The Latest Props are amazing! SDS Keep heading in this direction!!!
SDS, if you see this, THANK YOU!!!
Not only did we get a ton of great looking props with a fun theme that can be pretty much be used universally in most builds, but they take up minimal memory when placing them! I like to show off the new props as part of my youtube videos and couldn't place all the Contemporary Kit props in one shot without running out of memory. After placing all the new Turn of the Century props, I've only used 40% of the allotted memory.
Please keep heading in this direction with future kits!
I agree with this. In terms of props, I just want SDS to release a set of simple building block props that all of us have asked for these many years now.
If SDS will do that, then SC will earn an unprecedented level of goodwill from its customers.
Then, if they will work a major change of SC's code to facilitate different playing field layouts, trim the ghost modeled areas that give false indicators of props in the field of play when they are clearly not, then SC will have reached its true potential.
The concrete were huge steps in the right direction, especially with having some of them with angled off corners. Like @PriorFir4383355_XBL said, they just need a few more simple blocks. Probably a 25 thing, but recoding the walls and not over modelling the props, especially the stands would be a massive boon.
We've said before, instead of having no go zones, treat the wall like an eraser/cutoff, so you can push as much of the prop against it as you want without it infringing on the field. They already have this with the seating in the ground, where it gets trimmed perfectly as you sink it down...why not take that code and apply it to the wall?