SDS has issues
Re: There's no shot anyone at SDS tests their game.
There are many issues with this game a week into release and SDS has shown no transparency with regard to putting out a statement as to when or if many of these issues will be addressed.
Stadium creator is non functional. Can't believe they didn't see and address issues before release.
Very low resolutions at times on the outfield wall billboards and don't get me started on the mountains behind center field at Dodger stadium.
Boogs commentary of "base hit to right field!" when in reality it's a fly ball to left field.
Going to the bullpen to change pitchers mid game and cannot get out of the bullpen. Full shutdown of the game is required, all progress of the game is lost. Does not happen all the time but has happened to me as well as others.
Sunglasses being worn by players at night (this one has been corrected but can't believe it was missed prior to releasing the game).
Lets’s go (team name) chant goes every pitch while the home team is batting...very annoying.
There are many other bugs being reported. I have listed the ones that I have encountered and I only play exhibition and franchise modes.
SDS's QA is beyond atrocious. To release an AAA game in this condition is unacceptable then not to have any transparency concerning releasing a statement as to realizing these issues and commenting on when they will be addressed is even worse.
I submitted a bug report ticket to SDS yesterday and of course I've heard nothing back. SMH
Other than the sunglasses thing which should have been obvious, I’ve encountered NONE of the bugs reported, except only twice in 8 days, the menu freezing in DD lineups. Lots of bugs can’t be reproduced in a controlled environment in a small scale.
There are so many variables that unless a chance occurrence happens, they won’t be able to find most of them. Give it time.
@OPD188_PSN said in SDS has issues:
To release an AAA game in this condition is unacceptable then not to have any transparency concerning releasing a statement as to realizing these issues and commenting on when they will be addressed is even worse.
This sentence is atrocious. If you're going to write about something that has been released to the world without first being checked for errors, you should heed your own advice. Also, I don't think you quite know how to use the word "transparency."
Perhaps your expectations of getting a response in less than 24 hours for a bug report ticket pointing out minor issues are unrealistic, considering the game launched less than three days ago...
These are nothing compared to playing a game with permadeath and being 80% through and having a bug cost you to have to start from the beginning.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in SDS has issues:
@OPD188_PSN said in SDS has issues:
To release an AAA game in this condition is unacceptable then not to have any transparency concerning releasing a statement as to realizing these issues and commenting on when they will be addressed is even worse.
This sentence is atrocious. If you're going to write about something that has been released to the world without first being checked for errors, you should heed your own advice. Also, I don't think you quite know how to use the word "transparency."
Perhaps your expectations of getting a response in less than 24 hours for a bug report ticket pointing out minor issues are unrealistic, considering the game launched less than three days ago...
Hard to argue with that reply!
Wow, to attack my grammar instead of commenting on the issue at hand is a statement in itself. You must be one of those SDS fan boys (did I use the right pronoun)?
This game was released largely untested and SDS should be ashamed.
Oh yeah, it's been 3 days now and no response from my bug report. Since you seem to be in the know just how long should it be before I receive a response?
Minor issues!? I don't call the stadium creator not working MINOR. Obviously you don't use it but for us fictional fantasy type franchise players it is essential and for it to not work out of the box at launch is unacceptable.
@OPD188_PSN said in SDS has issues:
Wow, to attack my grammar instead of commenting on the issue at hand is a statement in itself. You must be one of those SDS fan boys (did I use the right pronoun)?
This game was released largely untested and SDS should be ashamed.
Oh yeah, it's been 3 days now and no response from my bug report. Since you seem to be in the know just how long should it be before I receive a response?
Minor issues!? I don't call the stadium creator not working MINOR. Obviously you don't use it but for us fictional fantasy type franchise players it is essential and for it to not work out of the box at launch is unacceptable.
How long to expect a response?
That depends on how many tickets are being submitted,this time of year with everyone submitting tickets left and right... probably a week or 2.
game has been out for just 3 days that is not a lot of time to look through all the code to try and identify reported issues let alone respond to them, and they did release a patch during early access for some issues. -
I laugh so hard on "ground ball base hit right field!" LOL SDS
@OPD188_PSN these issues are pretty big and very obvious. The "ground ball base hit right field" is unacceptable on a fly ball near the track. The other ones I haven't seen but I'm sure there are more.
@OPD188_PSN the fan boys are really crazy. Lmao They are prominent on here but just remember that any rational person who cares about baseball feels the same way you do.
Yo yo yo
@OPD188_PSN, the issue at hand is that you provided a nice bit of unintentional comedy with your crying about others not checking their work by proceeding to do exactly the same in your petulant little post.
Even in your clumsy retort, your list of 6 unacceptable transgressions became one thing that wasn’t minor (sorry, it still is), so even you have tossed aside 5 of the 6 trivial matters you were initially crying about.
That you think tending to such things in the midst of a launch is how SDS should be spending their time is indicative of your immaturity and self absorption, and also doesn’t reflect well on the fictional fantasy type franchise players community (though one has to ask… are those players real, or fictional?).
The minor issues in this game will be addressed in due time. Personally, I don’t care for the Albert fixation that has become all the rage with the NPC fan base, but I think the game—you know, the baseball part—is playing pretty well right now, so I’m not going to fret about it much. As an adult, I can understand that it might be further down the list of things for SDS to do at the present time.
@OPD188_PSN Under their FAQ section it clearly states that no tech test would be preformed before release. That's why they're seeing all these problems from the overheating Playstation's to the terrible frame rate drops during pitching and batting on XBOX (and PS from other accounts) not to mention all the other various bugs and glitches that are going on. Hopefully they will take our legitimate complaints seriously and not lose some of us consumers business.
@OPD188_PSN a lot of people on here attack grammar I don't know why It's one of the silliest things ever It's like dude we're talking on a form people are going to make spelling mistakes get over yourself That's my opinion on it anyways and if you're that sensitive to grammar mistakes then stop reading gaming forms or forms in general
@xsawxsaw2121_PSN said in SDS has issues:
@OPD188_PSN a lot of people on here attack grammar I don't know why It's one of the silliest things ever It's like dude we're talking on a form people are going to make spelling mistakes get over yourself That's my opinion on it anyways and if you're that sensitive to grammar mistakes then stop reading gaming forms or forms in general
Punctuation is your friend
@xsawxsaw2121_PSN, I was actually pointing out the situational irony, there, with the guy essentially complaining about errors in the developers’ code in a post riddled with errors; grammar was simply the means through which he invited the observation.
If I was to rail against all affronts to writing that I came across in this forum, it would indeed be quite silly… and exhausting.
Interesting that you choose to jump in to defend bad grammar against insult in a thread whose very title was meant to insult, and whose body was comprised of more insults fueled largely by criticism of unimportant things… no issue with that?
I also see that you’ve no concern for punctuation, but I implore you to adopt some, as it could someday mean the difference between life and death. Consider the following: Lets eat grandma vs. Let’s eat, grandma.
Now let’s go play some baseball.
@xsawxsaw2121_PSN said in SDS has issues:
@OPD188_PSN a lot of people on here attack grammar I don't know why It's one of the silliest things ever It's like dude we're talking on a form people are going to make spelling mistakes get over yourself That's my opinion on it anyways and if you're that sensitive to grammar mistakes then stop reading gaming forms or forms in general
If ppl would take the time to spell and use punctuation correctly, no one would be able to call it out.
It takes 5 seconds to make sure it's right FFS. -
@PAinPA_PSN Well some of us just post something and sometimes we don't see it so you know give people a break. know what everyone is not perfect unlike yourself
@The_Joneser_PSN I'm not really defending bad grammar necessarily I've just see way too much of that on the forms and it's kind of irritating it's like who cares honestly there's bigger and more important things in the world to worry about than someone making one simple little spelling mistake