Fielders diving instead of running
Sometimes my fielders will dive instead of run when i use the left stick to try to move them. I've reported this bug twice, and I know some of you have experienced this. Has anyone managed to "fix" this?
Yeah. Happened to me a lot last night, my dude in the outfield would just leap in place as the ball sailed over his head
Yea it's very frustrating, I've reported the bug multiple times, so far nothing as far as a potential fix is concerned or anything
I’m not sure it’s a game bug as much as a controller issue. I noticed it happens to me when I use one controller and never when I use a different one.
Hmm my controller is fairly new but I'll try using another one and see what happens
Had same issue several times today. Cost me a game. Just started doing it after last patch. It is a bug for sure.
yeah, same here. It is mainly my outfielders just randomly diving.
No I don't touch the right stick at all once i throw the pitch
The issue is that you're accidentally putting too much downward pressure on the left joystick. Real talk