Freddie Freeman went off
Just finished the regular season with the Braves and good Lord...Freddie had a season. I only got the player boost game with him in August...dude finished the season hitting .361 with 63 HR and 159 RBI's...CPU loved some Freeman.
Anyone else have someone that flat went off? Team also won 117 games. What's the most games anyone has won? (disclaimer - i suck so i play on Veteran)
Yeah I finished with the Braves this weekend and same thing Freeman with off. I Finished the Cubs this weekend, Kris Bryant went crazy like that to.
David Dahl won the triple crown. I can’t remember if I had a player boost moment or not. But every time I used him, he crushed.
Kris Bryant posted a .358 55 HR and 146 RBI's. Yankees one I did, they won 129 games.
I just finished Balt regular season and John Means went 17-6
I play on veteran too. I did a braves run and had Acuna, Freeman, Franmil Reyes and Trevor Story all over 40 home runs. I know Acuna was in the low 50’s and Freeman was right behind him. I had Ozuna and Albies in the 30’s.
I honestly didn’t pay attention to my final win total after I clinched the all time record, I think it was 121-123 range.
Yordan Alvarez hit 61 with 163 rbi. And I just finished a Twins season where they hit 350hr as a team.
Mike yastremski hit 53hrs, 122rbi, 324avg for me won the division.. not The playoffs though giants team as a whole is absolutely sofftt once you get to higher difficulties there PCI looks like it's just a a needle
Every year we broke Seattle's regular season record in the 4 i've done all 162 with. I looked up in my last one and saw Conforto had 53 HR. [censored]!