What's your favorite pitch mix?
I need a fastball, slider , change up and sinker .
I struggle so bad with 3 pitch pitchers.
Also if pitchers don't have a slider I can't use them.
Nolan Ryan is almost useless against good players because he doesn't have a slider . -
Slider and Change Up are a must for me. I feel like the 12-6 might be back with the adjustment to foul balls as well
Anything that goes east/west is a must. A sinker is preferred but not necessary.
Umm, Outlier ! A must on HoF +
i like in this order ,
sinker (if the card can throw a good one)
regular Curve
splitter (but again , has to be a good one or they wont go after it)throw high to inside corner a couple times then that 12/6 inside edge and they are helpless but it has to start belt high and break low or you will be crying into your glove
or get ahead with FB in and then the change low outside corner
or get ahead with FB in and then slider that starts middle and breaks hard out of the zone
@jaychvz if you are going to use him , which i do not , its basically FB change , opponant will generally be looking for the 3 digit FB so throw the change low and on the corner twice , they wont expect the change and certainly not back to back , then throw the heat high and in
i really believe its your interface that makes or breaks your pitching , use pure analog ,it gives you the best accuracy
My pitching has been so awful and all over the place this year I really don't know if I even have a favorite pitch mix anymore. I do know what two pitches I struggle most hitting against are cutters and sliders in on my hands from opposite hand pitchers. Throw me 4 seams or sinkers inside from same side pitchers or cutters and sliders away from same side pitchers then I can usually crush those. However, any cutter, slider, or even a low and in curveball from an opposite handed pitcher and I'll swing at all of them because for some reason I have no concept of what's gonna be a strike or a ball....unless it's WAY inside...and I'm going to be late on every swing. It's almost to the point that I'll run an all righty lineup in hopes of getting right handed pitching the entire game.
Cutter -
4-Seam, Splitter, Cutter, Changeup. A good cutter down and away can mimic a hard slider in 2 strike counts,
This is a great topic, mainly because there are numerous issues in locating pitches fron time to time. I prefer a 4-Seam, Cutter,Slurve & CB with similar angles. I like the slider, but it seems to get hit real hard whenever it doesn't locate, which happens quite a bit for me. Also, it's difficult to get the slider to break on the inside corner of a batter. Keeping the batter guessing is the key
Fastball or sinker, Cutter, Change up/Splitter, Hard slider, slow slurve