Bunting is terrible now
(Console player)
So now instead of just using the left stuck to choose a direction to bunt you have to now hold Y and then direct the stick. Essentially you're telegraphing that you're going to bunt. This is so stupid. I get they co-opted the left stick for ambush hitting but they do know there is a whole other stick right? You could have just shifted direction options to the right stick or had ambush hitting controlled by the right stick. I hope they fix this massive stupidity.
I don’t know what I’m missing here because bunting controls the same for me as it’s always has.
You can't chooae a direction when bunting with timing hitting. Unless I missed something
Pretty sure you can hold the left stick to the direction and tap the bunt when the pitch comes in.
@DeadMetalRazr_XBL Ambush hitting is controlled by the right stick. I think it makes bunting more realistic...you have to direct it with the left stick just like you're aiming your PCI. Press Triangle (Y) before the leg kick to Sac Bunt and Press it after the leg kick to Drag. Now it actually takes a bit of skill and practice to get good at bunting instead of blindly pressing a button.
Bunting has been made a pain due to complaints from players in the show 24
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL said in Bunting is terrible now:
Bunting has been made a pain due to complaints from players in the show 24
and ts 23 and ts 22 and ts 21 and ....
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL It’s not any more difficult. It’s just the stick instead of the right.
But you could chose a direction before hand in the previous versions
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL Not sure why doing it as you bunt is any more difficult.
Hitting in general is overly terrible this year I don't know what it is but the pictures seem to throw way too hard and the hitters bats seem to move way too slow compared to like last year's hitting which was actually pretty decent as much as people complain about it
@xsawxsaw2121_PSN You’re using silvers golds and low diamonds instead of maxed out 99’s. It’s the same hitting engine.
PC Player. Bunting is fine over here.
@theBlindRhino_PSN said in Bunting is terrible now:
PC Player. Bunting is fine over here.
Its not on PC. Stop lying
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL I know. I was reacting to OP thinking being a console player is relevant.
@GoozeFn_PSN I don't play diamond Dynasty so no I'm not using anything lol diamond Dynasty is a greedy money-hungry mode that I refuse to touch like any other digital card-based mode that I refuse to do in any other game.
It may be the same engine but they've definitely changed or tweaked things It is not the same hidden You don't get the same oof behind your hits like you did last year Even with the top players in the game and if you look at the replays when you're actually hitting if you digest a replays very closely you can see when you swing sometimes the ball actually goes right through your bat which is incredible
@xsawxsaw2121_PSN They nerfed the elevation on some parks too.
@GoozeFn_PSN I'm not sure but I hope we can find a common middle ground
The best way to describe hittings this year it's like swinging a wet noodle
@xsawxsaw2121_PSN I’m not experiencing that at all.
Maybe for everyone it's a little bit different but I find in franchise mode especially it's like swinging a wet noodle