Trout decreasing ?
Is it me or is Mike Trouts price decreasing ?
Are the numbers going down?
@chip187 said in Trout decreasing ?:
Is it me or is Mike Trouts price decreasing ?
Lol, numbers are not a matter of perspective. If the price is decreasing, then, yes. Yes he is decreasing.
weirdest post i've seen in a while
Your title had me worried my trip to Kamchatka was going to disappoint.
Numbers don't lie. Buy orders were in the 340s 10 days ago and the lack of stub sale caused a welcomed drop in price
MaxHarvestreplied to dantheranman on May 29, 2020, 5:08 AM last edited by MaxHarvest_PSN May 29, 2020, 5:08 AM
@dantheranman said in Trout decreasing ?:
Numbers don't lie. Buy orders were in the 340s 10 days ago and the lack of stub sale caused a welcomed drop in price
Numbers don’t lie? Well what if Hendrix was right and a 6 turned out to be a 9, are you telling me you wouldn’t mind?
@dantheranman said in Trout decreasing ?:
Numbers don't lie. Buy orders were in the 340s 10 days ago and the lack of stub sale caused a welcomed drop in price
Thanks, I worded my question stupidly wrong but this was the type of answer I was looking for
Prestige points 45 and 90 give you a high diamond that is sellable. Trout has been pulled from there. More supply on the market as people are in prestige now