Suggestion to ease the frustration
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
A loss knocks you a loss does nothing=easier
Look at the caliber of players you’ll be playing as you get closer to the top. Explain to me how that would be an easy task.
Very easy concept to grasp Ryan
You could lose to 20 opponents of that caliber, but all you have to do is win one to advance further, so you could lose 20 out of 21 games, and still make progress. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
If you got your [censored] kicked 20 games in a row but got better and you finally beat a top level player, why shouldn’t you be able to move forward? It’s not like a player who consistently plays at AS or DS would “easily” accomplish that like some are suggesting it would be.
I’m going to ask you one last time, please stop calling me Ryan. Grow up and have a little respect.
I added onto it Ryan
"Your concept would turn WS into whoever has enough time to play will make it. Which is fine if that's what you are going for, but pretending it won't be easier is being dishonest."
Like that sentence says, if that's what you want it to be, that's completely fine. It's not that it's a bad idea, but you seem to want to pretend it won't be easier which is weird.
How would it be easier for a mid level player to be able to beat top level players once he’s reached the level their playing at? Or how about two players of the same skill playing each other to move on to the next level. How is that easier?
Multiple people have already explained it Ryan. Because he won't be the only mid-level player up there. Or are we pretending that only one mid-level player will make it that far?
As someone else said, if there is no penalty for losing, the top will get diluted because anyone with the time commitment will get there. So mid-levels will be playing a lot of other mid-levels to, not top players.
Therefore, it's easier.
So according to your theory, I have an insane amount of time to play this game so why am I not in the WS right now? Oh I know, it’s because I face better players as I move up and they beat me consistently. I have a hard time achieving the next level, how would my suggestion be any different than that. As you move up, the competition gets HARDER not EASIER.
Ryan, Oh my gosh do you not get this?????????
Yes, of course you don't make it right now that a large time commitment because there is a penalty for losing!!!!
Take that away, and it becomes easier, because it doesn't matter how many times you lose, it doesn't set you back.
This is a very very simple concept, like I've said before, I don't think the idea in theory is bad.
But you seem fixated on being stubborn about how it won't be easier, which is weird. Why not have it a bit easier? Or at the very least make Ranked more then about making WS because otherwise it's not really beneficial to play it in terms of rewards.
But keep drawing that line in the sand and stubbornly hold onto the idea that it's not easier.
Just answer my question then. How does playing tougher opponents as you progress make it easier? Just answer that. I don’t care how much time you have, if you can’t beat the top competition, your not moving forward. Simple as that.
Let me spell it out to you for the 10th time. Try actually reading it please?
There is no penalty of losing, so you can lose to 10 tougher opponents, and then somehow beat the 11th, you advance - Whereas under the original one, you have lost rating because you lost, so you are farther away.THEREFORE it's EASIER BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET SET BACK
Secondly, because you won't just face tougher opponents, because there is no penalty for losing a bunch of mid-level players will also be high rank. THEREFORE IT WON'T JUST BE AGAINST TOUGHER OPPONENTS, BECAUSE THE LESSER OPPONENTS DIDN'T GET SET BACK, IT'S NOT ONLY GOING TO BE GODS AT THE GAME THAT HIGH.
But again, somehow you can't grasp this and it makes me see how useless this all is, you have no reason to be stubborn about this, but you are.
You want to talk about being stubborn? I asked you to quit calling me Ryan yet you still are so don’t talk to me about being stubborn when you are yourself, hypocrite.
Anyway, if you’ve beaten the competition up to a point but now struggle to beat players at your current level (losing 10 games in a row) I’m sorry but that is not easier, in fact it’s harder because you breezed your way to where your at but now your losing 10 games in a row. How is losing 10 games in a row an easier experience? Stay focused on what I’m referring to...the competition as you move forward, it does not get easier as your suggesting it would be. Your not playing weaker opponents because THEY ARE STUCK AT A LEVEL BELOW YOUR CURRENT LEVEL.
Fairly obvious you cannot grasp these simple concepts so I will just leave this here.
Let's assume under your model, you need to win 25 games per season to gain WS. Since you do not lose rating, that's all you need
So under the current model, someone could go 25-40, and they wouldn't make WS because they lose points.
Under your model, they could go 25-40 and they would make WS because they don't lose ranking, therefore it doesn't matter how many they lose, only that they reach the 25 wins in time before the next season.
Therefore, it's easier.
But I'm sure you'll come up with some pie in the sky explanation Ryan, because that's just what you do, so you can go ahead, I've said my peace.
Jesus Christ, how does going from say losing once out of every 5 games until you reach a particular level and now your losing 10 in a row (your example) at the higher up levels an easier experience? Your losing way more than you were earlier, that’s considered easier to you? Quit deflecting from my example I just gave and explain to me how it’s easier when your losing more and having a hard time getting to the next level.
Because no matter how many you lose you will eventually make it through persistence if there is no sound like a complete idiot unless you are purposely acting this way
Can you have a conversation without resorting to insults? That’s a question a couple of you need to figure out.
So all it takes to beat a CS or WS player is persistence? Not skill, just persistence? You sure about that?
If the game is “controlled by simulation and RNG,” eventually you will beat a CS or WS player. Yes, all it takes is persistence.
Key word “eventually”...which means it got HARDER for you to win when you reached a certain level.
Anyone can win at the highest level because the game decides who wins, not the players, according to you.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
It’s no secret this game is controlled by simulation and RNG. Players often win/lose when they shouldn’t due to random outcomes completely out of their control.
Show me where I said “ the game decides who wins”
You can’t because that’s not what I said but once again we have a member on here making stuff up.
What now?
Do you seriously not understand inference?
"The game decides who wins" and "the game is controlled by simulation and RNG," are not all that different.
Again, show me where I said “the game decides who wins”. Quit deflecting when you get called out.
Hitting/pitching/fielding is all controlled by RNG and simulation which leads to having an influence.
@flamexJD20 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Speedy44 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
Ya I agree that it’s a good idea in principle but too easy to manipulate. Anytime you matched up w a better team you could quit
Keep quitting and your not moving forward. Simple as that. Honestly, if a player quits instead of playing that’s a confidence issue, not a game issue. Let them quit like cowards if they want to, doesn’t affect you.
Sounds like a lot of fun, going through to choose stadium, pitcher, lineup, finally get to play the game and than people backing out a dozen times till they are matched up with a opponent they think they can beat
Then maybe the only time you could lose points is if you back out. Implement a way to not allow that without losing points. You either play or lose points. Sounds good to me.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
A loss knocks you a loss does nothing=easier
Look at the caliber of players you’ll be playing as you get closer to the top. Explain to me how that would be an easy task.
Very easy concept to grasp Ryan
You could lose to 20 opponents of that caliber, but all you have to do is win one to advance further, so you could lose 20 out of 21 games, and still make progress. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
If you got your [censored] kicked 20 games in a row but got better and you finally beat a top level player, why shouldn’t you be able to move forward? It’s not like a player who consistently plays at AS or DS would “easily” accomplish that like some are suggesting it would be.
I’m going to ask you one last time, please stop calling me Ryan. Grow up and have a little respect.
I added onto it Ryan
"Your concept would turn WS into whoever has enough time to play will make it. Which is fine if that's what you are going for, but pretending it won't be easier is being dishonest."
Like that sentence says, if that's what you want it to be, that's completely fine. It's not that it's a bad idea, but you seem to want to pretend it won't be easier which is weird.
How would it be easier for a mid level player to be able to beat top level players once he’s reached the level their playing at? Or how about two players of the same skill playing each other to move on to the next level. How is that easier?
Multiple people have already explained it Ryan. Because he won't be the only mid-level player up there. Or are we pretending that only one mid-level player will make it that far?
As someone else said, if there is no penalty for losing, the top will get diluted because anyone with the time commitment will get there. So mid-levels will be playing a lot of other mid-levels to, not top players.
Therefore, it's easier.
So according to your theory, I have an insane amount of time to play this game so why am I not in the WS right now? Oh I know, it’s because I face better players as I move up and they beat me consistently. I have a hard time achieving the next level, how would my suggestion be any different than that. As you move up, the competition gets HARDER not EASIER.
Ryan, Oh my gosh do you not get this?????????
Yes, of course you don't make it right now that a large time commitment because there is a penalty for losing!!!!
Take that away, and it becomes easier, because it doesn't matter how many times you lose, it doesn't set you back.
This is a very very simple concept, like I've said before, I don't think the idea in theory is bad.
But you seem fixated on being stubborn about how it won't be easier, which is weird. Why not have it a bit easier? Or at the very least make Ranked more then about making WS because otherwise it's not really beneficial to play it in terms of rewards.
But keep drawing that line in the sand and stubbornly hold onto the idea that it's not easier.
Just answer my question then. How does playing tougher opponents as you progress make it easier? Just answer that. I don’t care how much time you have, if you can’t beat the top competition, your not moving forward. Simple as that.
Let me spell it out to you for the 10th time. Try actually reading it please?
There is no penalty of losing, so you can lose to 10 tougher opponents, and then somehow beat the 11th, you advance - Whereas under the original one, you have lost rating because you lost, so you are farther away.THEREFORE it's EASIER BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET SET BACK
Secondly, because you won't just face tougher opponents, because there is no penalty for losing a bunch of mid-level players will also be high rank. THEREFORE IT WON'T JUST BE AGAINST TOUGHER OPPONENTS, BECAUSE THE LESSER OPPONENTS DIDN'T GET SET BACK, IT'S NOT ONLY GOING TO BE GODS AT THE GAME THAT HIGH.
But again, somehow you can't grasp this and it makes me see how useless this all is, you have no reason to be stubborn about this, but you are.
You want to talk about being stubborn? I asked you to quit calling me Ryan yet you still are so don’t talk to me about being stubborn when you are yourself, hypocrite.
Anyway, if you’ve beaten the competition up to a point but now struggle to beat players at your current level (losing 10 games in a row) I’m sorry but that is not easier, in fact it’s harder because you breezed your way to where your at but now your losing 10 games in a row. How is losing 10 games in a row an easier experience? Stay focused on what I’m referring to...the competition as you move forward, it does not get easier as your suggesting it would be. Your not playing weaker opponents because THEY ARE STUCK AT A LEVEL BELOW YOUR CURRENT LEVEL.
Fairly obvious you cannot grasp these simple concepts so I will just leave this here.
Let's assume under your model, you need to win 25 games per season to gain WS. Since you do not lose rating, that's all you need
So under the current model, someone could go 25-40, and they wouldn't make WS because they lose points.
Under your model, they could go 25-40 and they would make WS because they don't lose ranking, therefore it doesn't matter how many they lose, only that they reach the 25 wins in time before the next season.
Therefore, it's easier.
But I'm sure you'll come up with some pie in the sky explanation Ryan, because that's just what you do, so you can go ahead, I've said my peace.
Jesus Christ, how does going from say losing once out of every 5 games until you reach a particular level and now your losing 10 in a row (your example) at the higher up levels an easier experience? Your losing way more than you were earlier, that’s considered easier to you? Quit deflecting from my example I just gave and explain to me how it’s easier when your losing more and having a hard time getting to the next level.
Because no matter how many you lose you will eventually make it through persistence if there is no sound like a complete idiot unless you are purposely acting this way
Can you have a conversation without resorting to insults? That’s a question a couple of you need to figure out.
So all it takes to beat a CS or WS player is persistence? Not skill, just persistence? You sure about that?
If the game is “controlled by simulation and RNG,” eventually you will beat a CS or WS player. Yes, all it takes is persistence.
Key word “eventually”...which means it got HARDER for you to win when you reached a certain level.
Anyone can win at the highest level because the game decides who wins, not the players, according to you.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
It’s no secret this game is controlled by simulation and RNG. Players often win/lose when they shouldn’t due to random outcomes completely out of their control.
Show me where I said “ the game decides who wins”
You can’t because that’s not what I said but once again we have a member on here making stuff up.
What now?
Do you seriously not understand inference?
"The game decides who wins" and "the game is controlled by simulation and RNG," are not all that different.
Again, show me where I said “the game decides who wins”. Quit deflecting when you get called out.
Hitting/pitching/fielding is all controlled by RNG and simulation which leads to having an influence.
I literally just showed you.
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
A loss knocks you a loss does nothing=easier
Look at the caliber of players you’ll be playing as you get closer to the top. Explain to me how that would be an easy task.
Very easy concept to grasp Ryan
You could lose to 20 opponents of that caliber, but all you have to do is win one to advance further, so you could lose 20 out of 21 games, and still make progress. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
If you got your [censored] kicked 20 games in a row but got better and you finally beat a top level player, why shouldn’t you be able to move forward? It’s not like a player who consistently plays at AS or DS would “easily” accomplish that like some are suggesting it would be.
I’m going to ask you one last time, please stop calling me Ryan. Grow up and have a little respect.
I added onto it Ryan
"Your concept would turn WS into whoever has enough time to play will make it. Which is fine if that's what you are going for, but pretending it won't be easier is being dishonest."
Like that sentence says, if that's what you want it to be, that's completely fine. It's not that it's a bad idea, but you seem to want to pretend it won't be easier which is weird.
How would it be easier for a mid level player to be able to beat top level players once he’s reached the level their playing at? Or how about two players of the same skill playing each other to move on to the next level. How is that easier?
Multiple people have already explained it Ryan. Because he won't be the only mid-level player up there. Or are we pretending that only one mid-level player will make it that far?
As someone else said, if there is no penalty for losing, the top will get diluted because anyone with the time commitment will get there. So mid-levels will be playing a lot of other mid-levels to, not top players.
Therefore, it's easier.
So according to your theory, I have an insane amount of time to play this game so why am I not in the WS right now? Oh I know, it’s because I face better players as I move up and they beat me consistently. I have a hard time achieving the next level, how would my suggestion be any different than that. As you move up, the competition gets HARDER not EASIER.
Ryan, Oh my gosh do you not get this?????????
Yes, of course you don't make it right now that a large time commitment because there is a penalty for losing!!!!
Take that away, and it becomes easier, because it doesn't matter how many times you lose, it doesn't set you back.
This is a very very simple concept, like I've said before, I don't think the idea in theory is bad.
But you seem fixated on being stubborn about how it won't be easier, which is weird. Why not have it a bit easier? Or at the very least make Ranked more then about making WS because otherwise it's not really beneficial to play it in terms of rewards.
But keep drawing that line in the sand and stubbornly hold onto the idea that it's not easier.
Just answer my question then. How does playing tougher opponents as you progress make it easier? Just answer that. I don’t care how much time you have, if you can’t beat the top competition, your not moving forward. Simple as that.
Let me spell it out to you for the 10th time. Try actually reading it please?
There is no penalty of losing, so you can lose to 10 tougher opponents, and then somehow beat the 11th, you advance - Whereas under the original one, you have lost rating because you lost, so you are farther away.THEREFORE it's EASIER BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET SET BACK
Secondly, because you won't just face tougher opponents, because there is no penalty for losing a bunch of mid-level players will also be high rank. THEREFORE IT WON'T JUST BE AGAINST TOUGHER OPPONENTS, BECAUSE THE LESSER OPPONENTS DIDN'T GET SET BACK, IT'S NOT ONLY GOING TO BE GODS AT THE GAME THAT HIGH.
But again, somehow you can't grasp this and it makes me see how useless this all is, you have no reason to be stubborn about this, but you are.
You want to talk about being stubborn? I asked you to quit calling me Ryan yet you still are so don’t talk to me about being stubborn when you are yourself, hypocrite.
Anyway, if you’ve beaten the competition up to a point but now struggle to beat players at your current level (losing 10 games in a row) I’m sorry but that is not easier, in fact it’s harder because you breezed your way to where your at but now your losing 10 games in a row. How is losing 10 games in a row an easier experience? Stay focused on what I’m referring to...the competition as you move forward, it does not get easier as your suggesting it would be. Your not playing weaker opponents because THEY ARE STUCK AT A LEVEL BELOW YOUR CURRENT LEVEL.
Fairly obvious you cannot grasp these simple concepts so I will just leave this here.
Let's assume under your model, you need to win 25 games per season to gain WS. Since you do not lose rating, that's all you need
So under the current model, someone could go 25-40, and they wouldn't make WS because they lose points.
Under your model, they could go 25-40 and they would make WS because they don't lose ranking, therefore it doesn't matter how many they lose, only that they reach the 25 wins in time before the next season.
Therefore, it's easier.
But I'm sure you'll come up with some pie in the sky explanation Ryan, because that's just what you do, so you can go ahead, I've said my peace.
Jesus Christ, how does going from say losing once out of every 5 games until you reach a particular level and now your losing 10 in a row (your example) at the higher up levels an easier experience? Your losing way more than you were earlier, that’s considered easier to you? Quit deflecting from my example I just gave and explain to me how it’s easier when your losing more and having a hard time getting to the next level.
Because no matter how many you lose you will eventually make it through persistence if there is no sound like a complete idiot unless you are purposely acting this way
Can you have a conversation without resorting to insults? That’s a question a couple of you need to figure out.
So all it takes to beat a CS or WS player is persistence? Not skill, just persistence? You sure about that?
If the game is “controlled by simulation and RNG,” eventually you will beat a CS or WS player. Yes, all it takes is persistence.
Key word “eventually”...which means it got HARDER for you to win when you reached a certain level.
Anyone can win at the highest level because the game decides who wins, not the players, according to you.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
It’s no secret this game is controlled by simulation and RNG. Players often win/lose when they shouldn’t due to random outcomes completely out of their control.
Show me where I said “ the game decides who wins”
You can’t because that’s not what I said but once again we have a member on here making stuff up.
What now?
Do you seriously not understand inference?
"The game decides who wins" and "the game is controlled by simulation and RNG," are not all that different.
Again, show me where I said “the game decides who wins”. Quit deflecting when you get called out.
Hitting/pitching/fielding is all controlled by RNG and simulation which leads to having an influence.
I literally just showed you.
No you didn’t, nowhere in my comments did I say “the game decides who wins” but your accusing me of saying that so I’d like to see your proof please.
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This community is just cancer....Thor makes a good suggestion that would benefit the other 90% of people that can’t make WS on it’s current setup and people just berate him for it. Pathetic pieces of [censored].
Not everyone should be WS, there has to be a peak in a mode that goes by ranks. It already isn't all that special. Sounds like you're mad because people are pointing out that RS shouldn't be watered down.
@Jeviduty said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This community is just cancer....Thor makes a good suggestion that would benefit the other 90% of people that can’t make WS on it’s current setup and people just berate him for it. Pathetic pieces of [censored].
Not everyone should be WS, there has to be a peak in a mode that goes by ranks. It already isn't all that special. Sounds like you're mad because people are pointing out that RS shouldn't be watered down.
Are you implying that everyone would make WS under this setup?
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Jeviduty said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This community is just cancer....Thor makes a good suggestion that would benefit the other 90% of people that can’t make WS on it’s current setup and people just berate him for it. Pathetic pieces of [censored].
Not everyone should be WS, there has to be a peak in a mode that goes by ranks. It already isn't all that special. Sounds like you're mad because people are pointing out that RS shouldn't be watered down.
Are you implying that everyone would make WS under this setup?
A HELL of a lot more would
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Jeviduty said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This community is just cancer....Thor makes a good suggestion that would benefit the other 90% of people that can’t make WS on it’s current setup and people just berate him for it. Pathetic pieces of [censored].
Not everyone should be WS, there has to be a peak in a mode that goes by ranks. It already isn't all that special. Sounds like you're mad because people are pointing out that RS shouldn't be watered down.
Are you implying that everyone would make WS under this setup?
Anybody that wanted to make WS would indeed make WS under your setup.
Literally no different from events. Anybody that wants the rewards can get them, regardless of skill level. Some people just do it quicker than others.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
A loss knocks you a loss does nothing=easier
Look at the caliber of players you’ll be playing as you get closer to the top. Explain to me how that would be an easy task.
Very easy concept to grasp Ryan
You could lose to 20 opponents of that caliber, but all you have to do is win one to advance further, so you could lose 20 out of 21 games, and still make progress. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
If you got your [censored] kicked 20 games in a row but got better and you finally beat a top level player, why shouldn’t you be able to move forward? It’s not like a player who consistently plays at AS or DS would “easily” accomplish that like some are suggesting it would be.
I’m going to ask you one last time, please stop calling me Ryan. Grow up and have a little respect.
I added onto it Ryan
"Your concept would turn WS into whoever has enough time to play will make it. Which is fine if that's what you are going for, but pretending it won't be easier is being dishonest."
Like that sentence says, if that's what you want it to be, that's completely fine. It's not that it's a bad idea, but you seem to want to pretend it won't be easier which is weird.
How would it be easier for a mid level player to be able to beat top level players once he’s reached the level their playing at? Or how about two players of the same skill playing each other to move on to the next level. How is that easier?
Multiple people have already explained it Ryan. Because he won't be the only mid-level player up there. Or are we pretending that only one mid-level player will make it that far?
As someone else said, if there is no penalty for losing, the top will get diluted because anyone with the time commitment will get there. So mid-levels will be playing a lot of other mid-levels to, not top players.
Therefore, it's easier.
So according to your theory, I have an insane amount of time to play this game so why am I not in the WS right now? Oh I know, it’s because I face better players as I move up and they beat me consistently. I have a hard time achieving the next level, how would my suggestion be any different than that. As you move up, the competition gets HARDER not EASIER.
Ryan, Oh my gosh do you not get this?????????
Yes, of course you don't make it right now that a large time commitment because there is a penalty for losing!!!!
Take that away, and it becomes easier, because it doesn't matter how many times you lose, it doesn't set you back.
This is a very very simple concept, like I've said before, I don't think the idea in theory is bad.
But you seem fixated on being stubborn about how it won't be easier, which is weird. Why not have it a bit easier? Or at the very least make Ranked more then about making WS because otherwise it's not really beneficial to play it in terms of rewards.
But keep drawing that line in the sand and stubbornly hold onto the idea that it's not easier.
Just answer my question then. How does playing tougher opponents as you progress make it easier? Just answer that. I don’t care how much time you have, if you can’t beat the top competition, your not moving forward. Simple as that.
Let me spell it out to you for the 10th time. Try actually reading it please?
There is no penalty of losing, so you can lose to 10 tougher opponents, and then somehow beat the 11th, you advance - Whereas under the original one, you have lost rating because you lost, so you are farther away.THEREFORE it's EASIER BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET SET BACK
Secondly, because you won't just face tougher opponents, because there is no penalty for losing a bunch of mid-level players will also be high rank. THEREFORE IT WON'T JUST BE AGAINST TOUGHER OPPONENTS, BECAUSE THE LESSER OPPONENTS DIDN'T GET SET BACK, IT'S NOT ONLY GOING TO BE GODS AT THE GAME THAT HIGH.
But again, somehow you can't grasp this and it makes me see how useless this all is, you have no reason to be stubborn about this, but you are.
You want to talk about being stubborn? I asked you to quit calling me Ryan yet you still are so don’t talk to me about being stubborn when you are yourself, hypocrite.
Anyway, if you’ve beaten the competition up to a point but now struggle to beat players at your current level (losing 10 games in a row) I’m sorry but that is not easier, in fact it’s harder because you breezed your way to where your at but now your losing 10 games in a row. How is losing 10 games in a row an easier experience? Stay focused on what I’m referring to...the competition as you move forward, it does not get easier as your suggesting it would be. Your not playing weaker opponents because THEY ARE STUCK AT A LEVEL BELOW YOUR CURRENT LEVEL.
Fairly obvious you cannot grasp these simple concepts so I will just leave this here.
Let's assume under your model, you need to win 25 games per season to gain WS. Since you do not lose rating, that's all you need
So under the current model, someone could go 25-40, and they wouldn't make WS because they lose points.
Under your model, they could go 25-40 and they would make WS because they don't lose ranking, therefore it doesn't matter how many they lose, only that they reach the 25 wins in time before the next season.
Therefore, it's easier.
But I'm sure you'll come up with some pie in the sky explanation Ryan, because that's just what you do, so you can go ahead, I've said my peace.
Jesus Christ, how does going from say losing once out of every 5 games until you reach a particular level and now your losing 10 in a row (your example) at the higher up levels an easier experience? Your losing way more than you were earlier, that’s considered easier to you? Quit deflecting from my example I just gave and explain to me how it’s easier when your losing more and having a hard time getting to the next level.
Because no matter how many you lose you will eventually make it through persistence if there is no sound like a complete idiot unless you are purposely acting this way
Can you have a conversation without resorting to insults? That’s a question a couple of you need to figure out.
So all it takes to beat a CS or WS player is persistence? Not skill, just persistence? You sure about that?
If the game is “controlled by simulation and RNG,” eventually you will beat a CS or WS player. Yes, all it takes is persistence.
Key word “eventually”...which means it got HARDER for you to win when you reached a certain level.
Anyone can win at the highest level because the game decides who wins, not the players, according to you.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
It’s no secret this game is controlled by simulation and RNG. Players often win/lose when they shouldn’t due to random outcomes completely out of their control.
Show me where I said “ the game decides who wins”
You can’t because that’s not what I said but once again we have a member on here making stuff up.
What now?
Do you seriously not understand inference?
"The game decides who wins" and "the game is controlled by simulation and RNG," are not all that different.
Again, show me where I said “the game decides who wins”. Quit deflecting when you get called out.
Hitting/pitching/fielding is all controlled by RNG and simulation which leads to having an influence.
I literally just showed you.
No you didn’t, nowhere in my comments did I say “the game decides who wins” but your accusing me of saying that so I’d like to see your proof please.
You are lacking basic comprehension skills. I would be worried if I were your parents.
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
Because you could lose 1000 games, and still make WS once you reach the set win total needed.
How dumb do you have to be to not realize how much easier that would be?
You can make your point without being rude.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Jeviduty said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This community is just cancer....Thor makes a good suggestion that would benefit the other 90% of people that can’t make WS on it’s current setup and people just berate him for it. Pathetic pieces of [censored].
Not everyone should be WS, there has to be a peak in a mode that goes by ranks. It already isn't all that special. Sounds like you're mad because people are pointing out that RS shouldn't be watered down.
Are you implying that everyone would make WS under this setup?
Overwhelming amount would, yes. You have nothing to lose but keep playing, RNG will sway your way and eventually you'll scrap enough trash wins to be in WS. That's exactly how this would play out.
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
A loss knocks you a loss does nothing=easier
Look at the caliber of players you’ll be playing as you get closer to the top. Explain to me how that would be an easy task.
Very easy concept to grasp Ryan
You could lose to 20 opponents of that caliber, but all you have to do is win one to advance further, so you could lose 20 out of 21 games, and still make progress. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
If you got your [censored] kicked 20 games in a row but got better and you finally beat a top level player, why shouldn’t you be able to move forward? It’s not like a player who consistently plays at AS or DS would “easily” accomplish that like some are suggesting it would be.
I’m going to ask you one last time, please stop calling me Ryan. Grow up and have a little respect.
I added onto it Ryan
"Your concept would turn WS into whoever has enough time to play will make it. Which is fine if that's what you are going for, but pretending it won't be easier is being dishonest."
Like that sentence says, if that's what you want it to be, that's completely fine. It's not that it's a bad idea, but you seem to want to pretend it won't be easier which is weird.
How would it be easier for a mid level player to be able to beat top level players once he’s reached the level their playing at? Or how about two players of the same skill playing each other to move on to the next level. How is that easier?
Multiple people have already explained it Ryan. Because he won't be the only mid-level player up there. Or are we pretending that only one mid-level player will make it that far?
As someone else said, if there is no penalty for losing, the top will get diluted because anyone with the time commitment will get there. So mid-levels will be playing a lot of other mid-levels to, not top players.
Therefore, it's easier.
So according to your theory, I have an insane amount of time to play this game so why am I not in the WS right now? Oh I know, it’s because I face better players as I move up and they beat me consistently. I have a hard time achieving the next level, how would my suggestion be any different than that. As you move up, the competition gets HARDER not EASIER.
Ryan, Oh my gosh do you not get this?????????
Yes, of course you don't make it right now that a large time commitment because there is a penalty for losing!!!!
Take that away, and it becomes easier, because it doesn't matter how many times you lose, it doesn't set you back.
This is a very very simple concept, like I've said before, I don't think the idea in theory is bad.
But you seem fixated on being stubborn about how it won't be easier, which is weird. Why not have it a bit easier? Or at the very least make Ranked more then about making WS because otherwise it's not really beneficial to play it in terms of rewards.
But keep drawing that line in the sand and stubbornly hold onto the idea that it's not easier.
Just answer my question then. How does playing tougher opponents as you progress make it easier? Just answer that. I don’t care how much time you have, if you can’t beat the top competition, your not moving forward. Simple as that.
Let me spell it out to you for the 10th time. Try actually reading it please?
There is no penalty of losing, so you can lose to 10 tougher opponents, and then somehow beat the 11th, you advance - Whereas under the original one, you have lost rating because you lost, so you are farther away.THEREFORE it's EASIER BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET SET BACK
Secondly, because you won't just face tougher opponents, because there is no penalty for losing a bunch of mid-level players will also be high rank. THEREFORE IT WON'T JUST BE AGAINST TOUGHER OPPONENTS, BECAUSE THE LESSER OPPONENTS DIDN'T GET SET BACK, IT'S NOT ONLY GOING TO BE GODS AT THE GAME THAT HIGH.
But again, somehow you can't grasp this and it makes me see how useless this all is, you have no reason to be stubborn about this, but you are.
You want to talk about being stubborn? I asked you to quit calling me Ryan yet you still are so don’t talk to me about being stubborn when you are yourself, hypocrite.
Anyway, if you’ve beaten the competition up to a point but now struggle to beat players at your current level (losing 10 games in a row) I’m sorry but that is not easier, in fact it’s harder because you breezed your way to where your at but now your losing 10 games in a row. How is losing 10 games in a row an easier experience? Stay focused on what I’m referring to...the competition as you move forward, it does not get easier as your suggesting it would be. Your not playing weaker opponents because THEY ARE STUCK AT A LEVEL BELOW YOUR CURRENT LEVEL.
Fairly obvious you cannot grasp these simple concepts so I will just leave this here.
Let's assume under your model, you need to win 25 games per season to gain WS. Since you do not lose rating, that's all you need
So under the current model, someone could go 25-40, and they wouldn't make WS because they lose points.
Under your model, they could go 25-40 and they would make WS because they don't lose ranking, therefore it doesn't matter how many they lose, only that they reach the 25 wins in time before the next season.
Therefore, it's easier.
But I'm sure you'll come up with some pie in the sky explanation Ryan, because that's just what you do, so you can go ahead, I've said my peace.
Jesus Christ, how does going from say losing once out of every 5 games until you reach a particular level and now your losing 10 in a row (your example) at the higher up levels an easier experience? Your losing way more than you were earlier, that’s considered easier to you? Quit deflecting from my example I just gave and explain to me how it’s easier when your losing more and having a hard time getting to the next level.
Because no matter how many you lose you will eventually make it through persistence if there is no sound like a complete idiot unless you are purposely acting this way
Can you have a conversation without resorting to insults? That’s a question a couple of you need to figure out.
So all it takes to beat a CS or WS player is persistence? Not skill, just persistence? You sure about that?
If the game is “controlled by simulation and RNG,” eventually you will beat a CS or WS player. Yes, all it takes is persistence.
Key word “eventually”...which means it got HARDER for you to win when you reached a certain level.
Anyone can win at the highest level because the game decides who wins, not the players, according to you.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
It’s no secret this game is controlled by simulation and RNG. Players often win/lose when they shouldn’t due to random outcomes completely out of their control.
Show me where I said “ the game decides who wins”
You can’t because that’s not what I said but once again we have a member on here making stuff up.
What now?
Do you seriously not understand inference?
"The game decides who wins" and "the game is controlled by simulation and RNG," are not all that different.
Again, show me where I said “the game decides who wins”. Quit deflecting when you get called out.
Hitting/pitching/fielding is all controlled by RNG and simulation which leads to having an influence.
I literally just showed you.
No you didn’t, nowhere in my comments did I say “the game decides who wins” but your accusing me of saying that so I’d like to see your proof please.
You are lacking basic comprehension skills. I would be worried if I were your parents.
I’ll take you resorting to insults as an admission that you can’t simply prove what you accused me of. Remember that the next time you make accusations. Move along please if you can’t back up what you said.
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
Because you could lose 1000 games, and still make WS once you reach the set win total needed.
How dumb do you have to be to not realize how much easier that would be?
You can make your point without being rude.
I’m just saying what everybody is thinking. Plenty of other people said the same thing without being “rude”, and look how that ended up.
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
A loss knocks you a loss does nothing=easier
Look at the caliber of players you’ll be playing as you get closer to the top. Explain to me how that would be an easy task.
Very easy concept to grasp Ryan
You could lose to 20 opponents of that caliber, but all you have to do is win one to advance further, so you could lose 20 out of 21 games, and still make progress. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
If you got your [censored] kicked 20 games in a row but got better and you finally beat a top level player, why shouldn’t you be able to move forward? It’s not like a player who consistently plays at AS or DS would “easily” accomplish that like some are suggesting it would be.
I’m going to ask you one last time, please stop calling me Ryan. Grow up and have a little respect.
I added onto it Ryan
"Your concept would turn WS into whoever has enough time to play will make it. Which is fine if that's what you are going for, but pretending it won't be easier is being dishonest."
Like that sentence says, if that's what you want it to be, that's completely fine. It's not that it's a bad idea, but you seem to want to pretend it won't be easier which is weird.
How would it be easier for a mid level player to be able to beat top level players once he’s reached the level their playing at? Or how about two players of the same skill playing each other to move on to the next level. How is that easier?
Multiple people have already explained it Ryan. Because he won't be the only mid-level player up there. Or are we pretending that only one mid-level player will make it that far?
As someone else said, if there is no penalty for losing, the top will get diluted because anyone with the time commitment will get there. So mid-levels will be playing a lot of other mid-levels to, not top players.
Therefore, it's easier.
So according to your theory, I have an insane amount of time to play this game so why am I not in the WS right now? Oh I know, it’s because I face better players as I move up and they beat me consistently. I have a hard time achieving the next level, how would my suggestion be any different than that. As you move up, the competition gets HARDER not EASIER.
Ryan, Oh my gosh do you not get this?????????
Yes, of course you don't make it right now that a large time commitment because there is a penalty for losing!!!!
Take that away, and it becomes easier, because it doesn't matter how many times you lose, it doesn't set you back.
This is a very very simple concept, like I've said before, I don't think the idea in theory is bad.
But you seem fixated on being stubborn about how it won't be easier, which is weird. Why not have it a bit easier? Or at the very least make Ranked more then about making WS because otherwise it's not really beneficial to play it in terms of rewards.
But keep drawing that line in the sand and stubbornly hold onto the idea that it's not easier.
Just answer my question then. How does playing tougher opponents as you progress make it easier? Just answer that. I don’t care how much time you have, if you can’t beat the top competition, your not moving forward. Simple as that.
Let me spell it out to you for the 10th time. Try actually reading it please?
There is no penalty of losing, so you can lose to 10 tougher opponents, and then somehow beat the 11th, you advance - Whereas under the original one, you have lost rating because you lost, so you are farther away.THEREFORE it's EASIER BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET SET BACK
Secondly, because you won't just face tougher opponents, because there is no penalty for losing a bunch of mid-level players will also be high rank. THEREFORE IT WON'T JUST BE AGAINST TOUGHER OPPONENTS, BECAUSE THE LESSER OPPONENTS DIDN'T GET SET BACK, IT'S NOT ONLY GOING TO BE GODS AT THE GAME THAT HIGH.
But again, somehow you can't grasp this and it makes me see how useless this all is, you have no reason to be stubborn about this, but you are.
You want to talk about being stubborn? I asked you to quit calling me Ryan yet you still are so don’t talk to me about being stubborn when you are yourself, hypocrite.
Anyway, if you’ve beaten the competition up to a point but now struggle to beat players at your current level (losing 10 games in a row) I’m sorry but that is not easier, in fact it’s harder because you breezed your way to where your at but now your losing 10 games in a row. How is losing 10 games in a row an easier experience? Stay focused on what I’m referring to...the competition as you move forward, it does not get easier as your suggesting it would be. Your not playing weaker opponents because THEY ARE STUCK AT A LEVEL BELOW YOUR CURRENT LEVEL.
Fairly obvious you cannot grasp these simple concepts so I will just leave this here.
Let's assume under your model, you need to win 25 games per season to gain WS. Since you do not lose rating, that's all you need
So under the current model, someone could go 25-40, and they wouldn't make WS because they lose points.
Under your model, they could go 25-40 and they would make WS because they don't lose ranking, therefore it doesn't matter how many they lose, only that they reach the 25 wins in time before the next season.
Therefore, it's easier.
But I'm sure you'll come up with some pie in the sky explanation Ryan, because that's just what you do, so you can go ahead, I've said my peace.
Jesus Christ, how does going from say losing once out of every 5 games until you reach a particular level and now your losing 10 in a row (your example) at the higher up levels an easier experience? Your losing way more than you were earlier, that’s considered easier to you? Quit deflecting from my example I just gave and explain to me how it’s easier when your losing more and having a hard time getting to the next level.
Because no matter how many you lose you will eventually make it through persistence if there is no sound like a complete idiot unless you are purposely acting this way
Can you have a conversation without resorting to insults? That’s a question a couple of you need to figure out.
So all it takes to beat a CS or WS player is persistence? Not skill, just persistence? You sure about that?
If the game is “controlled by simulation and RNG,” eventually you will beat a CS or WS player. Yes, all it takes is persistence.
Key word “eventually”...which means it got HARDER for you to win when you reached a certain level.
Anyone can win at the highest level because the game decides who wins, not the players, according to you.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
It’s no secret this game is controlled by simulation and RNG. Players often win/lose when they shouldn’t due to random outcomes completely out of their control.
Show me where I said “ the game decides who wins”
You can’t because that’s not what I said but once again we have a member on here making stuff up.
What now?
Do you seriously not understand inference?
"The game decides who wins" and "the game is controlled by simulation and RNG," are not all that different.
Again, show me where I said “the game decides who wins”. Quit deflecting when you get called out.
Hitting/pitching/fielding is all controlled by RNG and simulation which leads to having an influence.
I literally just showed you.
No you didn’t, nowhere in my comments did I say “the game decides who wins” but your accusing me of saying that so I’d like to see your proof please.
You are lacking basic comprehension skills. I would be worried if I were your parents.
Why the personal attack? Make your point about the game and move on. You'll feel good about yourself.
@Jeviduty said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Jeviduty said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This community is just cancer....Thor makes a good suggestion that would benefit the other 90% of people that can’t make WS on it’s current setup and people just berate him for it. Pathetic pieces of [censored].
Not everyone should be WS, there has to be a peak in a mode that goes by ranks. It already isn't all that special. Sounds like you're mad because people are pointing out that RS shouldn't be watered down.
Are you implying that everyone would make WS under this setup?
Overwhelming amount would, yes. You have nothing to lose but keep playing, RNG will sway your way and eventually you'll scrap enough trash wins to be in WS. That's exactly how this would play out.
Then maybe they should make a legit game so we don’t have to worry about someone achieving something through “trash wins”. That’s an issue only SDS can resolve.
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
Because you could lose 1000 games, and still make WS once you reach the set win total needed.
How dumb do you have to be to not realize how much easier that would be?
You can make your point without being rude.
I’m just saying what everybody is thinking. Plenty of other people said the same thing without being “rude”, and look how that ended up.
Rudeness does not emphasize a point, it only puts the other person on the defensive, and that's how all this censored bs happens.
Let's just not be rude. This goes for everyone.
@aaronjw76 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This community is just cancer....Thor makes a good suggestion that would benefit the other 90% of people that can’t make WS on it’s current setup and people just berate him for it. Pathetic pieces of [censored].
Serious question: why SHOULD those 90% make WS?
Because they paid their $100 and put in more than enough time than it should take to beat the game.....See that’s what alot of you are missing here. The Show is a GAME. It should be a challenge but not impossible for 90% of the player base to achieve....And if they made this change then you wouldn’t see this player base leave in droves like it does just a couple months after launch like it does every year. Don’t believe me - Add up the player count from 1st inning compared to 3rd inning.
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
Because you could lose 1000 games, and still make WS once you reach the set win total needed.
How dumb do you have to be to not realize how much easier that would be?
You can make your point without being rude.
I’m just saying what everybody is thinking. Plenty of other people said the same thing without being “rude”, and look how that ended up.
Rudeness does not emphasize a point, it only puts the other person on the defensive, and that's how all this censored bs happens.
Let's just not be rude. This goes for everyone.
Being unreasonably stubborn is what leads to rudeness.
Being stubborn is worse than being slightly “rude”.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@eatyum said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@squishiesgirl said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This is exactly what events are though.
Good, should be no problem to implement it into RS then.
They are two different modes. If you don’t like RS, just play events only.
I like 9 inning games, thanks for the suggestion though.
You’re asking for RS to have a set number of wins needed to make WS. That’s what events are. You just want things to be easier, when they don’t need to be.
How would it make it easier if your playing opponents who have achieved the same level your currently at? Explain to me how that makes it easier.
A loss knocks you a loss does nothing=easier
Look at the caliber of players you’ll be playing as you get closer to the top. Explain to me how that would be an easy task.
Very easy concept to grasp Ryan
You could lose to 20 opponents of that caliber, but all you have to do is win one to advance further, so you could lose 20 out of 21 games, and still make progress. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
If you got your [censored] kicked 20 games in a row but got better and you finally beat a top level player, why shouldn’t you be able to move forward? It’s not like a player who consistently plays at AS or DS would “easily” accomplish that like some are suggesting it would be.
I’m going to ask you one last time, please stop calling me Ryan. Grow up and have a little respect.
I added onto it Ryan
"Your concept would turn WS into whoever has enough time to play will make it. Which is fine if that's what you are going for, but pretending it won't be easier is being dishonest."
Like that sentence says, if that's what you want it to be, that's completely fine. It's not that it's a bad idea, but you seem to want to pretend it won't be easier which is weird.
How would it be easier for a mid level player to be able to beat top level players once he’s reached the level their playing at? Or how about two players of the same skill playing each other to move on to the next level. How is that easier?
Multiple people have already explained it Ryan. Because he won't be the only mid-level player up there. Or are we pretending that only one mid-level player will make it that far?
As someone else said, if there is no penalty for losing, the top will get diluted because anyone with the time commitment will get there. So mid-levels will be playing a lot of other mid-levels to, not top players.
Therefore, it's easier.
So according to your theory, I have an insane amount of time to play this game so why am I not in the WS right now? Oh I know, it’s because I face better players as I move up and they beat me consistently. I have a hard time achieving the next level, how would my suggestion be any different than that. As you move up, the competition gets HARDER not EASIER.
Ryan, Oh my gosh do you not get this?????????
Yes, of course you don't make it right now that a large time commitment because there is a penalty for losing!!!!
Take that away, and it becomes easier, because it doesn't matter how many times you lose, it doesn't set you back.
This is a very very simple concept, like I've said before, I don't think the idea in theory is bad.
But you seem fixated on being stubborn about how it won't be easier, which is weird. Why not have it a bit easier? Or at the very least make Ranked more then about making WS because otherwise it's not really beneficial to play it in terms of rewards.
But keep drawing that line in the sand and stubbornly hold onto the idea that it's not easier.
Just answer my question then. How does playing tougher opponents as you progress make it easier? Just answer that. I don’t care how much time you have, if you can’t beat the top competition, your not moving forward. Simple as that.
Let me spell it out to you for the 10th time. Try actually reading it please?
There is no penalty of losing, so you can lose to 10 tougher opponents, and then somehow beat the 11th, you advance - Whereas under the original one, you have lost rating because you lost, so you are farther away.THEREFORE it's EASIER BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET SET BACK
Secondly, because you won't just face tougher opponents, because there is no penalty for losing a bunch of mid-level players will also be high rank. THEREFORE IT WON'T JUST BE AGAINST TOUGHER OPPONENTS, BECAUSE THE LESSER OPPONENTS DIDN'T GET SET BACK, IT'S NOT ONLY GOING TO BE GODS AT THE GAME THAT HIGH.
But again, somehow you can't grasp this and it makes me see how useless this all is, you have no reason to be stubborn about this, but you are.
You want to talk about being stubborn? I asked you to quit calling me Ryan yet you still are so don’t talk to me about being stubborn when you are yourself, hypocrite.
Anyway, if you’ve beaten the competition up to a point but now struggle to beat players at your current level (losing 10 games in a row) I’m sorry but that is not easier, in fact it’s harder because you breezed your way to where your at but now your losing 10 games in a row. How is losing 10 games in a row an easier experience? Stay focused on what I’m referring to...the competition as you move forward, it does not get easier as your suggesting it would be. Your not playing weaker opponents because THEY ARE STUCK AT A LEVEL BELOW YOUR CURRENT LEVEL.
Fairly obvious you cannot grasp these simple concepts so I will just leave this here.
Let's assume under your model, you need to win 25 games per season to gain WS. Since you do not lose rating, that's all you need
So under the current model, someone could go 25-40, and they wouldn't make WS because they lose points.
Under your model, they could go 25-40 and they would make WS because they don't lose ranking, therefore it doesn't matter how many they lose, only that they reach the 25 wins in time before the next season.
Therefore, it's easier.
But I'm sure you'll come up with some pie in the sky explanation Ryan, because that's just what you do, so you can go ahead, I've said my peace.
Jesus Christ, how does going from say losing once out of every 5 games until you reach a particular level and now your losing 10 in a row (your example) at the higher up levels an easier experience? Your losing way more than you were earlier, that’s considered easier to you? Quit deflecting from my example I just gave and explain to me how it’s easier when your losing more and having a hard time getting to the next level.
Because no matter how many you lose you will eventually make it through persistence if there is no sound like a complete idiot unless you are purposely acting this way
Can you have a conversation without resorting to insults? That’s a question a couple of you need to figure out.
So all it takes to beat a CS or WS player is persistence? Not skill, just persistence? You sure about that?
If the game is “controlled by simulation and RNG,” eventually you will beat a CS or WS player. Yes, all it takes is persistence.
Key word “eventually”...which means it got HARDER for you to win when you reached a certain level.
Anyone can win at the highest level because the game decides who wins, not the players, according to you.
@T_H_O_R_Storm said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
It’s no secret this game is controlled by simulation and RNG. Players often win/lose when they shouldn’t due to random outcomes completely out of their control.
Show me where I said “ the game decides who wins”
You can’t because that’s not what I said but once again we have a member on here making stuff up.
What now?
Do you seriously not understand inference?
"The game decides who wins" and "the game is controlled by simulation and RNG," are not all that different.
Again, show me where I said “the game decides who wins”. Quit deflecting when you get called out.
Hitting/pitching/fielding is all controlled by RNG and simulation which leads to having an influence.
I literally just showed you.
No you didn’t, nowhere in my comments did I say “the game decides who wins” but your accusing me of saying that so I’d like to see your proof please.
You are lacking basic comprehension skills. I would be worried if I were your parents.
I’ll take you resorting to insults as an admission that you can’t simply prove what you accused me of. Remember that the next time you make accusations. Move along please if you can’t back up what you said.
Look, the bottom line is that you had a truly awful idea. You then couldn't support it without contradicting yourself and I called you on it. Now you either can't understand how the two phrases are the same, or you're nitpicking because you have no other ground to stand on. Your idea sucked and you can't keep your story straight. That's it.
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@aaronjw76 said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
@Yankee_Nation said in Suggestion to ease the frustration:
This community is just cancer....Thor makes a good suggestion that would benefit the other 90% of people that can’t make WS on it’s current setup and people just berate him for it. Pathetic pieces of [censored].
Serious question: why SHOULD those 90% make WS?
Because they paid their $100 and put in more than enough time than it should take to beat the game.....See that’s what alot of you are missing here. The Show is a GAME. It should be a challenge but not impossible for 90% of the player base to achieve....And if they made this change then you wouldn’t see this player base leave in droves like it does just a couple months after launch like it does every year. Don’t believe me - Add up the player count from 1st inning compared to 3rd inning.
Just because you paid for the game, doesn’t mean you deserve to win the best prizes without earning them.