Inflation of market
I know this won’t settle well with many but there are many great players who do showdowns and are at 100 percent max for all TAs...
Then there are players like me who will grind them out 3 9 inning games and 3 inning game daily with full team to get 5 points but it’s tiresome so exchanges would benefit us but the market is absurd right now for gold and High silvers. I’m sure many Who bought 50-100 of them and re-selling are great players. Stinks imo
You were late to the party.
Being honest, I buy them all year. When POTM exchanges cause a rush, sell stacks of silver and bronze. Reinvest them right back.
Just plan ahead more next time.
nymets1987replied to hoboadam on Jun 29, 2020, 3:14 AM last edited by nymets1987_PSN Jun 29, 2020, 3:15 AM
@hoboadam said in Inflation of market:
You were late to the party.
Being honest, I buy them all year. When POTM exchanges cause a rush, sell stacks of silver and bronze. Reinvest them right back.
Just plan ahead more next time.
And are u at 100 percent with all teams? If so is your purpose just to take stubs of the players not as good? I am just wondering. Not stating it’s true just wondering
And what would you suggest to fix that?
With TA3 dropping, there is obviously more demand for golds in order for exchanges, and Econ 101 says more demand = higher prices. It's not some people manipulating the market to make a profit.
@eatyum said in Inflation of market:
And what would you suggest to fix that?
With TA3 dropping, there is obviously more demand for golds in order for exchanges, and Econ 101 says more demand = higher prices. It's not some people manipulating the market to make a profit.
As i said many won’t agree with me but if I had to guess many people who are of superior ability in game are many who have inflated the market to earn more stubs when the lesser players who would need to do exchanges more can’t because the cost is high.
eatyumreplied to nymets1987 on Jun 29, 2020, 3:48 AM last edited by eatyum_PSN Jun 29, 2020, 3:50 AM
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
@eatyum said in Inflation of market:
And what would you suggest to fix that?
With TA3 dropping, there is obviously more demand for golds in order for exchanges, and Econ 101 says more demand = higher prices. It's not some people manipulating the market to make a profit.
As i said many won’t agree with me but if I had to guess many people who are of superior ability in game are many who have inflated the market to earn more stubs when the lesser players who would need to do exchanges more can’t because the cost is high.
But again, that's not how it works, it's just simple economics, greater demand brings about higher prices. More people want golds, so prices rise, it's a natural occurrence. It's not people in the shadows manipulating costs making them rise.
You seem to be suggesting that it isn't that, but it is, it's that simple of an explanation.
Not only that, it doesn't matter how good or bad you are at the game, you don't need to make WS to know how to invest or work the market.
I've been preaching this method all year long. Looking to cash in on some 300-400k tomorrow hopefully.
In order for the cost to go up people are setting it at that cost. Seems they are manipulating the market to benefit them knowing others of weaker ability will need it. I cannot complete a showdown so it’s easier grinding or exchanges for me. More people will need so some are setting costs higher than earlier last week.
@Ikasnu said in Inflation of market:
I've been preaching this method all year long. Looking to cash in on some 300-400k tomorrow hopefully.
I get it and amazed at the patience you have. I won’t spend any time trying to put in tons of orders .
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
@hoboadam said in Inflation of market:
You were late to the party.
Being honest, I buy them all year. When POTM exchanges cause a rush, sell stacks of silver and bronze. Reinvest them right back.
Just plan ahead more next time.
And are u at 100 percent with all teams? If so is your purpose just to take stubs of the players not as good? I am just wondering. Not stating it’s true just wondering
You get that people at 100% are saving up on players to get to 100% quickly on the next stage right ie players like Buhner, Killebrew or Thome if he's released? Beside not everyone is stockpiling golds for the TA's some of us are stockpiling for stubs. When new TA stages hit it's a great way to get lots of stubs fast.
@samguenther1987 said in Inflation of market:
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
@hoboadam said in Inflation of market:
You were late to the party.
Being honest, I buy them all year. When POTM exchanges cause a rush, sell stacks of silver and bronze. Reinvest them right back.
Just plan ahead more next time.
And are u at 100 percent with all teams? If so is your purpose just to take stubs of the players not as good? I am just wondering. Not stating it’s true just wondering
You get that people at 100% are saving up on players to get to 100% quickly on the next stage right ie players like Buhner, Killebrew or Thome if he's released? Beside not everyone is stockpiling golds for the TA's some of us are stockpiling for stubs. When new TA stages hit it's a great way to get lots of stubs fast.
That’s exactly my point. Again I know no one will agree but no reason why people have to take Robles from 300 to 600 on the market to make stubs which they don’t need because they will have everyone of the 97-99 TA legends. Not sure u need those stubs then.
eatyumreplied to nymets1987 on Jun 29, 2020, 3:56 AM last edited by eatyum_PSN Jun 29, 2020, 3:57 AM
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
In order for the cost to go up people are setting it at that cost. Seems they are manipulating the market to benefit them knowing others of weaker ability will need it. I cannot complete a showdown so it’s easier grinding or exchanges for me. More people will need so some are setting costs higher than earlier last week.
Let me give you an example. Because I don't think you get what I'm trying to say.
Let's assume there is 500 Austin Meadows pulled a day, but there is only 400 people who buy Meadows each day. Prices go down because there is more supply coming in then buyers
But now let's assume Austin Meadows is needed for a super important exchange, the first-rate, 500 Austin Meadows pulled a day stays the same, but suddenly you have 1200 people who are buying that card.
Moving forward with that example, Let's assume out of those 500 Meadows, 100 of them are listed at 1100, those obviously get bought up rather quickly because we have 1200 people trying to get him, and the next cheapest orders are 100 at 1250 stubs a piece. After that 100 is bought, the price automatically rose, not because people are setting new prices, but because the cheaper stuff is gone.
It's a little long, but I hope you get the jest of what I'm saying.
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
@Ikasnu said in Inflation of market:
I've been preaching this method all year long. Looking to cash in on some 300-400k tomorrow hopefully.
I get it and amazed at the patience you have. I won’t spend any time trying to put in tons of orders .
Thanks, I've literally invested nearly every stub I've earned since May into it.
You can’t be mad at anyone that stocks up on gold and silvers. We’ve all seen and know that exchanges for TA drive those prices up. What drives the prices up isn’t the people sitting on the gold and silvers. It’s the buyers inflating the market. More people want these cards. Regardless of who poses these cards the price will be driven up. In anticipation of this a lot of market savvy players stock up weeks ahead of time
@eatyum said in Inflation of market:
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
In order for the cost to go up people are setting it at that cost. Seems they are manipulating the market to benefit them knowing others of weaker ability will need it. I cannot complete a showdown so it’s easier grinding or exchanges for me. More people will need so some are setting costs higher than earlier last week.
Let me give you an example. Because I don't think you get what I'm trying to say.
Let's assume there is 500 Austin Meadows pulled a day, but there is only 400 people who buy Meadows each day. Prices go down because there is more supply coming in then buyers
But now let's assume Austin Meadows is needed for a super important exchange, the first-rate, 500 Austin Meadows pulled a day stays the same, but suddenly you have 1200 people who are buying that card.
Moving forward with that example, Let's assume out of those 500 Meadows, 100 of them are listed at 1100, those obviously get bought up rather quickly because we have 1200 people trying to get him, and the next cheapest orders are 100 at 1250 stubs a piece. After that 100 is bought, the price automatically rose, not because people are setting new prices, but because the cheaper stuff is gone.
It's a little long, but I hope you get the jest of what I'm saying.
But someone set the price at 1250 yes cheap ones were bought First but someone out in a sell order at 1250.
@Ikasnu said in Inflation of market:
I've been preaching this method all year long. Looking to cash in on some 300-400k tomorrow hopefully.
I wish i had listened to you earlier, i should do ok when the new TA's hit but had i followed your advice instead of fliping i would have been better off. Lesson learned.
eatyumreplied to nymets1987 on Jun 29, 2020, 4:02 AM last edited by eatyum_PSN Jun 29, 2020, 4:05 AM
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
@eatyum said in Inflation of market:
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
In order for the cost to go up people are setting it at that cost. Seems they are manipulating the market to benefit them knowing others of weaker ability will need it. I cannot complete a showdown so it’s easier grinding or exchanges for me. More people will need so some are setting costs higher than earlier last week.
Let me give you an example. Because I don't think you get what I'm trying to say.
Let's assume there is 500 Austin Meadows pulled a day, but there is only 400 people who buy Meadows each day. Prices go down because there is more supply coming in then buyers
But now let's assume Austin Meadows is needed for a super important exchange, the first-rate, 500 Austin Meadows pulled a day stays the same, but suddenly you have 1200 people who are buying that card.
Moving forward with that example, Let's assume out of those 500 Meadows, 100 of them are listed at 1100, those obviously get bought up rather quickly because we have 1200 people trying to get him, and the next cheapest orders are 100 at 1250 stubs a piece. After that 100 is bought, the price automatically rose, not because people are setting new prices, but because the cheaper stuff is gone.
It's a little long, but I hope you get the jest of what I'm saying.
But someone set the price at 1250 yes cheap ones were bought First but someone out in a sell order at 1250.
Yes, but is that them manipulating the price, or is that them selling at what buyers will pay?
If demand rises, prices will rise. Why would I take less if I can sell for more? That's not manipulation
If I can get 1250 for Austin Meadows because the buyers dictate that they will pay that much, why would I sell it for 1100?
What I'm trying to say here, is in the grand scheme of things, the buyers set the market.
As I seller, I could list Austin Meadows for 10,000 stubs, but that doesn't mean he will sell, he obviously won't. Because no one would pay that much. Buyers set the market in most cases.
My opinion is it’s disappointing that some people who are at 100 percent and most likely will get all of the stage 3 TAs through showdowns still feel the need to inflate the market. Some may use just for exchanges and now the cost is higher than a few days ago.
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
My opinion is it’s disappointing that some people who are at 100 percent and most likely will get all of the stage 3 TAs still feel the need to have 500k stubs and inflate the market. Some may use just for exchanges and now the cost is higher than a few days ago.
It's obvious you've dug a line in the sand, you've made your up mind that it's a bunch of faceless people manipulating the market. If that is the mindset you want, by all means, but I think I've laid out a pretty good argument on what is really happening.
@nymets1987 said in Inflation of market:
My opinion is it’s disappointing that some people who are at 100 percent and most likely will get all of the stage 3 TAs still feel the need to have 500k stubs and inflate the market. Some may use just for exchanges and now the cost is higher than a few days ago.
You dont seem to be getting the point someone else is laying out. Its not the people with the cards inflating the market its the people flooding the market and hitting buy now which then causes the lowest buy now price to skyrocket and then it slowly starts filtering back down as people put in sell orders. A lot of people do it to complete collections.