You know it's time to call it quits for the night...
When you are playing the ChiSox on Veteran with their #5 SP and you only get three hits through 8 with no runs and you gave a run on three hit and you have to walk it off in the 9th. Now, I'm playing with a bunch of golds and silvers in trying to get through the Spring Breakout program, but also getting of the wet noodle bat with perfect-perfect coming up way short or a line drive straight at an infielder. And unfortunately, they only gave me a single for that walkoff hit even though my guy was just about at third when the winning run crossed the plate. I needed that XBH for the program stat grind.
is your team golds and silvers? pretty easy to get 10000 stubs through gameplay and build a full team of 83 pipeline players with some 80/81/82 RP/CP. plus you'll start to earn all the pipeline program players and then you can sell back your 83s
Beat the Rockies 4-0 on Rookie trying to grind the XBH w/ Tigers for Spring Breakout. They're hot Garbage. Ended up just doing the moments to get it done.
I started like this too, but now I’m putting up a ton more runs. It’s really about getting used to the power creep coming from ‘24. Once you make the adjustment, the game becomes even more fun.
I already have the Pipeline Program done. I am working on the Spring Breakout Program with Pirates and Tigers for their XBH missions. I have done the Pipeline, Starter, and Tokyo Series programs completed as well as being at least 40,000 TA for each team (have every single silver and gold players plus six of the 30 Jolt diamonds). Unfortunately, the Pirates and Tigers don't have diamonds for their team missions in that program (except for the Jolts, but they are not of the six Jolts I have). I also have the LS collection done, so I am not hurting for better players.
I usually beat the ChiSox some where between 15 to 25 to nothing, even with teams of silvers and golds (and these noodle bat exit velos), but that last game I was too tired and ready for bed and hence why I nearly couldn't pull out a win against them. This was a huge signal that it was time to quit playing the game and go to bed!
Djeeezus, you have lots more free time than me…
@yankblan_PSN Yeah, I have a lot of free time! I had quit my most recent job a few days before early release, and now I'm back to being just retired. I am also going to be on vacation for the next week and a half starting tomorrow, so I am getting way ahead so when I come back and I won't feel like I'm so far behind!
@dap1234567890_PSN nice; btw I wasn’t being judgmental, just envious lol.
Just 20 years from retirement (unless I get lucky), who knows what gaming will be like then (or my joints).
Fair, I started like this but I was still attacking as if I had the 99's from the end of 24...once I changed my approach on how I needed to score runs...base hit, steal second, sac bunt or ground out to advance the runner/base hit...I started pumping runs in. In turn, because I'd get the pitcher's confidence low I'd start seeing more meatballs and end up hitting more XBH's too.
@yankblan_PSN I know you weren't being judgemental nor rude nor disrespectful. You are not one of those guys here.
I must have been real tired last night, because I didn't even fill out that lineup with silvers and golds from the Pirates and Tigers. I had left two spots with 59 Commons from random teams that I had forgot to change! Even with that same lineup, this morning I still beat the ChiSox 15-0 again. I did manage to get the last few XBH for the Pirates. Now I just need to finish the Tigers' XBH mission.