Frame Rate issues on XBOX Series X/S
I'm experiencing terrible frame rate issues while pitching and hitting. Hitting seems to only be affected when players get on base or certain players come up to bat (Elly De La Cruz) I play on Legend with advanced sliders and it makes hitting impossible. The game looks great, but it needs optimized.
I've also seen that I'm not alone. On two different well known message boards there are threads with multiple people experiencing the same thing. Hate to be a whiner, but I just dropped nearly $80 on the game which I didn't mind because I've played it (and loved it)on Game Pass for the past few years. But I haven't been able to play a single full game after purchasing. Super frustrating.
I'm not looking for a refund quite yet, as I'm really hoping that SDS will hear about this and try and put a patch together in the upcoming days. Anybody else having these issues? I've tried freeing up space, clearing my cache, and reinstalling. Nothing works. So that tells me it most likely has to do with some kind of optimization issue right?
Anyways, for the people that purchased the game and aren't experiencing issues.... enjoy the game.
It's because of the long hair, multiple people have already said something
Really? Maybe it’s the camera view? I’m using SZ 2 or 3 for pitching and hitting, I don’t remember which one offhand. But I’m getting 119fps on PS and XBX. This is for offline content. I have no idea what online fps is for me because I don’t play online.
I'm on Xbox Series S. It's really bad when trying to pitch and to bat. It' just the standard camera settings also.
As far as I know it's only on Xbox
It’s the same on P5
They had this problem before with Tatis and Elly, don’t know why it’s taking so long to apply the same fix.
Have you done a report on the app ?
@jaychvz_XBL Not on the app, but I did submit a ticket.
Does anyone know if the team gets information from the forums?