Tomorrow collection
@Niners4life702 said in Tomorrow collection:
there is NO player/card that can justify spending the amount of stubs it is going to take to do tomorrow's collection. Even a card with 125s in EVERY category! Its gonna be ATLEAST 1.5 MIL in stubs to collect everything needed! Absolutely insane!
You will not need everything of every collection but will need a percentage of those collections. I grind for cards and will buy what I can not grid to get. Any stubs I spend will be from what the games gives me and from flipping cards. Not all of us will need to have the card day 1.
... unless you've been collecting all this time and only need to pick up a card here or there.
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
Bonds would definitely be worth 1.5 mil... to me at least
It depends if they juice up Bonds arm
This card would BY FAR HAVE to be the best card in the game
@Niners4life702 said in Tomorrow collection:
This card would BY FAR HAVE to be the best card in the game
Mantle was worth it and this card should be slightly better than that. If its not worth it to you no need to get it, use your stubs on whatever specific cards you would rather have. Most people have been working towards the collection the whole time so it won't cost near as much as you think at this point
@Niners4life702 said in Tomorrow collection:
This card would BY FAR HAVE to be the best card in the game
Or it could be a tiered program that unlocks different cards along the way...
500 cards gets Randy Johnson
1000 cards get you Ruth
1500 cards get you SS Trout.I think Trout is going to be part of the rewards. Just a hunch, nothing more.
Both of the Baseball's Back event rewards are Angels, so why not give us a juiced Trout as well? -
@ItsaCanesthing said in Tomorrow collection:
@Niners4life702 said in Tomorrow collection:
This card would BY FAR HAVE to be the best card in the game
Or it could be a tiered program that unlocks different cards along the way...
500 cards gets Randy Johnson
1000 cards get you Ruth
1500 cards get you SS Trout.I think Trout is going to be part of the rewards. Just a hunch, nothing more.
Both of the Baseball's Back event rewards are Angels, so why not give us a juiced Trout as well?I could see them making an SS Trout a battle royale reward later on, but I think part of collection is an old timey baseball card with throwback card art.
@olivegarden2 said in Tomorrow collection:
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
Bonds would definitely be worth 1.5 mil... to me at least
It depends if they juice up Bonds arm
They wouldn’t have to juice it up, he had a cannon
@olivegarden2 said in Tomorrow collection:
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
Bonds would definitely be worth 1.5 mil... to me at least
It depends if they juice up Bonds arm
Oh its plenty juiced
It has to be a tied to a program and get more than one great card for me to justify spending the insane amount it will probably cost .
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
@olivegarden2 said in Tomorrow collection:
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
Bonds would definitely be worth 1.5 mil... to me at least
It depends if they juice up Bonds arm
They wouldn’t have to juice it up, he had a cannon
Reggie Stocker in 16 had a 68 arm lol @Kovz88
SDS is going to lose no matter what. The hype is going too fast. I am happy because there is going to be a market meltdown.
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
It depends if they juice up Bonds arm
They wouldn’t have to juice it up, he had a cannon
This guy disagrees...
@olivegarden2 said in Tomorrow collection:
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
@olivegarden2 said in Tomorrow collection:
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
Bonds would definitely be worth 1.5 mil... to me at least
It depends if they juice up Bonds arm
They wouldn’t have to juice it up, he had a cannon
Reggie Stocker in 16 had a 68 arm lol @Kovz88
Probably cause it was based on the current Bonds but Pittsburgh Bonds was an elite defender
@SaveFarris said in Tomorrow collection:
@theman925 said in Tomorrow collection:
It depends if they juice up Bonds arm
They wouldn’t have to juice it up, he had a cannon
This guy disagrees...
His arm was his one weakness.
Couldn't throw out Sid Bream. If Bream was in the game he might have 35 speed. -
Ouch. Save Farris you are a savage. I think Bream was as fast as a grandma in his prime.
For as long as I've been keeping track, Souped-Up Trout is always one of the final rewards of the year.
17 - Forever Event 100 win reward
18 - Reward for finishing Finest/Future Star programs
19 - 11th Inning RewardI'd love for it to be Trout, and it'd make a lot of sense, but it would also be a massive deviation from standard procedure.
@SaveFarris said in Tomorrow collection:
For as long as I've been keeping track, Souped-Up Trout is always one of the final rewards of the year.
17 - Forever Event 100 win reward
18 - Reward for finishing Finest/Future Star programs
19 - 11th Inning RewardI'd love for it to be Trout, and it'd make a lot of sense, but it would also be a massive deviation from standard procedure.
But SDS has shown us that they will zig when we expect them to zag.
I lost a ton stocking up on golds for TA3 and then SDS made the cards sellable killing the demand from the "gotta have it first crowd".At this point nothing will surprise me.
@SaveFarris said in Tomorrow collection:
For as long as I've been keeping track, Souped-Up Trout is always one of the final rewards of the year.
17 - Forever Event 100 win reward
18 - Reward for finishing Finest/Future Star programs
19 - 11th Inning RewardI'd love for it to be Trout, and it'd make a lot of sense, but it would also be a massive deviation from standard procedure.
I cannot believe I guessed it was gonna be Trout.
It was a hunch nothing more.Should have used that mojo on a powerball ticket.