Soooo what’s new in 25?
Hoping for simple QoL changes, but we’ve gotta get something here…moveable foul ground and moveable bullpens are the bare minimum
....and backstops.
I feel like @PriorFir4383355_XBL and I, and countless other creators write the same list year after year and never get an acknowledgement let alone an answer as to why these things, simple QoL requests are never put into it
I feel nothing will change. Just look at created uniforms and logos. We probably have a better chance if "Sounds of the Show" coming back then moveable bullpens, foul territory, etc.
For me, this is a decision point. Without very significant upgrades to SC, I won't be buying another MLB The Show title. Improvements to game play and graphics while nice just aren't enough to really get me enthused. I'd prefer to keep playing MLB 24 in my Franchise mode.
We will learn the reality in the next few weeks or sooner. If nothing is said in the promos about Stadium Creator, then we know it wasn't improved.
@PriorFir4383355_XBL said in Soooo what’s new in 25?:
We will learn the reality in the next few weeks or sooner. If nothing is said in the promos about Stadium Creator, then we know it wasn't improved.
I wouldn't hold my breath.
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Soooo what’s new in 25?:
@PriorFir4383355_XBL said in Soooo what’s new in 25?:
We will learn the reality in the next few weeks or sooner. If nothing is said in the promos about Stadium Creator, then we know it wasn't improved.
I wouldn't hold my breath.
I don't think anyone really is...but to be fair, I don't think anyone believed they'd ditch sets and seasons despite the extremely negative reaction to it, and they did. Every so often they do surprise us. Even if the base stadium template was anything other than jewel box, with bullpens behind the outfield fences, would be refreshing
Not only am I not holding my breath, frankly, I have zero expectations.
I have drawn a very negative view of how SDS treats Stadium Creator. The reasons are numerous, all revolving around deliberate neglect and deliberate unresponsiveness. Just one example of dozens I think tells the story nicely.
In the first week of the pre-release of MLB 24 (which I purchased) I noticed a bug that affected custom created stadiums. Whenever the vignette video was played between innings that showed multiple players (usually three), when the action returned to the stadium, all the stadium seats had their assigned colors missing. If the seats were designed to be dark blue, they were now white. All the seats experienced this for the remainder of the game.
Now, four times I sent SDS bug reports with all the details for exactly what caused the bug. Having some experience writing computer code in my life, this did not strike me as a particularly difficult debug challenge. But, over the course of time, about 15 software updates were made for MLB 24, and not a single one of those updates fixed this bug!
Now, where I come from, that is called deliberate neglect. It is the hallmark of a software team that has lost touch with its customers. But, I think there is something even more sick at work here. SDS doesn't want the competition that a fully upgraded SC would provide. They don't want customers creating stadiums that rival what their own team produce.
Contrast this with other video games like the current generations of HB Studios (since acquired by 2K Sports) and their PGA Tour golf series. It features a very robust course creator, and it has been steadily improved over the years with the last release by far featuring the best course designer options. You can use it to create a golf course that is as good as anything that came with the game.
To piggyback on @PriorFir4383355_XBL 's point about not caring- the bug that creates the invisible barrier/no-go zone for the funky pre-made fence designs has been an issue since inception...THAT needs to be done away with as well. That's another one going on 5 years now
I don't think they're any major changes to SC. I was just watching the RTTS showcase and they created 4 stadiums for high school 1 for college. the bullpen were still down the foul lines seats look the same as last year and a lot of the same props were used from last year maybe we would get new walls/fence . If they were to have made any changes I think they probably would've showed it on the stadiums they created. I have low hopes and it's disappointing because I dont believe it's that difficult to make these changes that we have asked for
but what do I know I just play the game. any who we will find out soon. -
The thing that's the most annoying, is they don't have usable templates. Before CAS was a thing, my favorite park to use was Center City. I love the old look to it. When CAS was first announced back in the day, I envisioned taking that stadium and adding to it, making it a retro style, yet modern day ballpark for my DD squad. You would think by now, they would have had giving us the ability to do simple things like that. At the very least, have the field layouts usable for a new stadium. It sucks. This mode had great potential....but hey, at least we''ll have a fair share of new spaceships, monsters, and aliens to mess with. Right guys!
And we already know the seating templates we have will not fit flush with the wall.
I'm thinking our only course if action is to praise the mode and what we have and hate on what we don't have . Playing reverse psychology. The devs might think "oh no!! They like what they have, let's switch it up and give them what they hate! That hate moveable bullpens?! Well now, you have to move. They hate adjustable foul territory?! have to adjust it now!! Oh, you love that the stands don't align up with the wall correctly and you can't flip or invert them....well....boom. Here you go! Hate it!!"
Maybe it will work.
I wish they add World Baseball Classics Mode to play either online or offline.
Next week focuses on Diamond Dynasty. The last two weeks has focused first on RTTS and then on Franchise.
My guess is that given the pre-buy play options start in two weeks, that if anything is said about Stadium Creator that it will happen the week following the DD videos. I'm not hopeful, frankly. I would love to be proven wrong on that guess.
@Sarge1387_PSN hate to say it but with stadiums caring over there's no shot of this. I think we'll maybe get the chain link fences, a couple batters eyes, and 8 to 10 new props at launch.
Guess I'll just continue to showcase amazing created stadiums in YouTube and hopefully sds will one day pick up on it and see the potential that this tool has. But with all the garbage flooding the vault, costco, hattys, stadium row, etc. I'm sure the good builds don't get seen much. Only the short grinding stadiums used for DD
The vault reflects societal values, and sadly, there is an ugly component to that. Part of our society is ugly, people who harbor extreme desires to disrupt and cause harm and offense. It's the same situation with stadiums and logos. This is where online forums can help communicate stadium releases for projects that are honest efforts to create a functional and appropriate baseball stadium.
That said, there is also a second part of this problem, and that is people who complain chronically. To them, a stadium that has too high an elevation or too long or short outfield dimensions are somehow taken as being a personal insult, when that's over-the-top.
@Suel21_MLBTS said in Soooo what’s new in 25?:
@Sarge1387_PSN hate to say it but with stadiums caring over there's no shot of this. I think we'll maybe get the chain link fences, a couple batters eyes, and 8 to 10 new props at launch.
Yeah I think you're right. It's at the point where I'd just settle for updating the base template to something other than the d@mn jewelbox design. Like just make the base...old Milwaukee or something, with the bullpens beyond the fences, and tapered foul ground. Even that would feel refreshing
@PriorFir4383355_XBL said in Soooo what’s new in 25?:
The vault reflects societal values, and sadly, there is an ugly component to that. Part of our society is ugly, people who harbor extreme desires to disrupt and cause harm and offense. It's the same situation with stadiums and logos. This is where online forums can help communicate stadium releases for projects that are honest efforts to create a functional and appropriate baseball stadium.
That said, there is also a second part of this problem, and that is people who complain chronically. To them, a stadium that has too high an elevation or too long or short outfield dimensions are somehow taken as being a personal insult, when that's over-the-top.
I hate the fact that a few clowns ruin in for the rest of us...I remember when there was the unintended bug that allowed us to place the Batter's Eyes anywhere...and of course a few idiots had to go and ruin that for us...the creativity that allowed us to to hit was amazing