So, say I'm at 21 of 25 for Stage 1 in the July Moments and I complete a 5 Pt. Mission. I know i now will have 1 Pt towards stage 2. If i continue to do Stage 1 missions/moments do they continue to progress in Stage 2? Or is it just the initial Rollover. This aspect has seemed to change all year. There used to be no rollover at all. I know TA resets all progress to 0 (Player Innings) once you unlock Stage 2.
I don't know why I put July...I meant June
If it is like other programs, once you finish one stage those missions/moments will not count towards stage 2
I think it’s excess points from completion that roll over. Say I’m 1 point away from unlocking stage 2 and I complete a 4 point mission. I believe the 3 extra points roll over, but you cannot get any more points from the previous stage. The only way I believe you get points from a previous stage is in TA from completing the team collection.
If you are under 25 and do a mission that will put you over 25 the "extra"points will count towards the next stage, once you hit 25 you won't earn any points from that stage anymore.
I had points roll over for me. I only did single game moments and got my other points with online stat missions. This made it to where I would get 25-28 points in the stage and it would start me at the next stage with 0 to 3 points.
Ok, that's what I was thinking. The Rollover carried over, but nothing upon completion would count. Just wanted to ask before I waste time experimenting.