This ended up being a pretty fun program, and I usually hate moments. I liked that they were at least a little different than the normal moments, were still very easy, and you got to use your own team for some of them. Nice little quick 2 hour offline grind with a really good reward at the end and lots of XP. Overall pretty solid.
@samguenther1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
So is this the moments extreme program?
I'll try these when i get home but like i said last night, i'm rapidly lossing intrest this year
It's like Extreme Moments if they were played on veteran (and there's a three-inning game played on AS).
I finished in about three hours (The Justin Turner one may have taken about 1/4 of that lol). A lot of the moments have poor visibility (shadowing, no batter's eye) and the RNG is pretty bad on them. Dozens of good/perfect outs. There are just a lot of annoyances that make it more frustrating and time-consuming than it needs to be.
Honestly I'm probably just burnt out of the same ole' grinds too.
So far it's been surprisingly easy and I guess I'm getting lucky because I started with what I thought would be the hardest ones but knocked out 12 in less than an hour. All but one are on Veteran which we all know is subjective but ends up being pretty easy just tedious.
The comeback and win in the 9th down 3 runs against Percival was brutal because no way those speed changes, painting corners and smaller PCI were veteran but still did it after 7 tries, and when I say 7 I mean if I didn't put the first 2 batters on base I started over. Moments are not really skill based they are more do you have the time and patience.
I did all the moments to finish the program, two conquest games and played two ranked games and reached the daily XP cap. That seems excessively fast.
Not the program for me and that’s ok but I’m sure cause I finished all of the rest this one will be one of the head start ones for season 3 to punish me
I'm at 50 points with the pitching moments, comeback against the Mets, 3 runs against Percival, and 2 home runs with Mays, and the All Star 3 inning game left
This is the most pathetic excuse for a "program" SDS has ever done.
@nymets1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
Not the program for me and that’s ok but I’m sure cause I finished all of the rest this one will be one of the head start ones for season 3 to punish me
I really hope that it won't be part of the head start because I also won't finish it
I finished up the remaining 9 missions, including the final three inning game on All-Star in less than an hour so it took about 2 1/2 hours or so to do the whole program. I may have been more in the zone tonight.
I enjoyed the program. It is not as hard as people seem to be making it out to be.
Of course this thread is a reminder how they will never please everyone. People complain that they put no effort into the programs yet here is one that is different and people are complaining. Personally I am glad that I did not need to grind against the CPU on rookie to get PXP with a card series or HRs with LF or saves with relief pitchers.
By the way, in hindsight, we all should have seen this coming. "Moments" is actually in the title of the program.
This is the most pathetic excuse for a "program" SDS has ever done.
Your full of it -- I am not pulling any punches anymore with you all when i smell Bull$ I am going to call it out and this is not even in the top 10 nm 20 of the worst programs they have ever done. I admit I am not a fan of it myself but to call it one of the worst -- ROFL
@sbchamps17_NSW said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
@nymets1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
Not the program for me and that’s ok but I’m sure cause I finished all of the rest this one will be one of the head start ones for season 3 to punish me
I really hope that it won't be part of the head start because I also won't finish it
I played some more got to Turner not sure how much further I can get
@nymets1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
@sbchamps17_NSW said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
@nymets1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
Not the program for me and that’s ok but I’m sure cause I finished all of the rest this one will be one of the head start ones for season 3 to punish me
I really hope that it won't be part of the head start because I also won't finish it
I played some more got to Turner not sure how much further I can get
You can do it. If I can get them done then everyone else who is a regular here should be able to do the same since I am probably the most casual player among us regulars.
@nymets1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
@sbchamps17_NSW said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
@nymets1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
Not the program for me and that’s ok but I’m sure cause I finished all of the rest this one will be one of the head start ones for season 3 to punish me
I really hope that it won't be part of the head start because I also won't finish it
I played some more got to Turner not sure how much further I can get
You can do it. If I can get them done then everyone else who is a regular here should be able to do the same since I am probably the most casual player among us regulars.
I play the game a ton but I am not a good hitter and I like doing programs where I can just grind how I want when it comes to difficult moments and programs including online I stay away but thank you
I also am not a good hitter and enjoy the grinding of conquest maps to complete program missions so this all moments program I don't like. How am I supposed to complete some of these if I can't even hit the ball well and plus can't hit a homerun to save my life even using directional so I got to 40 points but that's about it. Also tried doing the play a game on All Star vs the all action figure lineup and realized that I can't hit on all star that's why I constantly play on Veteran
@sbchamps17_NSW said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
I also am not a good hitter and enjoy the grinding of conquest maps to complete program missions so this all moments program I don't like. How am I supposed to complete some of these if I can't even hit the ball well and plus can't hit a homerun to save my life even using directional so I got to 40 points but that's about it. Also tried doing the play a game on All Star vs the all action figure lineup and realized that I can't hit on all star that's why I constantly play on Veteran
This is prob what happened because fans were complaining all the programs were the same lol… I’ll take it I can grind 5k xp over and over to finish or even less haha
I don’t do the moments only programs, not worth the headache and a lot of these moments look headache inducing. Plus maybe doing the ones I can do gets me Robin Roberts, one of my most hated cards in the game, no thank you
I can't hit Percival, the ball leaves his hand and i swing immediately and every single time it's very late swing result.
I can't swing any sooner...
Yah, it’s a huge L. I think about half of the moments are definitely extreme
„A huge L“, really? Sometimes I struggle with that
… Guys, moments on veteran are not xtreme … I think everybody can do it … Yes, it may take some attempts, but veteran is close to rookie. And yes, I am not good either but you gotta have at least try. They cannot just throw out stubs, xp and cards for nothing … imo
I'm not great at hitting either, but can pitch a bit.
I LOVE Moments where I can use my DD team. Especially Extreme ones.
I did those first.
The Sliders are cranked for these, and i don't mean the pitch. CPU contact and patience at the plate are upped.
I think it's a good Tuesday release program. I still like Moments, but although I can pitch, I don't really care for 3-inning pitching ones. Weird, I know. -
These moments have been fine, percival aside. My one complaint and it's been a complaint all year is the cpu pitching. Can we please program in some strikes sds, the cpu throws so many balls, i don't want to just sit there watching the pitcher do this when i have to say hit 2 home runs in a game.