Can't use last name in Create player
I cant use last name in create player 'Gilfillan'
Says " inappropriate text" is there a way around that
There are so many of these truly ridiculous restrictions in names present in the game. One wonders who is making these decisions. One of the most ridiculous I have seen is that "Crimson Tide" is not allowed. Also, Texas A&M is always changed to "Texas AXM."
George Carlin did a great stage act on how names can be used in contexts that are appropriate but equally offensive, "Hey, Lady! Want a cocktail?"
The lesson to draw is to stop being so uptight about names. SDS needs to learn that lesson.
They have to put restrictions because morons abuse it and put ridiculous offensive stuff . Unfortunately it spills over to seemingly unoffensive stuff.
It's probably some AI or algorithm that flags that tho. -
@G98Tommy_PSN said in Can't use last name in Create player:
I cant use last name in create player 'Gilfillan'
Says " inappropriate text" is there a way around that
it blocked it probably because of GILF in the name.
i dont think there is a way around it.
@G98Tommy_PSN I had this issue a couple years ago. Submitted a ticket about it. Never heard back from them. Didn’t have an issue the following year.
Looks like a classic case of the Scunthorpe Problem -
@jaychvz_XBL said in Can't use last name in Create player:
They have to put restrictions because morons abuse it and put ridiculous offensive stuff . Unfortunately it spills over to seemingly unoffensive stuff.
It's probably some AI or algorithm that flags that tho.Yes, there will always be jerks trying to abuse any platform. The way to deal with them is to ban their console ID's from all access to the vault. And make it clear that any such abuses will be treated that way.
However, there is no reason for the ampersand to be automatically replaced with an X, and there is no reason why Ole Miss or Crimson Tide are banned. I can sort of accept decisions like banning the use of the real world name [censored] Howser Stadium, even though that is the actual real world name of that college venue.
Which hilariously, was likewise censored here. The actual stadium is named "Richard" Howser Stadium, but with the shortened name for Richard. I mean, there is no need for such clumsy efforts.
Because of all the people you face with [censored] avatars and pirates [censored] f’ing naked chicks
@PriorFir4383355_XBL said in Can't use last name in Create player:
There are so many of these truly ridiculous restrictions in names present in the game. . One of the most ridiculous I have seen is that "Crimson Tide" is not allowed.
It is allowed from what I know cause I've seen so many teams with that name. Now if it's not allowed in 25 it could have something to do with the college teams being slow rolled into the game.
Things have changed. There will be no more mockery of your name, Mr Glasscock
The logos need to be screened a lot better! It's one thing to have the '"Knockers,'" (Female Breasts on Bats), nickname and logo, loosely based on the St. Louis Cardinals (Birds on Bats). Yes, it's an adult logo, but it's been a traditional classic in "MLB The Show" for over a decade now, and is somewhat creative and tasteful. But last year I saw two logos showing sexual penetration, logos showing penises and vaginas, logos with full nudity, and some showing semen and female climax. I know that I am not a saint, a prude, or a puritan, but to me in my opinion; this was a step too far. This is a game that kids seven year-olds and under play with and without their parents, and they shouldn't have to see that. MLB sponsors this game and Playstation ranks this "E" for everyone and I'm not for full censorship on all adult material; but the most extreme logos need to be gone. This game has cleaned up it's act with the created names and nicknames, so to me, this is its final step in this category.
By the way, I have pre-ordered "MLB 25 The Show" and will be playing the game this year.
I would just legally change my name to something less offensive if I were the OP.