Are you going to fix gameplay issues
So how about you strive to make a game play like you advertise. I.E. no more very late bs hits, no more perfect perfect outs or perfectperfect fouls (why are you punishing people for being perfect), 100% pitch accuracy w/ a .03 early or late release going way out of the par like you totally messed up the input, pitches obviously being strikes and get called balls and of course the glaring issue of the last 2 years ridiculous amounts of foul balls and check swings. Again last 3 ranked games I played the average amount of fouls through 9 innings was 60!!!!! Yes I got bail out as well as my oppent and I still think it needs fixed.
Perfect perfect non hits are part of the game
xRatedGProdigyxwrote on Jan 30, 2025, 1:25 AM last edited by xRatedGProdigyx_PSN Jan 30, 2025, 1:25 AM
Remove the outer PCI, especially on higher levels.
Set ump accuracy to perfect and you wont have to worry about strikes being called a ball
@sbchamps17 said in Are you going to fix gameplay issues:
Perfect perfect non hits are part of the game
They need to fix PPP not working correctly with xbox wireless controller. Also get better servers.
Homerun percent should be nerfed as well. In MLB 10% of all hits are homers. So why in this game is it like 50/50?
@IrishFist412 i would say more like 70/30, i played a game last night, event game i had 7 hits 5 were home runs.
Why would there be no perfect perfect outs? That makes zero sense. If a pitcher makes a perfect throw and the batter has a perfect perfect swing, then the attributes/quirks/pitch location should play the determining factors. That’s baseball. You’re going to always have balls barreled that result in outs.