Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!
Been debating on buying one for a few days now, I just don’t want to play on a small screen
@raesONE said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
@Untchable704 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
It makes a huge difference online too. Don’t know why he’s acting like it doesn’t.
Sure HOF and legend compared to Veteran or All Star is going to be harder. But it’s still that much easier to see on a monitor.
Huge difference huh. Okay. It's literally 20-40 milliseconds difference. Yeah it's a difference, but it's certainly not "huge".
It’s a huge difference. I went from not being able to see a fastball to being very early on 98+ mph consistently and having to tell myself to wait back.
If you’re a top player than sure all star on a tv might just feel like HOF with a bigger PCI and you might be able to win. But for the average player it’s night and day. To the point unless you’re a top player this game isn’t even worth playing without a monitor.
@Untchable704 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
@raesONE said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
@Untchable704 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
It makes a huge difference online too. Don’t know why he’s acting like it doesn’t.
Sure HOF and legend compared to Veteran or All Star is going to be harder. But it’s still that much easier to see on a monitor.
Huge difference huh. Okay. It's literally 20-40 milliseconds difference. Yeah it's a difference, but it's certainly not "huge".
It’s a huge difference. I went from not being able to see a fastball to being very early on 98+ mph consistently and having to tell myself to wait back.
If you’re a top player than sure all star on a tv might just feel like HOF with a bigger PCI and you might be able to win. But for the average player it’s night and day. To the point unless you’re a top player this game isn’t even worth playing without a monitor.
Well, I went from making WS on my TV to making WS on my monitor. Not to boast or anything, I'm just saying that I already had success without the monitor. And even though I also do notice a difference, it's not huge is all I'm saying.
@Baragar45 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
Been debating on buying one for a few days now, I just don’t want to play on a small screen
It’s really not that bad. You just sit closer and it all evens out.
@Baragar45 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
Been debating on buying one for a few days now, I just don’t want to play on a small screen
Yeah.. I'm the same way.. I was it set up in front of my normal tv in my "mancave" only for this game. Then when playing something else I'll go back to my original tv
Depending on your tv, it is a massive difference going to monitor. Don’t let anyone tell ya different.
Ummmmm... guess I have to get used to the pitching too!!! Holy shiznat that meter goes ALOT slower!!! Wowooooow
For people with newer TVs that have game mode, a monitor will only be a slight upgrade.
If you go from an old tv without game mode to a monitor, then you’ll definitely see a huge difference.
Ok... here's some perspective from me. I started a SHOWDOWN when I connected this new monitor, I USUALLY go 4 for 12 in challenges, I just went 12 for 12!!! With NUMEROUS walk off home runs!!
I would always ask myself watching YOUTUBERS, how are they so good at this game??? Now I know why
I went 1-7 in my last 8 games. Got a monitor and am 6-1 since.
I play on a 32in vizio 1080p tv with game mode. Ordered a new monitor that should be here Friday. We will see if it’s worth the upgrade
I have always played on tv. This ready I’m kinda struggling in MLB 63-30 or something like that. I got a monitor and I’m 2-8. Didn’t notice that big of a deference. No idea y
Helps with pitching too
@raesONE said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
@Untchable704 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
It makes a huge difference online too. Don’t know why he’s acting like it doesn’t.
Sure HOF and legend compared to Veteran or All Star is going to be harder. But it’s still that much easier to see on a monitor.
Huge difference huh. Okay. It's literally 20-40 milliseconds difference. Yeah it's a difference, but it's certainly not "huge".
20-40 milliseconds is huge when the ball gets to the plate in less than a second
@boduke82 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
I play on a 32in vizio 1080p tv with game mode. Ordered a new monitor that should be here Friday. We will see if it’s worth the upgrade
I just made a new post with my experience. Read it
@ejwik13 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
@raesONE said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
@Untchable704 said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
It makes a huge difference online too. Don’t know why he’s acting like it doesn’t.
Sure HOF and legend compared to Veteran or All Star is going to be harder. But it’s still that much easier to see on a monitor.
Huge difference huh. Okay. It's literally 20-40 milliseconds difference. Yeah it's a difference, but it's certainly not "huge".
20-40 milliseconds is huge when the ball gets to the plate in less than a second
Whatever you say buddy.
@CEZdominatesAD said in Holy shiznat MONITOR!!!:
I have always played on tv. This ready I’m kinda struggling in MLB 63-30 or something like that. I got a monitor and I’m 2-8. Didn’t notice that big of a deference. No idea y
If you were 63-30 on a tv, you are doing great. I have a newer 4k tv and really don't see much of a difference compared to my monitor. I have a 4k 1ms monitor but I play the game on 1080. However, on the tv I have to be somewhat close to it but not as close as to the monitor.