Does anyone else hate the no-doubt homerun animation?
I really do not like the view of the player when they hit a no-doubt homerun. It was a mild annoyance at first, but i really miss the excitement of watching the ball fly out of the park. Is there any way to turn this off?
I wish. That’s been one thing that’s bugged me every year. Just give us the option to shut it off again.
I play small ball. Draw a walk. Steal. Bunt to third. Score on fly ball. Haven't experienced this yet.
I like it, it's cinematic, they should give you celebration options though.
I love it ! The combination of of the player eyeballing the flight of the ball coupled with watching the ball sail over the fence with the distance marker popping up is awesome ! I find it much better than past animations.
i like it . it reminds me of the Nintendo Gamecube game Home Run King
I actually enjoy it more when I give up a homer...I think it looks better in its presentation.
The old ones are also still there. When I hit one with Freddie Freeman it was the no doubt animation from behind him that was there previously.