John Franco reviews
Hows the diamond Franco card? I've faced him twice and he seems pretty legit. I just completed the Fathers day conquest map and got a bunch of packs. Bulled Alonso, Flaherty, Gallo, and a bunch of golds I already had and sold them for about 25k. I have live series Chapman and Doolittle from completely the A's collection as my 2 lefties in my pen right now. Any help is appreciated.
I had him early in the year and he was hit or miss. ERA around 4 in 15 IP or so. I prefer McGee and Britton.
Does well for me. The sinker and fastball play well off the screwball. He's been my best lefty bullpen arm for sure
Something about him feels very consistent. Good pitching motion, all of his pitches work well with each other. There’s not a single pitch I don’t feel confident in throwing.
I like him, he's been one of my most reliant relievers along with Gagne, Wagner, Eckersley and Doolittle. His screwball can be nasty.
He is a good reliever to use on AS difficulty, Doesn’t really cut it on HOF.
he is fantastic
He is top notch i have a 2.00 era with him in 17 innings. He is especially nasty if you bring him in after a hard thrower
His screwball is nasty.
If you can front door a righty with his screwball he’s absolutely filthy.