Pay to Win! cards do matter
Except it's not pay to win. A team of silvers could be your bolstered squad, it's only a matter of skill.
@Ikasnu said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
Except it's not pay to win. A team of silvers could be your bolstered squad, it's only a matter of skill.
This is a dishonest argument. If two players of equal skill faced off, and one had a bought god squad, and the other had a NMS squad of Silvers and Golds, the god squad will win far more often than lose
@ImDFC said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
@Ikasnu said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
Except it's not pay to win. A team of silvers could be your bolstered squad, it's only a matter of skill.
This is a dishonest argument. If two players of equal skill faced off, and one had a bought god squad, and the other had a NMS squad of Silvers and Golds, the god squad will win far more often than lose
That wasn't the argument he was making. I'd happily take on OP's godsquad with an all silver team and I'd mercy rule him guaranteed (based on the information he provided).
Edit: okay maybe not mercy rule, but I'd win that's for sure.
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I would lose to anyone half way decent. My point was that cards do matter. If I leave zone on..... I can’t hit anything. Twitch reflexes are horrible. My only hope of having any chance to win is directional. Directional is influenced heavily on cards stats, more so than zone. If I play with silver and golds and a few free diamonds. I lose every game guaranteed.
So yes , this game is pay to win. I am not complaining, just making an observation
@CalisGW said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
I would lose to anyone half way decent. My point was that cards do matter. If I leave zone on..... I can’t hit anything. Twitch reflexes are horrible. My only hope of ha omg any chance to win is directional. Directional is influenced heavily on cars stats, more so than zone. If I play with silver and golds and a few free diamonds. I lose every game guaranteed.
So yes , this game is pay to win. I am not complaining, just making an observation
you are completely wrong but keep digging your boot straps into the dirt it makes you look dumber and more inline with the other complainers on this forum today
don't let the door kick ya on the way out
Funny how people will only see their view as the only possible correct view. It’s why we have a bitter divide politically atm. Skill matters , yes. Cards matter too. If that premise is correct , then by definition... online can be seen as pay to win.
raesONEreplied to CalisGW on May 4, 2020, 11:26 PM last edited by raesONE_PSN May 4, 2020, 11:27 PM
@CalisGW said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
I would lose to anyone half way decent. My point was that cards do matter. If I leave zone on..... I can’t hit anything. Twitch reflexes are horrible. My only hope of having any chance to win is directional. Directional is influenced heavily on cards stats, more so than zone. If I play with silver and golds and a few free diamonds. I lose every game guaranteed.
So yes , this game is pay to win. I am not complaining, just making an observation
I advise you to look up YourFriendKyle on YouTube. He has a series where he takes an all gold squad to World Series, beating one godsquad after another and the competition he plays is pretty good. That might change your perspective.
@CalisGW said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
Funny how people will only see their view as the only possible correct view. It’s why we have a bitter divide politically atm. Skill matters , yes. Cards matter too. If that premise is correct , then by definition... online can be seen as pay to win.
nah man you are just doubling down on your argument when all of us in this thread have told you so far you are wrong
thats all it is - you can't listen
I listen quite well. Read my original post again and actually comprehend what I am saying. Without “buying” a team. I am pretty confident I stay in spring training. Float around 200 to 300 rating. With a bought team I hit 500. 500 is above what I consider my skill level.
People are so quick to see their confirmation bias that they don’t truly digest what they are reading. I made an observation is all. That for me in my circumstances, I am paying to win. 500 rating is nothing to most people. To me I am content.
Now to your point , that you obviously do not even understand that you are making because we’ll , intelligence and all. The higher you go rating wise, the less cards matter and more that skill plays the dominate part on who wins .
Sigh , what world we live in that I have to prove others points for them
@CalisGW said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
I listen quite well. Read my original post again and actually comprehend what I am saying. Without “buying” a team. I am pretty confident I stay in spring training. Float around 200 to 300 rating. With a bought team I hit 500. 500 is above what I consider my skill level.
People are so quick to see their confirmation bias that they don’t truly digest what they are reading. I made an observation is all. That for me in my circumstances, I am paying to win. 500 rating is nothing to most people. To me I am content.
Now to your point , that you obviously do not even understand that you are making because we’ll , intelligence and all. The higher you go rating wise, the less cards matter and more that skill plays the dominate part on who wins .
Sigh , what world we live in that I have to prove others points for them
nah i don't need to go back and forth with some online invisible troll who cannot comprehend what many of us are saying
you are a tool and seeeeeeee ya later big boi you on da block list now
and you are such a negative nancy crybaby may i just add that in there
kinda like an Eeyore
Lol on block list. Omg what will I do. Nowhere was my post being negative. If anything I was being positive. I enjoy the game more so now that I can win a game here and there instead of losing every game I play. The fact that my observation does not fit into your belief upsets you.
Instead of countering with facts and antidotes on why your belief holds water. You just say “ you are wrong , I am right ... you suck and so on and so on “. Try actually thinking and having an actual debate sometime. Might learn a few things
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@raesONE said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
@CalisGW said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
I would lose to anyone half way decent. My point was that cards do matter. If I leave zone on..... I can’t hit anything. Twitch reflexes are horrible. My only hope of having any chance to win is directional. Directional is influenced heavily on cards stats, more so than zone. If I play with silver and golds and a few free diamonds. I lose every game guaranteed.
So yes , this game is pay to win. I am not complaining, just making an observation
I advise you to look up YourFriendKyle on YouTube. He has a series where he takes an all gold squad to World Series, beating one godsquad after another and the competition he plays is pretty good. That might change your perspective.
So because a top 5 player in the game can win with an all gold squad you think anyone can easily do that?
If an average Joe with a god squad faces off against an average Joe with an all gold squad, the average Joe with a god squad will win 95% of the time, hence the initial post.
@Vipersneak said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
Today I blocked TheHungryHole, and RaesOne both. They are #$!%#&'s who think they are the best and spend all day coming on here and pounding their chests. I suggest putting them on ignore as well. They will disagree with you regardless of your opinion or what point you are making. They are both argumentative, insulting, and immature.
This guy is great at math though, but doesn't allow people to rebuke his arguments with the most basic version of math.
I guess I have a different definition of P2W, if the grind to get diamond players was ridiculous I could see it being called that, (Ala something like a First-person shooter selling a gun or requiring 1500 kills to earn it). SDS provides many avenues for free to play players.
Now they do require some grinding to get, so if your definition of P2W is you don't have to do some light/medium grinding, I can see calling it that. But to me personally, that's not P2W, we can make up scenarios of "average joe vs average joe with god squad" all we want, but unless we are talking Mantle or something, it's more long the lines if "average joe that grinded vs average joe that jumped straight into ranked". It's more of a time spent variable then cash most of the time.
That's my opinion on it, if you disagree, no biggie, I don't think there is one set definition of P2W anymore, people see it in different ways.
@teamJambon said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
@raesONE said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
@CalisGW said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
I would lose to anyone half way decent. My point was that cards do matter. If I leave zone on..... I can’t hit anything. Twitch reflexes are horrible. My only hope of having any chance to win is directional. Directional is influenced heavily on cards stats, more so than zone. If I play with silver and golds and a few free diamonds. I lose every game guaranteed.
So yes , this game is pay to win. I am not complaining, just making an observation
I advise you to look up YourFriendKyle on YouTube. He has a series where he takes an all gold squad to World Series, beating one godsquad after another and the competition he plays is pretty good. That might change your perspective.
So because a top 5 player in the game can win with an all gold squad you think anyone can easily do that?
If an average Joe with a god squad faces off against an average Joe with an all gold squad, the average Joe with a god squad will win 95% of the time, hence the initial post.
Bingo, I NEED the god squad to win a game at the 200 to 500 level. I am well aware of my skill level ( pretty bad ). I actually had fun playing online because I won a few games (heavily influenced by the cards ) . Most people at the 200 to 500 level do not have a god squad. Due to that fact , I have an unfair advantage. To put it in perspective. I own the Astros and my 162 game schedule is against the Marlins every game , while everyone else has to play a real schedule.
best hitter I have is THAMES. He can't be bought. Next best is my CAP, who is also free. My best pitchers are free. This game is far away from pay to win, and this is probably the best year ever for someone to get a NMS team to include the LS collection rewards all for free - even without skill.
I think this is a pointless argument but reason being is that it isnt pay to win but more so pay for more wins. If you do pay to get better players you will obviosuly do a little bit better. But you also can get an all diamond team without paying. So while buying your way to having Mantle definitely gives you an edge up, it is far more weighted for skill. If directional was the only hitting option then perhaps it would be more pay to win but not a lot of people use directional. And consistently putting PCI for zone hitting in the right places using zone takes practice and skill.
@CubanDoctor21 said in Pay to Win! cards do matter:
I think this is a pointless argument but reason being is that it isnt pay to win but more so pay for more wins. If you do pay to get better players you will obviosuly do a little bit better. But you also can get an all diamond team without paying. So while buying your way to having Mantle definitely gives you an edge up, it is far more weighted for skill. If directional was the only hitting option then perhaps it would be more pay to play but not a lot of people use directional. And consistently putting PCI for zone hitting in the right places using zone takes practice and skill.
I am 20 and 47 in rank seasons and most of the games are fun however I do get slaughtered a few times and then there are people who provide bad experiences like 1 million times with the pause button