I think SDS ripped me off
I earned 17 now and later packs in the show 24 and just received 6 packs for them in the show 25 (I did get Mays). How is this? I didn’t earn them all at the end of the “event”.
I got 10 on Tuesday, then I got 11 today for my 21. Tomorrow is Friday, so you may get your other 11 tomorrow. Also, I know SDS said you had to have gotten all the packs in 24 prior to early release of 25. So if you got packs after that, they probably won't give them to you.
I got my last one and mays today....weird how I got twenty early and 1 later on.....
@dap1234567890_PSN I think the cutoff was earlier than that. I'm pretty sure on one of the streams last week (Tuesday, I think, but could be wrong) they were talking bout this and mentioned that the deadline had already passed, but they were rather vague on when exactly it was.
@mietha_PSN I was watching that stream and when they mentioned it is when I did the Now and Later Program. I think I got the whole thing done before the end of that stream because there was not much to that program, but I got all of those vouchers eventually after two different drops.
SDS rips everyone off. That's what they do. Nothing has changed.
If you're missing any Now & Later packs, reach out to our support team and they can help you out.