If you guys could change anything in this game from any aspect what would you change and why.
Making pitching better with a small skill gap like hitting. This way there’s one for hitting and pitching evening the playing field. That would give the people who are pitchers IRL and can’t hit even in the game a chance to win because they’re good at their craft. And lower the HR slider. When I play ranked/BR let’s play baseball and not HR derby simulator 24. Keep the HR slider high for events like the moonshot event duh.
I would allow the player to quick sell all duplicates en masse. Maybe have checkboxes for each rarity
Quicksell all Duplicate
It's not sexy and it's not fancy but it would be a big QOL upgrade.
(second option would be get rid of the stupid, multi button quicktime mechanic in RTTS fielding)
I would make all cards earnable through offline play, with the ranked rewards taking effort similar to 2023's extreme Griffey to earn. This would indirectly improve online play by removing some of the people who dont really want to be there, but people who are on the fence would stick with online because its less effort.
Second option would be better stat tracking. I should, for example, be able to see how a specific player has done in mini season play on all star difficulty. Baseball is a game for stat nerds but mlb the show absolutely sucks in this regard
I would make the auto baserunning feature work properly.
I'd make packs not suck
Stop selling a full price game every year when players have a market to buy cards anyway. Base game should be free and you can grind or buy cards as you play. There is ZERO reason to pay $80 for a game that's got sets and seasons and a marketplace to manipulate.
It's the same game for the past 5 years and they even reprint the same cards and artwork. Live service is the way to go with micro transactions -
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in Changes:
Stop selling a full price game every year when players have a market to buy cards anyway. Base game should be free and you can grind or buy cards as you play. There is ZERO reason to pay $80 for a game that's got sets and seasons and a marketplace to manipulate.
It's the same game for the past 5 years and they even reprint the same cards and artwork. Live service is the way to go with micro transactionsPlease, for the love of Willie mays, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS
Free to play is the absolute worst possible outcome. It will go from nms being 100% viable to people wishing for Sony to be more like EA
Make it possible to search for cards by their parallel status. Sometimes I want to search for cards that I have parallel 3 for example to put on my roster.
Change for being able to create 4 rosters to 6 rosters. This is especially true if you want to continue sets or seasons.
Have an attribute for hitting which reduces or increases pci size by the pitch count i.e. 0-2 compared to 3-0 or 3-1 for example. There is no disadvantage for someone going 0-2 in a count and for a card who strikes out a lot it should shrink vision and pci size. This it makes players think twice to always take a lot of pitches and also adds value to contact hitters compared to pure homer hitter ones. It will also cause less bad foul ball contacts with certain batters.
Impement mini season mode for online games. You play similar skilled players like in ranked but going for the World Series championship. Won’t be nearly as many games as offline and you don’t play the same players but you will face a similar player in the first round and championship round who is in the same spot. Just idea. The game badly needs a new type of game.
Excessive dash boarding should be penalized with a 24 hour ban with each successive dashboard. Excessive enough that no reasonable person would think that the persons internet caused the disconnection. This also includes multiple warning to players if they dashboard again they could be banned.
For online games allow players to opt out of created stadiums as an option. Some of us love them and others do not.
Reduce the perfect perfect window but increase good swing hits especially with sliders. So many times I get good timing and placement but nothing but a groundout or pop up. However the perfect perfect window is too large for anything HOF or lower. You can slam a ball into the ground and still get perfect perfect on lower difficulties.
Less packs. It’s quite ridiculous this year and almost every player that doesn’t spend a ton money will never use those cards in set 1. Defeating the purpose of releasing those cards and limiting the amount of different rosters for the average Joe. It comes off as greedy to the average consumer which hurt the bottom line in the long term.
I know longest post I have ever made lol
@Teak2112_MLBTS it's already a massive pay to win. Literally nothing would change. Idk why you're ok with being shafted $80 dollars and still have to deal with micro transactions and an artificial marketplace and packs.
You're paying $80 to grind "no money spent" yet you paid full price for an unpolished 15 year old game and just because you dont buy stubs you say "no money spent, woooo!" Lol you already fail to see how you got screwed and are literally still playing a pay to win game.
SDS feeds off of this hard and makes a pretty penny being able to put time limits on cards which further encourages people to just spend money.
The game didn't change a bit since 23 yet we all gave them full price and they continue to reap the benefits of whales, sets and seasons, and pack drops.
No money spent is a MASSIVE lie and you eat it up. You spent $80, you pay a monthly premium to play online, you bought a $400+ console, and you pay a premium to an ISP to use the console. And if you say you're Xbox and got it for free you still pay the monthly premium and are a part of the problem with cross platform and old gen issues.
The Xbox is nothing compared in performance to the PS5. That's absolutely true. The game doesn't run near as well. I have both systems and the non PS5 versions are mega [censored].
Don't fall for the lies, dude. -
Stop embarrassing yourself already.
You have shown time and time again you are completely ignorant with how the gaming industry works. -
Having a great job that has my travelling often leads to less time to play so I wish I got paid every homerun!! So I could spend more time playing.
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in Changes:
it's already a massive pay to win.
I would not say it is pay to win. A good player with an average squad will beat a bad player with a god squad pretty consistently.
That said, it is much more heavily geared towards monetization this year than it was last year, which was already much more heavily geared for monetization than the year before.
I am a big fan of Out Of The Park Baseball for their simulations and franchise experience, but if you really want to see a Ultimate Team mode that is pay to win then it would be that game.
We should building our lineup, not tearing down and building up it again and tearing it down again for the next one.