DD Deep Dive Video Just Dropped: Grade A-!
@GradektheBard_PSN you need to come to terms with the fact that the LS collection is going to be a 99, and most likely the AL/NL cards will be too.
Just because you won’t have them early release launch/launch night doesn’t mean that the people who want to use their credit card shouldn’t be able to get them.
The part that I don’t think you’re quite grasping is that it’s the people who spend money that make the games economy go around. Weird, right?
The content creators, and the other people who bust out the credit card make cards available on the market by selling them, lower their costs and make them affordable for those who don’t buy stubs, and grind NMS. They also get to make the content that gets other people interested in the game. When a streamer/content creator has the best cards in the game early, they can make the best possible content for them, and the community, which will generate hype and revenue for SDS and the community.
The end result is SDS has the money from the micro transactions to bring us the legends that we all want. And to pay the dev team, and to pay the people behind the scenes that are bringing us the best possible content that they can.
TL;DR: launch night 99 rewards are always going to be a thing. You can have them too if you want to pay for them.
@dmc04005_PSN I don’t think you quite understand that the same people who buy all the cards launch night will still buy all the LS diamonds launch night (since those would be the best cards). It’s not like people are going from spend $1000 to zero, it’s like to $800 (so SDS still makes money) and isn’t it amazing that all the other ultimate team games do just fine without having day 1 99s?
I am not disputing that it is likely we will see a LS collection 99 at launch, just that it isn’t actually good for the game in the long run (specifically balance and actual power creep).
@GradektheBard_PSN I think the amount of people spending thousands of real dollars to get the collection done day 1 would be significantly less if it’s not a 99. I can see the AL/NL not being a 99, but the whole collection has to be. It would be massively disappointing. I don’t think it’s ever not been a 99. They would get absolutely blasted.
@GradektheBard_PSN one to three 99’s in the game at launch doesn’t upset the balance at all. The likelihood of you running into someone that finished the collection is low. And I can guarantee you that a skilled player with all golds or something of that sort will beat an average player with all the best cards. It’s a skill issue, not a better cards issue.
@dmc04005_PSN I think it’s more like 50/50 the league rewards are a 99. They were only 95 last year and that’s with seasons. They were 99’s before though.
@GradektheBard_PSN Before seasons, it was a couple thousand dollars at launch. Don’t be surprised if the collection is significantly more expensive this year.
@dmc04005_PSN I completely agree. It takes most people months to finish the collection. Even getting one league done can take weeks. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, give us lesser 99’s for the NL/AL rewards. Give us an NL Tony Gwynn and AL Wade Boggs for example. Give us the 99’s that don’t play later in the year early.
@dmc04005_PSN it’s not launch night that matter, it’s what happens going forward.
The new weekend league matches you up against players of your skill level, so having substantially better cards will make a huge difference.
AND all the die hard get LS done relatively quickly and with a slow power creep (which it looks like we have) you are effectively going to run into the same lineups constantly in competitive play. This was a huge problem that people constantly complained about in the past and it will only be worse wi5 a slow power creep where those LS collection cards are the best cards for 4 months.
I understand your point about weekend leagues, but I disagree a little:
If you are in lower ranks and face an opponent with every card either they aren't good or they haven't done ranked much and used them a lot so I don't think it will be as much of a mismatch.
If you are in higher ranks then they are good players anyway (so are you for that matter) so skill on both sides trumps cards and also not as much of a mismatch
(More so than lower ranks ...) -
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN I would have made him a bronze because at that age, he could still field his position at first base. On the other hand, Thomas had just an average arm, and wasn't going to win a Gold Glove, either. Just being realistic!
@GradektheBard_PSN The first weekend league will be several weeks out. People will have the collection done NMS before the first one. Not everyone can do that, but it’s certainly possible. Just depends on your willingness to flip cards.
@GradektheBard_PSN said in DD Deep Dive Video Just Dropped: Grade A-!:
@SaveFarris_PSN maybe. I am still not convinced they have any 99s in the game at launch with the overalls we are seeing (highest live at 91, WS awards look like 88s, etc).
I hope it's a long slow play to 99s. Will make completing the LS collection that more valuable for those that do (paid or flipping). The last two years have felt like a waste to complete it given how many high OVR cards were available from the start to the point where even the divisional collection rewards never made my team as there was usually a better card you could grind for available.
@GoozeFn_PSN said in DD Deep Dive Video Just Dropped: Grade A-!:
@GradektheBard_PSN The first weekend league will be several weeks out. People will have the collection done NMS before the first one. Not everyone can do that, but it’s certainly possible. Just depends on your willingness to flip cards.
Hopefully lack of the game being on gamepass doesn't hurt flipping lol
@aaronjw76_MLBTS said in DD Deep Dive Video Just Dropped: Grade A-!:
@GoozeFn_PSN said in DD Deep Dive Video Just Dropped: Grade A-!:
@GradektheBard_PSN The first weekend league will be several weeks out. People will have the collection done NMS before the first one. Not everyone can do that, but it’s certainly possible. Just depends on your willingness to flip cards.
Hopefully lack of the game being on gamepass doesn't hurt flipping lol
I don't know if it will make a huge difference but not being on Game Pass will certainly mean there will be fewer people buying and selling cards overall. I imagine there were plenty of people who played on Game Pass who will not pay full price for the game. Some will, but definitely not all.
@aaronjw76_MLBTS Flipping was just fine before it was even on XBox.
@Dolenz64_XBL Sure, but less people also means less competition flipping.