We need custom stadiums in custom leagues
We need custom stadiums in custom leagues guys. The feature has been out for half a decade and I still cannot use the stadium in the league.
Yeah fr let us have fun
Yes I agree daddy
yes please
Custom stadiums!!!! Let us have it!
Speaking as one of the people who has designed around fifty custom stadiums, given the shocking discovery that there was absolutely NOTHING added new to Stadium Creator, no new props of any type, and zero upgrades in SC capabilities, I won't be designing any new stadiums.
Frankly, I've lost all of my desire to use Stadium Creator.
For comparison sake, I can go to PGA Tour 2K series (acquired from HB Studios) and design golf courses that are only limited by my own creativity. I can absolutely create a golf course every bit as good as the official courses that came with the game. But, SDS continues to artificially limit what we can create in SC by refusing after four years to even allow us to move the [censored] bullpens off the field of play!
Very much appreciate the feedback, folks. Passing it on to the team.
@SDS_JoeK_PSN appreciate it brotha