Ranked Seasons…
@LIONED-33 Totally agree. You should not get any reward for quitting. No innings, no stats, nothing. They reduced innings rewards to 100 so you have to accumulate other stats. Imo that is also tanking … lower your ranks and increase your chance of a) winning and b) get other stats for the reward path.
Maybe there should be no reward path, just milestone achievements for ranks solo … -
@fellspointguy said in Ranked Seasons…:
Because your pitchers are depleted of their energy and you only get credit for 2-3 innings on the Ranked program for example. Between that and SDS not giving you credit for an inning if a pitcher doesn't pitch the entire inning, you need 150 innings or whatever and it takes 30+ games. Then you factor in dashboarding on homers and you progress even more slowly as those stats might not count.
Then quit the next few games to get the energy of your better pitchers back up
@AAM34 said in Ranked Seasons…:
Why cry about more points in less time. It gets you closer to Trout. SMH
Because for someone like myself who has never quit a Ranked game it gets exhausting winning 2 inning games and losing 9 inning games... You spend 4 times as much time losing than you do winning. Quitters should definitely be penalized.
@LIONED-33 said in Ranked Seasons…:
Here is my thing I signed up to play a 9 inning game. I’m not worried about a trout who will be useless in 2 weeks. I like to play and compete. If you clicked ranked seasons you signed up to play 9 innings. Stop being a byotch because you can’t beat me and quitting. I don’t quit when I get beat. I get better. I don’t care about the rewards. I enjoy playing.
I call [censored] on you like to compete if you get upset when people quit when you are winning. If you truly liked to compete wouldnt you be glad they quit son you get a chance to match up with someone equal or better than you?
@LIONED-33 no, I win all the time. Doesn’t matter to me if I win in 1 inning or 9, a win is a win always.
@AdeptOfMemory, I slogged through every word of your poorly written screed... do I get a reward? That seems to be the crux of your complaints (and most others); you're a child throwing a tantrum because you aren't getting rewarded and you don't think it's fair.
But I got a perfect/perfect and it was an out! But my pitching input was perfect and the ball didn't go where I wanted it to go! But... but... how will the world recognize my skill if I'm not rewarded for my input!
Grow up. Baseball should teach you the lesson that, sometimes, despite doing everything "right," you will fail to do what you set out to do. This being a baseball game, it absolutely should simulate that. If it failed to incorporate random chance and happenings that result in failure despite doing everything right, it wouldn't be a representation of baseball worth playing. It doesn't matter if this is a video game, because people who actually like baseball want it to feel like baseball, and that feeling of watching a fat pitch float in--knowing you have it dead to rights--only to pop it straight up on the infield happens far more often than driving it 400 ft down the left field line. That's baseball. For those that don't want that, too bad; the preference of those who want a baseball game to feel like a baseball game absolutely should trump the preference of those who want a baseball game that serves only as a platform to demonstrate their "skill." Get over it. Go play an FPS if you feel like you need to control everything.
And since you haven't seemed to figure this out, time spent repeating an action under conditions that do not present a challenge only allows for marginal improvement and has an incredibly low ceiling. Real improvement, in anything, comes from facing adversity instead of running away from it. Playing out a game against someone better than you offers that challenge, and you can either take your lumps and learn from them, or you can snatch up your [censored] like a toddler and go home because your ego can't handle losing (and you should be penalized for that).
I never said this game was perfect. Far from it. But lack of control isn't the problem, nor is the fact that the card with the better stats has better odds of coming out on top in any given situation (odds tend to favor talent in real life, but random chance allows for different results on any given day)... the biggest problem with this game is how it has increasingly catered to the "but my skill" babies who lose their [censored] when they aren't "rewarded," so half of all hits are now homeruns.
Despite that, though, instead of packing it up, I try different things to limit them... sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't, but when it doesn't, I don't come running to these forums to [censored] about it and run my mouth about how bad the game is. Honestly, the worst thing about '24 is the entitled whining it has inspired in this forum... it used to be that there was discussion, but now it's populated mostly by infants demanding gold stars and slinging [censored] at SDS without so much as an inkling of how juvenile their behavior is.
@The_Joneser said in Ranked Seasons…:
Grow up.
or you can snatch up your [censored] like a toddler and go home because your ego can't handle losing (and you should be penalized for that).
@The_Joneser cool story.
@AdeptOfMemory seems on brand
@TheCanuckler309 said in Ranked Seasons…:
@AdeptOfMemory seems on brand
I'm an Aldi kind of guy really
Kinda funny (or not?) to see how people still react to „him“, who is not playing the game and is only here to make fun of everybody stating stupid things over and over again … My forum life is better with the block option
Makes sense!