First post on a gaming forum ever
@maskedgrappler said in First post on a gaming forum ever:
Like with pitcher control issues. SDS knows its a problem. There's no way they haven't heard about it. So it serves no purpose to post a thread calling them names everytime you hang a slider on perfect release.
They know about it. They're either working on it, or are happy with it the way it is. Calling them names or questioning their talent isn't going to get it fixed any faster.
You never know. They may not do anything from the first 0ne million posts about game play, but when numher one million and one hits...... Look Out! Lol
I know you guys are addressing my comment about how people don't take criticism of the game and SDS here well but I do find it funny how I didnt call anyone names, only wrote about my experience and used no hyperbole and all the comments are on the topic of the nature of criticism on this forum rather than the core subject of my thread, which is....the game is not enjoyable for a lot of people and DD as a game mode for regular gamers is not worth it....
and "I like this game because it is the only form of baseball right now! Enjoy it for baseball, not trying to win on Legend."
Because i can't win on Legend, is not my was an example I used to show that I am decent at this game and I've invested time into it, a lot......If I am having this bad experience and friends who are not as invested as I am in this game are turning away from it, then I see and's not about winning at a high level...its about the fundamental enjoyment of the game and making it possible for average players to to be rewarded for time invested and dedication to the game.
if y'all are cranky cause a lot of people are posting their gripes, then maybe you should consider, i've never even seen this forum in any detail till last night, when i went through threads to get a sense of what was being said and here I am today, frustrated enough to come on and post...Clearly i'm not just trying to pile on, i felt compelled enough to come on here and start a discussion.
as far as i'm concerned the piling on of "why does everyone complain" seems a worse problem on this forum TBH, proved out here in this thread by the context of everyones responses, lol. good times.
@BigFes902 said in First post on a gaming forum ever:
I know you guys are addressing my comment about how people don't take criticism of the game and SDS here well but I do find it funny how I didnt call anyone names, only wrote about my experience and used no hyperbole and all the comments are on the topic of the nature of criticism on this forum rather than the core subject of my thread, which is....the game is not enjoyable for a lot of people and DD as a game mode for regular gamers is not worth it....
and "I like this game because it is the only form of baseball right now! Enjoy it for baseball, not trying to win on Legend."
Because i can't win on Legend, is not my was an example I used to show that I am decent at this game and I've invested time into it, a lot......If I am having this bad experience and friends who are not as invested as I am in this game are turning away from it, then I see and's not about winning at a high level...its about the fundamental enjoyment of the game and making it possible for average players to to be rewarded for time invested and dedication to the game.
if y'all are cranky cause a lot of people are posting their gripes, then maybe you should consider, i've never even seen this forum in any detail till last night, when i went through threads to get a sense of what was being said and here I am today, frustrated enough to come on and post...Clearly i'm not just trying to pile on, i felt compelled enough to come on here and start a discussion.
as far as i'm concerned the piling on of "why does everyone complain" seems a worse problem on this forum TBH, proved out here in this thread by the context of everyones responses, lol. good times.
dude no one attacked you at all here. in fact many understand your headspace completely. i don't agree with each point you brought up, but i agree with most of what you said for sure.
@TheHungryHole said in First post on a gaming forum ever:
@BigFes902 said in First post on a gaming forum ever:
I know you guys are addressing my comment about how people don't take criticism of the game and SDS here well but I do find it funny how I didnt call anyone names, only wrote about my experience and used no hyperbole and all the comments are on the topic of the nature of criticism on this forum rather than the core subject of my thread, which is....the game is not enjoyable for a lot of people and DD as a game mode for regular gamers is not worth it....
and "I like this game because it is the only form of baseball right now! Enjoy it for baseball, not trying to win on Legend."
Because i can't win on Legend, is not my was an example I used to show that I am decent at this game and I've invested time into it, a lot......If I am having this bad experience and friends who are not as invested as I am in this game are turning away from it, then I see and's not about winning at a high level...its about the fundamental enjoyment of the game and making it possible for average players to to be rewarded for time invested and dedication to the game.
if y'all are cranky cause a lot of people are posting their gripes, then maybe you should consider, i've never even seen this forum in any detail till last night, when i went through threads to get a sense of what was being said and here I am today, frustrated enough to come on and post...Clearly i'm not just trying to pile on, i felt compelled enough to come on here and start a discussion.
as far as i'm concerned the piling on of "why does everyone complain" seems a worse problem on this forum TBH, proved out here in this thread by the context of everyones responses, lol. good times.
dude no one attacked you at all here. in fact many understand your headspace completely. i don't agree with each point you brought up, but i agree with most of what you said for sure.
my bad, wasn't meaning to imply I was being attacked. more so, just found it funny that everyone was talking about toxic complainers and nothing else when i was just trying to be constructively critical!
I appreciate your response and everyones response really! like the one youtube mlb streamer i like said this week "I love this game, I just want to be good at it" LMAO
Only play this game as much as I do because there’s no sports and when the show came out MUT was put to rest for me. Love baseball and need it and this is all we got for a while lol. Will keep playing the game no matter what cuz it will never get me mad like MW2 did back in the day
This year the game is all about user skill. So a lot of players can't cut it because they want the game to hold them. These are the players that try to blame the game because like in their day to day life they blame others for their mistakes instead of owning it.
@tylerslikewhoa said in First post on a gaming forum ever:
This year the game is all about user skill. So a lot of players can't cut it because they want the game to hold them. These are the players that try to blame the game because like in their day to day life they blame others for their mistakes instead of owning it.
Not only are you blatently ignoring known issues such as're implying that a game like this should only be fun for the elite players which is total BS.
Also, you're making a lot of assumptions about other people....for myself personally, in the past, when i did used to suck at this game, I learned why, how to be better and I put in the time and it worked...what's happening in this years game imo, is different than that...I don't agree with your "Skill" based view of this game
plus you're also ignoring when the game was launched it was in decent was that version of this years game also based on skill in your opinion? cause there was significantly less issue wise going on in that version of MLB 20......
@maskedgrappler said in First post on a gaming forum ever:
Most people take criticism fine. There's much to be critical about. What people don't take well is hyperbole, insults and name calling, and making the same thread over and over again everytime you lose a game.
Unless its Tyler, he's just a troll and I don't know why people still entertain him.
From my observations this is true Unless you are attacking gamers. Then you can use hyperbole, insults and name calling. Just don’t hurt the precious egos of the guys making the game.
Good post OP with many valid points about game play. Keep posting!!
@BigFes902 said in First post on a gaming forum ever:
Been playing the Show for 4 years now. Can't even begin to say how frustrating and disapointing this years game has been so far.... the horrible patches, the fielding issues, etc...
Last year I really leveled up at this game, pushing myself to play consistently at a Legend difficulty level in DD, i'm not a scrub, but this year man, its the most inconsistent slog in any game I've ever experienced
Some people here don't seem to take criticism of SDS or the state of game very well (lol) but to me, there's no debate about whether the game has issues that are leading to a major problem...the game is way to frustrating and at times challenging even for above average players......all 4 of my buddies with this game, have abandoned DD mode or the game altogether...
And here comes the part i'm sure to get flammed about, but to me, it's just apparent...this game is catered towards advanced players and streamers and %1000 benefits that set of gamers or like any sports game dynasty mode....people who just plug money into it
Day 1 seemed SO PROMISING GAH! go back SDS, go back to first iteration and think hard on what's going on here....
Honestly, the gameplay over the last year has really slipped. The on-field product has really slipped, with the game turning into an unpredictable mess. It really seems like SDS has 1) tried to reinvent the wheel and implement more complex engines which have created more unpredictable results and 2) in general focused on graphics, stadiums, animations, content, new game modes, etc while neglecting the actual baseball aspect of it.
I mean to be honest, this is DD centric but stadium details don;t even really matter to me. The fact that they went out to companies this year to get the rights to the signs out in the bleachers hasn't made me want to keep playing this game. For the most part most DD games don't even get played in MLB stadiums. I just want to a baseball game that plays well and the mechanics seem solid. Everything seemed to go downhill when SDS tried to invent a new hitting engine to replicate the cylindrical nature of the bat, and instead turning the PCI into this odd nebulous concept that nobody seems to be able to clearly define exactly what it represents. This year looks like it's fieldings turn to get butchered.
@GxOxAxT1 said in First post on a gaming forum ever:
SDS needs to take some notes from Konami Pro Yak Spirits baseball game, most realistic baseball game out there batting and pitching physics
Except for the crazy breaking balls. Haha
I was trying so hard to wait to buy the game on sale, but i was getting bored with the games i had. I really regret spending $60 on this absolute mess of a game. This years game by far has the most random outcomes, unreal bugs/glitches and just overall poor gameplay. Extremely disappointed.