rake against
Not sold on leiter, but Paxton is complete [censored]