Just so SDS is aware… I’m sure I’m not the only one
I think you summarized well what the entire forum has been saying all year.
Instead of seasons why not start cards lower and have the ability to go up to say, P10 instead of P5. Build them up over a whole season. For the first time since I started playing a few years back I don't feel I am going anywhere with the game.
I work full-time and got Jimmy close to P5 with lots of online gameplay. I enjoy the fresh start to a new season (which will progress quicker) … and I enjoyed 21 much more. But, again, everything is better than no incentive at all to play (greetings from 23)
I’m honestly kind of thankful. I started playing in 21 and I have spent way too much time on these games since then. Logging into the game now since the start of season 2 just fills me with dread. TA is such a slog of a grind and I’ve already done it 3 times, I genuinely can’t do it again. I just really don’t care.
Been playing through all the fallout games for an hour or two a day when I have time and I’m being reminded that I can have fun playing video games instead of essentially just doing chores. So I guess for that, thanks SDS. I think I’m done with card collecting modes forever, just a waste of time and with this forced reset they’re really driving that aspect of it home.
@YOSHI24_XBL I’m not sure if I did a good enough job expressing it, but there is some good that comes out of the seasons, as you mentioned. I just think there are better compromises to be made with the transitions.
What about a spur RS that allows you to have a mixed lineup, sort of like how it’s done with 1v1 and co op?
I mentioned this in another post… can we have a weekly or bi-weekly XP limit instead of daily? That way you’re still able to level the playing field with those who grind daily as opposed to someone who may only get a weekend or a few days out of the week to really put the nose to the grindstone.
I would really love to have that 99 Griffey, but what’s my incentive? Having him in my lineup for a week or so? You can “wild card” all you want, but does that contribute to TA and program progress?
If a video game feels like a chore , you're taking it too serious.
It's a video game .
The definition of a game is rules, Boundaries , and obstacles that must be overcome.
The fun of the game comes from overcoming obstacles.
I really don't understand people who " hate " sets and seasons.
What SDS is trying to do is to not have everyone use the same pitcher and lineup every game .
Jon Donaldson and a meta lineup vs. Jon Donaldson and the same meta lineup. -
@jaychvz_XBL I understand completely. And I agree. I also believe there could be more balance.
“Here’s your reward. You earned it! By the way, you can no longer use that reward.”
In my eyes, it’s not really a reward anymore. -
I think the bigger problem here is your wife working a 12 hour shift while you sat at home all day..
All jokes aside, I do agree with you as me or my brother didn't get ANY Season 1 bosses (Rollins, Walker, Pettitte) or ANY collection bosses (Mays, Brett, Paige) and we play frequently
I have used Jimmy Rollins more in BR than in any other game mode. And BR makes me consider quitting every time I slog through to get all those cards.
I have been running through classic mini seasons with Brett though and a few s1 guys i didnt get a chance to play with much. The xp reset and changed goals make it worthwhile to go through it again while I wait for more s2 players to be released tomorrow.
TA track this time around is pretty easy I feel so I'm fine playing with guys that dont progress it for now.
But back to your point:
This year's model pleases almost no one, except in theory Sony but I dont see how this model helps stub sales.
The various game modes have had no innovation which makes things even worse.Xp in general is a terrible mechanic the ways its implemented because there is a disincentive to play to your skill level, which is felt even more now. I understand why they intend people do all online modes to maximize the exp, but I think its terrible game design as I wager more people prefer offline than online. I would want more challenging offline content in actual games (as opposed to moments), but I feel penalized for upping my difficulty and playing 2-1 games on HoF vs 12-0 games on rookie. It shouldnt work this way.
@cosmic_wonders_PSN lol. I can’t help it that’s when she was scheduled. I coach football and wrestling, so I’ll take a chance to sit at home whenever I can get it!
I have been dreading to say/comment on this as, if I'm wrong, I don't want to give sds any ideas, but... I am worried that with the changes to the last 2 years that they are heading to the bad place in gaming. They have brought in seasons, going from 10 inng8ns, to 6 seasons, now four seasons. They have add almost half the available cards (mostly) better ones, in over priced packs, reduced stubbs and xp....to me this is all leading to a very dark place...THE BATTLE PASS.
I hope I am wrong, but I saw this same thing happen in another game (made by a company owned by sony). As I said, I hope I am wrong, but I just can't help seeing it not going down this road.
@Stiebfan37_PSN said in Just so SDS is aware… I’m sure I’m not the only one:
I have been dreading to say/comment on this as, if I'm wrong, I don't want to give sds any ideas, but... I am worried that with the changes to the last 2 years that they are heading to the bad place in gaming. They have brought in seasons, going from 10 inng8ns, to 6 seasons, now four seasons. They have add almost half the available cards (mostly) better ones, in over priced packs, reduced stubbs and xp....to me this is all leading to a very dark place...THE BATTLE PASS.
I hope I am wrong, but I saw this same thing happen in another game (made by a company owned by sony). As I said, I hope I am wrong, but I just can't help seeing it not going down this road.
XP reward track is a battle pass already
If they made a pass that cost 20 bucks, doubled pack and stub rewards (which would give more than $20 worth of stubs), and gave some unique cosmetic like things (uniforms etc) it wouldnt be great but it might allow them to free themselves from seasons and reduce packs.
Sony is going to get microtransactions from SDS no matter what
@Teak2112_MLBTS said in Just so SDS is aware… I’m sure I’m not the only one:
This year's model pleases almost no one, except in theory Sony but I dont see how this model helps stub sales.
No front but I like these comments … Yeah, they do not know what they are doing … they gotta ask some random guys in the forum how to run video game business (again, not front … I had to comment)
@wingo18_PSN said in Just so SDS is aware… I’m sure I’m not the only one:
@YOSHI24_XBL I’m not sure if I did a good enough job expressing it, but there is some good that comes out of the seasons, as you mentioned. I just think there are better compromises to be made with the transitions.
What about a spur RS that allows you to have a mixed lineup, sort of like how it’s done with 1v1 and co op?
I mentioned this in another post… can we have a weekly or bi-weekly XP limit instead of daily? That way you’re still able to level the playing field with those who grind daily as opposed to someone who may only get a weekend or a few days out of the week to really put the nose to the grindstone.
I would really love to have that 99 Griffey, but what’s my incentive? Having him in my lineup for a week or so? You can “wild card” all you want, but does that contribute to TA and program progress?
I know what you are saying. This Seasons-model is simply not designed for high-cards to be used for months … nor weeks. It is a power creep that has a good goal but a harsh ending.
The thing I do not get AND I am only referring to people who want the rewards matter (not the theme team guys): If you go back to say 21 … every card was the same way. You grinded for the Inning bosses and not more than a couple of days later there was another inning with better bosses and more ranked with better rewards. That continued until October, where the first big ones came out that stuck in your lineup for months/until the end of the game cycle.I see it as this: I can use my special cards in S2 with the wild cards and if I like Griffey I will wildcard him first in S3. In S4 I can have everything and make awesome theme teams. The downside is: No xp reward, that is true, but it is only 1-4 cards per team/Season. Use a no-wild-card-teams for conquest and stuff and that should be good to go