TA Points Modes not equal time for points
@dbarmonstar said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
TA points from Showdown, MTO, or grinding innings are not close to equal time,
Showdown can be done in an hr equal 20. 5 Voucher get 4 points when you exchange each one. If you fail that is wasted time takes longer.
MTO takes about 7 hours on VET with Max points of 52
Grinding innings takes about 2 in a half hours for 5 points. You would get 15 points in about the same time as MTO. We should get more points for grinding innings. this can be done in half the time if you get the lead and bunt to get out, it takes 20 min a game. I could be in a little over an hour for 5 points = 35 points in 7 hours.
If you can complete showdown the first time in each time you get 120 in about 6 hours, last night was the first time I was able to do it on first try.
Showdown gives the best rewards.MTO or showdown is the best way to go.
Of course you could do exchanges if you have the stubs or want to waste stubs doing that.
It's why I started grinding my innings online. 2 points for 150 innings online and it is counting towards the 250 too. At least for the teams that I am still on Stage 1 for. Since I dont care at all about my RS record win or lose I get my innings in.
@the_dragon1912 said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
I agree the innings need to be worth more points, but other than that I think its fine how it is. You have 3 options: A fast but expensive way in exchanges, a fast way for free but requires skill or a slow way for free that is easy. The gotta have it now mentality is why there was an uproar about the MTO bug being fixed. In what world do you need to have all 30 of these cards? You were supposed to choose the ones you wanted to do and grind them out gradually. I understand wanting to get them all done to prepare for stage 3 but that is 2 months out at the very earliest
I am not saying it should be done fast, I do think showdown is good, I think innings should Match the Points of MTO. Both are free to play and easy to max out on VET for 52 points.
@JaksDaddy758 said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
Honestly, I’ve just stopped worrying about what the most efficient way is and do whatever I feel like I’m gonna enjoy most.
So I’ll spend a little time on showdowns then switch to MTO before I break my controller. Then when I get tired of that grind I move on to another.
In the end it’ll all get me TA points. I’d rather enjoy the ride than stress about it.
I agree I switch it up to. When I either get bored or frustrated.
@nflman2033 said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
@dbarmonstar said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
TA points from Showdown, MTO, or grinding innings are not close to equal time,
Showdown can be done in an hr equal 20. 5 Voucher get 4 points when you exchange each one. If you fail that is wasted time takes longer.
MTO takes about 7 hours on VET with Max points of 52
Grinding innings takes about 2 in a half hours for 5 points. You would get 15 points in about the same time as MTO. We should get more points for grinding innings. this can be done in half the time if you get the lead and bunt to get out, it takes 20 min a game. I could be in a little over an hour for 5 points = 35 points in 7 hours.
If you can complete showdown the first time in each time you get 120 in about 6 hours, last night was the first time I was able to do it on first try.
Showdown gives the best rewards.MTO or showdown is the best way to go.
Of course you could do exchanges if you have the stubs or want to waste stubs doing that.
It's why I started grinding my innings online. 2 points for 150 innings online and it is counting towards the 250 too. At least for the teams that I am still on Stage 1 for. Since I dont care at all about my RS record win or lose I get my innings in.
That is true, I do not care about my record either. I am going to try the new Event I want the McGriff card.
@dbarmonstar said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
Grinding innings takes about 2 in a half hours for 5 points. .
Not really... load up your team with 9 guys from the same team that equals 81 Innings per 9Inning Game vs CPU.
You only have to play 3 Games plus 1 Inning to complete the 250 Innings needed. That definitely doesnt take you 2 and a half hours to do so. -
@dbarmonstar said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
@nflman2033 said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
@dbarmonstar said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
TA points from Showdown, MTO, or grinding innings are not close to equal time,
Showdown can be done in an hr equal 20. 5 Voucher get 4 points when you exchange each one. If you fail that is wasted time takes longer.
MTO takes about 7 hours on VET with Max points of 52
Grinding innings takes about 2 in a half hours for 5 points. You would get 15 points in about the same time as MTO. We should get more points for grinding innings. this can be done in half the time if you get the lead and bunt to get out, it takes 20 min a game. I could be in a little over an hour for 5 points = 35 points in 7 hours.
If you can complete showdown the first time in each time you get 120 in about 6 hours, last night was the first time I was able to do it on first try.
Showdown gives the best rewards.MTO or showdown is the best way to go.
Of course you could do exchanges if you have the stubs or want to waste stubs doing that.
It's why I started grinding my innings online. 2 points for 150 innings online and it is counting towards the 250 too. At least for the teams that I am still on Stage 1 for. Since I dont care at all about my RS record win or lose I get my innings in.
That is true, I do not care about my record either. I am going to try the new Event I want the McGriff card.
Yeah, I picked up a few wins with a far inferior team in the event yesterday. If online was a more enjoyable experience, I'd probably go for crime dog. But 7 out 10 games are so laggy. The biggest lag problem is pitching meter.
@flamexJD20 said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
@dbarmonstar said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
Grinding innings takes about 2 in a half hours for 5 points. .
Not really... load up your team with 9 guys from the same team that equals 81 Innings per 9Inning Game vs CPU.
You only have to play 3 Games plus 1 Inning to complete the 250 Innings needed. That definitely doesnt take you 2 and a half hours to do so.Yeah, if you are doing it to grind out the points ASAP, you can grind out the required games in about 1h to 1h30 tops.
Depending on how many runs you score, vs CPU is what 30-45 minutes a game. I think 90 minutes for 3 is really fast, if you are putting up 20 runs then it could take 2.5. I wonder what the fastest you could do, score a quick few then bunt out until the game is over. Maybe 20 minutes. So that is 1 hour for 5 points. That is 20 points in 4 hours. You can do at least 3 SDs in 4 hours.
No matter how you do it, innings are nowhere close to being worth enough to be a viable option, but like I said, burned out on MTO and not great at SD, I've had to resort to grinding innings online and exchanges to get me out of stage 1 for a few teams.
you either bunt out, or put the controller down and do something else. You don't have to score any runs to get innings.
I imagine you get so little TA for the Innings because there’s no ramifications for losing. I can throw away a 9 inning game with 9 team specific players and get 5 points in 3-4 games. You can go winless and rack the innings up. You actually gotta win in MTO and Showdown to get the higher TA... So it makes sense to me.
@nflman2033 said in TA Points Modes not equal time for points:
Depending on how many runs you score, vs CPU is what 30-45 minutes a game. I think 90 minutes for 3 is really fast, if you are putting up 20 runs then it could take 2.5. I wonder what the fastest you could do, score a quick few then bunt out until the game is over. Maybe 20 minutes. So that is 1 hour for 5 points. That is 20 points in 4 hours. You can do at least 3 SDs in 4 hours.
No matter how you do it, innings are nowhere close to being worth enough to be a viable option, but like I said, burned out on MTO and not great at SD, I've had to resort to grinding innings online and exchanges to get me out of stage 1 for a few teams.
They are [censored] close to being viable... You can do Showdowns but you are not guaranteed to win those... Especially not with those Platinum Glovers and CY Young winners on top of that effd up rng
Well yeah, that’s sort of the point...Showdown is all or nothing and the hardest so it provides the best value when successful. MTO you can cater to your skill level and there are various reward points where you can get something. Inning grinding is literally just taking the field regardless of outcomes, so that becomes the worst value time wise.
The one thing I don’t necessarily understand is how people blow through ShowDown so quick. I’d say an average SD run for me takes closer to 2 hours. The Moments can be time consuming...