They are scaled back versions internet tough guy. I use real life things to gauge my talents in life, not a video game. I play games to chill and relax. The fact you accept mediocrity like this is why the game skates by and doesn’t actually make an effort to improve year after year. We are all entitled to our opinions so if you don’t like mine just move on. Unless tearing others down is your thing, I’m guessing it might be, it’s not that big of a deal.
I might have to try that. I’ve got 4 or 5 left and some of these have been like getting a root canal.
I have 3 left but had to step away for a break. Willie McCovey swings a pool noodle and 85% of what King throws is out of the strike zone. The other 15% he's painting corners. I got 1 mistake pitch over 30 minutes which I hit for a HR but sometimes you need to step out of the batters box and adjust your gloves and jock strap for a bit before stepping back in....
EDIT: just have Willie left. Grrr
Oracle park is the absolute worst place to hit home runs.
Unless you are a power hitting lefty.
this moment is more a matter of luck than anything, just get the sinker at the bottom(not under) or a hanger and hit it into the place named for him.
Therin lies the rub, he has the advantage but getting the pitches to hit..... -
I have 3 left but had to step away for a break. Willie McCovey swings a pool noodle and 85% of what King throws is out of the strike zone. The other 15% he's painting corners. I got 1 mistake pitch over 30 minutes which I hit for a HR but sometimes you need to step out of the batters box and adjust your gloves and jock strap for a bit before stepping back in....
EDIT: just have Willie left. Grrr
Oracle park is the absolute worst place to hit home runs.
Unless you are a power hitting lefty.
this moment is more a matter of luck than anything, just get the sinker at the bottom(not under) or a hanger and hit it into the place named for him.
Therin lies the rub, he has the advantage but getting the pitches to hit.....That's really my problem with it I guess. King, unless it's just bad luck on my part, seems to only throw bad out of the zone pitches or Cy Young like painting of the lines. Usually try try again you'll get your pitch but I'm just not. Hitting a couple off the wall isn't helping the frustration level lol
I have 3 left but had to step away for a break. Willie McCovey swings a pool noodle and 85% of what King throws is out of the strike zone. The other 15% he's painting corners. I got 1 mistake pitch over 30 minutes which I hit for a HR but sometimes you need to step out of the batters box and adjust your gloves and jock strap for a bit before stepping back in....
EDIT: just have Willie left. Grrr
Oracle park is the absolute worst place to hit home runs.
Unless you are a power hitting lefty.
this moment is more a matter of luck than anything, just get the sinker at the bottom(not under) or a hanger and hit it into the place named for him.
Therin lies the rub, he has the advantage but getting the pitches to hit.....That's really my problem with it I guess. King, unless it's just bad luck on my part, seems to only throw bad out of the zone pitches or Cy Young like painting of the lines. Usually try try again you'll get your pitch but I'm just not. Hitting a couple off the wall isn't helping the frustration level lol
Took me about 8 attempts,had the 1st homer in 4 of the 7 and didn't get a second pitch to hit, this one was more about patience then anything else, you get a pitch middle,middle down middle in or down and in and put a good swing on it and he destroys it, he pitches around you though...
@samguenther1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
I'm at 50 points with the pitching moments, comeback against the Mets, 3 runs against Percival, and 2 home runs with Mays, and the All Star 3 inning game left
I think you meant McCovey for the 2 hrs, right? That moment was the worst of all for me. I just kept hitting doubles deep into the alley.
I am at 65 points, I really like those moments. Some a harder than I initially thought (hardest for me was the 2HRs with Willie McCovey). I also like the DD-moments. Percival was not that hard when I put an all-lefty-lineup against him
… Right now: Big W, very good program.
Willy McCovey....I'm noticing all my Good and Perfects the exit velocity is always under 100. Is he using a whiffle ball bat?? This one is now taking me longer than the rest of them combined. I am 1 hr and 30 min in I have 1 HR
Funny things was McCovey was one of my best HR guys with his Easter egg card
Finally....I think the game felt bad for me. After hitting just 1 HR in 1 hour and half I got to fat change ups in a row for bombs. Program done and I'll never use a McCovey card ever again lol
I actually hit an oppo HR with McCovey. I got it on the 2nd try, and was '420'd' up 🤪
@sbchamps17_NSW said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
I also am not a good hitter and enjoy the grinding of conquest maps to complete program missions so this all moments program I don't like. How am I supposed to complete some of these if I can't even hit the ball well and plus can't hit a homerun to save my life even using directional so I got to 40 points but that's about it. Also tried doing the play a game on All Star vs the all action figure lineup and realized that I can't hit on all star that's why I constantly play on Veteran
You're gonna be in for a treat with the moonshot program on Friday lol. I think it was the moonshot program in 22 where it was just 50 HRs with lefties, 50 HRs with Rightites, 25 HRs with switch hitters, 15 HRs with guys under 6 feet tall etc lol
@MarioMendoza935_XBL said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
@samguenther1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
I'm at 50 points with the pitching moments, comeback against the Mets, 3 runs against Percival, and 2 home runs with Mays, and the All Star 3 inning game left
I think you meant McCovey for the 2 hrs, right? That moment was the worst of all for me. I just kept hitting doubles deep into the alley.
I did, my bad. Going to try that one again when i get home. Hopefully i have mlre patience then last night and can lay off the many balls thrown by the CPU
@sbchamps17_NSW said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
I also am not a good hitter and enjoy the grinding of conquest maps to complete program missions so this all moments program I don't like. How am I supposed to complete some of these if I can't even hit the ball well and plus can't hit a homerun to save my life even using directional so I got to 40 points but that's about it. Also tried doing the play a game on All Star vs the all action figure lineup and realized that I can't hit on all star that's why I constantly play on Veteran
You're gonna be in for a treat with the moonshot program on Friday lol. I think it was the moonshot program in 22 where it was just 50 HRs with lefties, 50 HRs with Rightites, 25 HRs with switch hitters, 15 HRs with guys under 6 feet tall etc lol
Believe it or not I can hit homeruns fine in play vs CPU or mini seasons or conquest just not in moments
@samguenther1987_PSN These are hardly extreme. All but 1 are on veteran and most of them are easy. Oddly enough, I had the most issues with the moment against Percival. I finished them all in about an hour and a half. I’m not a top player. I’ve never even made World Series. Pretty easy for a free 99 Yordan that isn’t slow. Too easy IMO.
I would ALMOST prefer moments on all-star than veteran. Veteran difficulty is harder than all-star for me. I think offline content for the most part should be casual and God mode. Everything should be rookie and easy mode. This entire year offline content has been like the person responsible for the extreme program doing all offline content , designing it for the extreme program and nerfing it just a little.
@virusts_XBL How long did all of that take? 5-6 hours? More? Seems like a lot of gaming time to me.
@TripleH-4481_PSN Internet tough guy? again being overly dramatic are we? Sorry that i told you the truth and it hurts cause its true. That doesnt make me an "internet tough guy". Just a realist. maybe you should do some research on what that term means.
@samguenther1987_PSN These are hardly extreme. All but 1 are on veteran and most of them are easy. Oddly enough, I had the most issues with the moment against Percival. I finished them all in about an hour and a half. I’m not a top player. I’ve never even made World Series. Pretty easy for a free 99 Yordan that isn’t slow. Too easy IMO.
Too easy? Can’t say I agree
The only thing I can complain about is that I wish Alvarez was a core card. Stinks to grind these hard(er) moments and only have him for a couple of weeks.
If we’re naming the hardest moment it was definitely McCovey lol.