Playstation Maintenance
I'm getting an error code stating that they're performing maintenance; but when I check the Playstation Network status; ot states that everything is up and running.
Anyone else on PS having issues?
Same here, 10 popup messages in 20 minutes, bleep off Sony I'm playing offline.
Been getting for about 4 hrs . But I play god of war
WTF. What type of maintenence takes this long. Especially when the Netwotk Status is fine.
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN said in Playstation Maintenance:
WTF. What type of maintenence takes this long. Especially when the Netwotk Status is fine.
Its an outage not scheduled maintenance, the message is in error.
11 hrs later and still can't play baseball but play god of war
Screw this...going to get an XBOX
@ThaGhettoBlasta_PSN said in Playstation Maintenance:
Screw this...going to get an XBOX
If you're serious, buy a wired controller. The controller that comes with the XBox takes batteries. I like my Fusion Pro over the PS controller.
Some people are saying its back up for them, was up for about 20 minutes this afternoon for me but down again in Canada.
@Doppelganger39_PSN said in Playstation Maintenance:
Some people are saying its back up for them, was up for about 20 minutes this afternoon for me but down again in Canada.
Some people are evening saying it's like what happened in 2011 when it was down for 21 days.
Back up and running in Canada.
Not having any troubles here. Hehehe. Hahahahahah Muahahahahahh
UK here and I can't get on. Telling me I can't use this content and that I need to buy it, a game I got for free six months ago.
I played a little today from Gamepass. I didn’t want to turn on my PS5 and play because of what I’m hearing.