Stat prediction for New Bosses?
Since we know who the bosses are, what do you guys think they’re stats Will look like? For maddux, I don’t really know with stat predictions for pitchers, but with Musial, I assume 125 contact and high 80s low 90s power with decent defense and speed. Rollins, I think will be around 100 contact and 80 power with high defense and speed
I think Rollins will have something like 115 contact and 90ish power vs lefties, 105 contact 80ish power vs righties.
Musial depends on if it's an awards card. In 1948 he hit. 378, had over 100 XBHs with the 34th highest slugging ever. That could be a monster offensive card.
I had a strong feeling all along we’d see Maddux this time around. Just a bummer that he probably won’t play all that well. His style just doesn’t work. Hopefully they give him great /9s and have his pitches with a lot of movement. That’s the only way he’ll be effective. Which sucks, because I loved watching Maddux pitch.
@bhall09 said in Stat prediction for New Bosses?:
I had a strong feeling all along we’d see Maddux this time around. Just a bummer that he probably won’t play all that well. His style just doesn’t work. Hopefully they give him great /9s and have his pitches with a lot of movement. That’s the only way he’ll be effective. Which sucks, because I loved watching Maddux pitch.
I’m gonna he’ll have over 115 stamina, over 100 h/9, mid 80’s k/9 (SDS can beef that if they want), and mid 90’s control. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has 99 or close to 99 control after prestiging him.
Maddux should have max command of all pitches, and amazing movement.
He should be the best control pitcher DD has ever had really -
@bhall09 said in Stat prediction for New Bosses?:
I had a strong feeling all along we’d see Maddux this time around. Just a bummer that he probably won’t play all that well. His style just doesn’t work. Hopefully they give him great /9s and have his pitches with a lot of movement. That’s the only way he’ll be effective. Which sucks, because I loved watching Maddux pitch.
maddux should be a beefier version of orel. hes going to be good
It would be amazing if Maddux was given 110 bb/9 considering he’s widely acknowledged as the best control pitcher of all time.
I could see them making Maddux like the other high rated pitchers but swapping the high K/9 for a high BB/9.