@MLBTHEJOE said in Collections:
I completed the collection last year in December being NMS. I didn’t buy any packs! Please do not buy packs i beg you...
@MLBTHEJOE said in Collections:
@MLBTHEJOE said in Collections:
I completed the collection last year in December being NMS. I didn’t buy any packs! Please do not buy packs i beg you...
And this is the point, if you want to spend all that time to complete these collections for all the common, bronze, and silver players by putting all those orders, sure you can finish by December. However, buying the bundles does allow you to finish them quicker with the infusion of these level of cards with a chance to land some of the bigger diamonds. Again, to each his own and if you know why you are buying packs, they can be enjoyable. Plus, it helps to know your own ability to make those stubs up if you completely strike out.
Putting in orders for all the common, bronze, and silver players for a team literally takes 2 minutes.
@SaveFarris said in Collections:
Putting in orders for all the common, bronze, and silver players for a team literally takes 2 minutes.
And then it takes till DECEMBER because?????? Thanks again for all your wise wisdom.
Though I haven't completed this years LS collection, I have for the previous 4 years using the "put in all the orders" method.
2019: June 27th
2018: August 2nd
2017: September 1st
2016: January 16, 2017. Though, to be fair, I didn't buy the game until Black Friday that year.Maybe you're doing it wrong?!?
Misquoting me my friend. I didn't give when I finished it, but I can tell you for me anyway, completing it even in June and August is too late for me to want to use the high tier cards.
The large point that got cherry picked with the putting in individual orders is more complex and that there are many reasons to buy packs. What I come down to is that for some, buying bundles is awesome, and for some not so much. If one is doing it to simply get diamond cards and usable players for RS, then no I agree it is not the way to go, however, the flat "DO NOT BUY PACKS AT ANY COST FOR ANYONE" is not what the OP was asking for.
It does feel great though when we can get out of that submitting hundreds of buy orders for entire teams of silver, bronze and commons tho, am I right?
The problem with buying packs for collections is that once you finish the commons and low bronze you get 95% doubles. Yeah, you can sell them, but you wont come close to recouping your stubs.
@maskedgrappler said in Collections:
The problem with buying packs for collections is that once you finish the commons and low bronze you get 95% doubles. Yeah, you can sell them, but you wont come close to recouping your stubs.
That where you can make the rest in flipping cards.
As the T-800 once said: "I have detailed files."
I'm certainly not going to tell anyone how they should or shouldn't play the game. If you'd rather constantly rip packs, more power to you. Just pointing out that the order-by-order method isn't as tedious as you ascribe it to be.
And with that, off to buy...
Colten Brewer
Kyle Hart
Jeffrey Springs
Darwinzon Hernandez
Brian Johnson
Ryan Weber
Jonathan Lucroy
Bobby Dalbec
CJ Chatham
Marcus Wilson
Michael Chavis
Marcus Walden
Jose Peraza
Josh Taylor
Alex Verdugo
Eduardo Rodriguez
Christian Vazquez
Rafael Devers
Xander Bogarts
JD Martinez
Chris Sale -
@dj_jvogtie628 said in Collections:
Is it better to buy each diamond individually or do 50 packs every so often? I’ve never done the collections before but I’m giving it a go this year... even if it takes me a year.
you have better odds with buying Headliners. I buy bundles and flip cards. I've have put a hold on bundles cause I am not pulling any diamonds from them. I pulled two low diamonds from HL packs. The rest in free packs the game gives us. I pulled Chris Sale last night from a free XP pack.
From Conquest 10 packs free I pulled
Bregman 1st time
Chapmap 2nd timeFree packs
RelmutoThe other diamonds I have bought with stubs I flipped. I completed 3 teams where diamonds were needed this weekend buy flipping cards last week. From the Free stubs and Packs given out from playing the game.
PHISince the game has been out I have finished the collection of the following teams with buying 10 pack bundles and buying cards on the Market
SF -
@SaveFarris said in Collections:
As the T-800 once said: "I have detailed files."
I'm certainly not going to tell anyone how they should or shouldn't play the game. If you'd rather constantly rip packs, more power to you. Just pointing out that the order-by-order method isn't as tedious as you ascribe it to be.
And with that, off to buy...
Colten Brewer
Kyle Hart
Jeffrey Springs
Darwinzon Hernandez
Brian Johnson
Ryan Weber
Jonathan Lucroy
Bobby Dalbec
CJ Chatham
Marcus Wilson
Michael Chavis
Marcus Walden
Jose Peraza
Josh Taylor
Alex Verdugo
Eduardo Rodriguez
Christian Vazquez
Rafael Devers
Xander Bogarts
JD Martinez
Chris SaleI am off to flip cards so I can finish off Stl today I only need the diamond of Flaherty