Broken Game Logs
My universal profile is not working…
SDS can you fix this? My game logs are broken -
My universal profile is also not working.
Im having this same issue on 95% of my games, did you ever find a fix?
My universal profile is also broken. It makes the game log API useless
My game logs are also not working
My game logs are broken as well
My game logs are broken as well. Can we fix this quickly?
Same. Very annoying
I am also having this issue
Hi my game logs are broken as well. I did submit a ticket. Hopefully you can fix this? If it helps last year i played on psn and cbox and switch. Now i just play on xbox. I unlinked my psn and switch accounts.
My game logs are also broken and I have the gamer not found error.
Universal profile broken for me as well.
Gamer Not Found error, universal profile is likely broken.
I am dealing with the same error
I'm also seeing an issue with the error of "Gamer was not found!". I've opened ticket #398517 June 24th, but no resolution as of yet.
I am also having this issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I am dealing with this issue as well. Hope a solution is found soon.
im also having the issue was this ever fixed ?
No it was never fixed. Here's to 25 lol