Freeze off on my end, forfeit on opponents end.
Was in the 14th inning of the most annoying Polo Grounds game ever when my opponent paused to bring in a pinch hitter. I used the opportunity to warm up yet another reliever and when I exited the menu my game froze on a still shot of my pitchers in the bullpen. No movement, but ambient crowd noise.
After waiting a couple minutes I assumed we had entered a freeze off. I'll only wait on them a few minutes and then just dashboard so I can play again. I went to grab a coffee from upstairs and when I came back my screen showed me as the loser. Saved the clip and watched it back and after a few minutes paused it said "your game has been forfeited"
Not even mad, I was done with the game and offered a friendly around the 12th anyways, but might be a bug that needs looking into.
Sounds like your pause timer was running down while your screen was stuck on the bullpen
Yet another thing they said they fixed in the patch before this last one that actually hasn't been fixed. This happened to me a couple weeks ago and was specifically mentioned in patch 1.08.
@LankyRyan said in Freeze off on my end, forfeit on opponents end.:
Sounds like your pause timer was running down while your screen was stuck on the bullpen
That's almost certainly what happened.