So now what’s your goal in playing? Honest question because there are many others like you. So now you bought your way through all of the collections. So.... now what?
@biscodisco said in Finally....:
So now what’s your goal in playing? Honest question because there are many others like you. So now you bought your way through all of the collections. So.... now what?
Hmmmmmm lets see, enjoy my time playing and reach prestige. That’s my goal.
@biscodisco said in Finally....:
So now what’s your goal in playing? Honest question because there are many others like you. So now you bought your way through all of the collections. So.... now what?
Probably complain about there not being enough to grind for or work towards.
@genopolanco said in Finally....:
@biscodisco said in Finally....:
So now what’s your goal in playing? Honest question because there are many others like you. So now you bought your way through all of the collections. So.... now what?
Probably complain about there not being enough to grind for or work towards.
Says the peasant
Enjoy! I have them and they are all great cards. It’s about playing with the cards you want to and having fun, regardless of wins or losses. If you can afford to throw a few hundred at the game and use it a lot.... why not? It’s only a few hundred bucks that’s like one night out at a good restaurant and a movie with the fam. Ps Sheffield is a monster
@MaxHarvest said in Finally....:
Enjoy! I have them and they are all great cards. It’s about playing with the cards you want to and having fun, regardless of wins or losses. If you can afford to throw a few hundred at the game and use it a lot.... why not? It’s only a few hundred bucks that’s like one night out at a good restaurant and a movie with the fam. Ps Sheffield is a monster
Exactly!! But yeah I can’t hit with Sheffield, I mean don’t get me wrong. Once he makes good contact, that ball is flying lol but he just sits in my bench for now.
@genopolanco said in Finally....:
@biscodisco said in Finally....:
So now what’s your goal in playing? Honest question because there are many others like you. So now you bought your way through all of the collections. So.... now what?
Probably complain about there not being enough to grind for or work towards.
Theirs actually a lot of grind and content out right now. So I can’t even complaint about that lol but nice try.
I struggled with him for a week, now is my best hitter, even against righties..... (come up and in I dare you) his D is solid and plays way above his stats in left, if he makes an error it’s glitch related , but mantle does that too. His speed makes up for some less than great initial reactions. His swing is faster than most as it’s so aggressive and pull heavy, it’s similar to Griffey, so you have to let the ball travel a spit second further.
@biscodisco said in Finally....:
So now what’s your goal in playing? Honest question because there are many others like you. So now you bought your way through all of the collections. So.... now what?
Actually playing.... duh
MaxHarvestreplied to Hikes83 on Apr 18, 2020, 5:13 PM last edited by MaxHarvest_PSN Apr 18, 2020, 5:14 PM
@Hikes83 said in Finally....:
@biscodisco said in Finally....:
So now what’s your goal in playing? Honest question because there are many others like you. So now you bought your way through all of the collections. So.... now what?
Actually playing.... duh
Yeah the point for me is to play games in ranked, don’t care about record or making ws although I did come close last season and that’s fun and all. But I didn’t buy the game to grind [censored] I have no interest in. My sole purpose on this game to to play ranked season games with the cards I want and have fun. So that’s the point! I grind too and can enjoy that as well but if you only play to grind grind grind or to get the next card to collect that u won’t use, then we are playing for dif reasons
@MaxHarvest said in Finally....:
I struggled with him for a week, now RS my best hitter, even against righties..... (come up and in I dare you) he’s D is solid and plays way above his stats, is he makes an error it’s glitch related , but mantle does that too. His speed makes up for some less than great initial reactions. His swing is faster than most as it’s so aggressive and pull heavy, it’s similar to Griffey, so you have to let the ball travel a spit second further.
I’ll try him out again at third cause my outfield is stacked right now with Gwynn, Mantle, and Yelich. I just have to get used to that swing lol
@imnotThatg00d_94 said in Finally....:
@MaxHarvest said in Finally....:
I struggled with him for a week, now RS my best hitter, even against righties..... (come up and in I dare you) he’s D is solid and plays way above his stats, is he makes an error it’s glitch related , but mantle does that too. His speed makes up for some less than great initial reactions. His swing is faster than most as it’s so aggressive and pull heavy, it’s similar to Griffey, so you have to let the ball travel a spit second further.
I’ll try him out again at third cause my outfield is stacked right now with Gwynn, Mantle, and Yelich. I just have to get used to that swing lol
I play sheff at 3rd and he’s ok. Not the best but not bad. There’s no way I could leave his bat on the bench though. He’s by far my best hitter
Yellich is my lefty go to bench bat, I hate not playing him cause he is my best bat not starting.
I chose shef over him as Gwynn is my best hitter. Shef might be too shaky for 3b , I always want diamond over there cause the hot corner gets tons of action. This makes me one righty to heavy but I’ll take it for the beast
I am also a money spender, though this year due to quarantine I have spent about 25% of previous years. I am now Arenado and Bellinger away from completing collections. Only 40k more stubs if their prices don't keep rising.
You either pay with time, money or both. No shame in any of them -
The money I would save grinding stubs ,
Does not equal out to if I put that time into my business, and just buy the Stubbs and then the time I put into the game is playing and having fun. It’s the most productive and cost effective method for me to enjoy the way I want to -
It’s a video game, it’s not supposed to be work
Also a huge plus to just buying stubs early and getting collections done is that the prices are not inflated yet. I’ve found that with a few hundred bucks you can basically get it done with some luck and grinding mixed in. Then once your done, all the Stubbs you make accumulate and you can basically buy anyone you want the rest of the year and never put in another dime
@T-Rox_09 said in Finally....:
@genopolanco said in Finally....:
@biscodisco said in Finally....:
So now what’s your goal in playing? Honest question because there are many others like you. So now you bought your way through all of the collections. So.... now what?
Probably complain about there not being enough to grind for or work towards.
Says the peasant
That reference must be over my head.
@MaxHarvest said in Finally....:
Enjoy! I have them and they are all great cards. It’s about playing with the cards you want to and having fun, regardless of wins or losses. If you can afford to throw a few hundred at the game and use it a lot.... why not? It’s only a few hundred bucks that’s like one night out at a good restaurant and a movie with the fam. Ps Sheffield is a monster
How is it only a few hundred? I did a count for national league and its ATLEAST 800k for the top players on each team
I spent 400 and got it all done, I would have spent more but didn’t need to, I did it when prices were low, and had some decent pack luck and daily’s mixed in