No Repeatable Conquest Maps?
You can still get those stats in the stadium games of DQ....and those 2 hours i mentioned was sim time, not actual game time. But i agree that they need to add even a small repeatable map, and I think they underestimated the amount of people who want this. I would be surprised if we don't get a repeatable conquest sometime in the next month or so. Like the Jazz map from 23.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in No Repeatable Conquest Maps?:
You can still get those stats in the stadium games of DQ....and those 2 hours i mentioned was sim time, not actual game time.
Oh, I get that! I just meant with getting rewards, too. Although, I guess you do get a pack every time you win the DQ games regardless.
Otherwise, the other thing I’ve done to get some quick W/H/S stats is the one starter conquest with Boston (where they give you enough guys to play that game immediately on rookie). But you don’t get repeatable packs.
I’m gonna see how just spamming the DQ map feels tomorrow. I’ll just cancel out of all the challenges.
@Teak2112_MLBTS I don't know that I'll be playing a month from now if there's not one LONG before then. Every day I log on and there's still not one I have less and less desire to play the game. "Play how you want... unless it's conquest. Then go F yourself." Apparently.
@JDHalfrack_PSN I have wanted, for 13 years now (since I started playing HUT in '12), for a UT mode to have a full season mode against actual teams, playoffs included, with your UT team. I've pretty much given up on ever getting it at this point, but if any of them ever do, that will be pretty much the only game I play going forward.
No repeatable conquest is a big L.
Just bring back the jazz map. Its not going to break the market anymore than DQ.
I just miss the USA map in general and it's reuse was pretty much the only good thing about OoP. Maybe bring it back on July 4?
@LadySwampfox_XBL Completely agree. The USA map was great to have in your pocket to grind stats and at the end you got 3k stubs and a 20 pack (or was it a 10 pack) -- regardless it was a decent bonus every time through.
To have taken that away is a bummer. I cant help but jump right to thinking, its about removing those extra rewards...otherwise why not have the 3 split maps have repeatable rewards to replace the old giant map.
I doubt it was an oversight.
@Teak2112_MLBTS I liked the ones that had 3 strongholds for 5 packs that were in 23 (22?) and before. I used to spam that one to jumpstart my inventory
@alecj_MLBTS I thought the USA map was too much of a grind for that 20 packs bundle; the games yes, but filling the hexes was a chore. That said, they could have left it.
If anyone cares, you can bee-line it to the stadium(s) in DQ and do parallel and stat quests that way. Just forfeit all the quests along the way. You get a pack everytime you win.
@mietha_PSN I'm starting to feel the same, especially with the much lower strikes thrown rate by CPU pitchers. Playing conquest was my favorite...played 1000s of games each of the last 4 years...because it is quick and requires low concentration. But now the cpu throws like 50/50 balls strikes so I can't just chill and play while I stream a movie or show.
I find diamond quest to be an absolute borefest and getting a bunch of 1 card bronze packs isn't "rewards"
@JDHalfrack_PSN might do this. Thanks. I've been spamming mini seasons but that has always been harder than conquest because teams are all leveled as opposed to playing actual mlb teams that are not same level.
@DFC_MLBTS They nerfed the hell out of mini seasons rewards too.
The benefits of Conquest and Mini Seasons are getting PXP and TA missions complted. But they totally killed mini season rewards and the USA map. Basically they are pushing us to DQ.
@mubby_33_PSN Yeah, and I have very little interest in DQ. It’s just as slow as moving around hexes on a conquest map.
People are upset over the removal of repeatable USA map, but its not like the current iteration of the classic mini season isnt 15 packs + 1 ballin for ~23 games or so. And if you do it multiple times the other rewards will add up (shop packs, trade ins of mini season icons, etc) its certainly more time efficient than last year's conquest
The thing is, I like seeing my card's stats. You cant focus single pitchers like you can in conquest, but that doesnt bother me. Also hitting just feels better in conquest to me, and its not just because the pitchers are lower overall. Plenty of golds and silvers in ms right now
I can see SDS thinking 'well, we removed the annoying presentation in ms and its more efficient than USA map so we dont need repeatable USA map'. But some people just prefer conquest, or prefer a choice.
@Teak2112_MLBTS Mini seasons used to net way more packs though.
@Teak2112_MLBTS conquest games are easier than mini season games to stat build too because mini season opponents are generally rated a point or 2 plus or minus to our team while conquest opponents are just mlb rosters with LS cards