Should have known to not buy packs
I bought 50, and combined with the (crazy amount of) twitch packs and some other packs from programs I pulled 3 diamonds: Altuve, Chapman (both meh) and Cole! So now i'm rolling in stubs and was able to buy Lou Brock of the market. He was great last year and so far he hasn't disappointed. Still 0 for ... out of BIAH packs though
you can earn so many packs through TA now.. 5 ballin packs for 100%.. got my 5 ballin bündle from the event yesterday and pulled freeman and yelich.. my pack luck from freepacks is pretty good but i would never buy packs with stubs
Meanwhile I got a 50 bundle and pulled:
- 2 Yelich
- Cole
- Trevor Story
Sorry my dude...I think I stole your pack luck.
I've had decent luck all year, shouldve steered away from buying packs though. Spent 15k for a Giles and a few silvers.
I came to look if I'm the only one I pulled a good 100+ and all I got was a diamond field these packs are rigged to take our money I sware
I did a 50 pack totally forgetting I meant to save the stubs and ended up with another Arenado pretty sure I have packed Mantle twice now
Got the double headliner deal, nothing out of them (kershaw). Bought 2 - 50 pack bundles, got Jude X2, Kershaw, Cole (WHAT!). Now I just need Trout and Verlander to complete LS.
Bought me 2 50 pack bundles and within 20 packs got about 6 gold and three diamonds! Although 2 diamonds were equipment and pulled a jose rameriez not to bad. Opened a few more packs after that! Got about 70 left to open! Got mike schimit and sold him as well!
Even with the Sale, you will pretty much always lose stubs this late into the season. I never have, and will never buy packs. Got Mantle 6/14 NMS.
Last night I opened 3 50 pack bundles pulled plus 5 HL some free TA packs.
Matt Chapman
Pete Alonzo
From a TA pack got Arenado
Headline got Bench but already had him
I pulled 34 Gold players -