Any old farts good at this game?
I'm 61 and I think I play the game fairly well.
Is 48 an old fart? I can hang
I'm 52 and my problem is I am such a brutal hitter that if I don't pitch well it's over. I used to play baseball to a low level college level, but this video game stuff I can't figure it out, it's still fun most of the time though.
I’m 60 and this is pretty much all I play and mostly offline on veteran I get crushed whenever I play RS but like to try and compete ,anybody ever thought about an Ol’Timers league something casual but maybe with a few tweaks to keep it interesting
I'm nearly fifty, and have a 9-16 record as a solo player by myself in Diamond Dynasty online this year. Unfortunately, this is the best record I have had up to this point in the seven or so years I have played this mode. I am a much better co-op player with one or two partners and I am getting much better with every single game I play in that mode. Lastly, I am a better pitcher and fielder than I am a batter.
I'm 53 will be 54 at the end of the month. I am actually pretty good at the game but maybe because of my baseball knowledge I have. Anyways I run a older gamer league and have since 2007 originally on Xbox 360 but been on Playstation since 2011. If anyone that's older who would like to play with a older crowd and I can guarantee you will get played fairly then message me here or on Playstation at MLBNETWORK365
I’m going to be 55 soon, I have been playing since my early 20’s. MLB The Show since 2006. I can sense my timing has slowed a bit. I strike out a lot more. I change the difficulty to help but rookie is just too easy. So I bat veteran and pitch all star. Still strikeout a bit more than I would like. The dynamic setting just changes too frequently for me. Although I think my younger self would have liked that better
50 here feel I am decent at everything playing this game other than hitting for power. I struggle to hit homeruns even with top HR hitters.
@frankieciv608 try holding the right stick slightly up
im 40 and started playing 5 years ago. best I've achieved in ranked is low 700s. a few times this year and maybe once previously. normally 500-600s.
59, play offline mostly. Don’t like the glitching in online play. I think I’m decent. When I do play online I win more than I lose
55, not good. Used to be ok but only play offline now.
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Im still alright. Dont know if 47 is considered old. I always made WS at ease 16-22. then in 23 lost playing time and interest, but still felt if I had PT of prior years WS would be easy. Same this year. But with the whole earn cards without reaching WS program I kind of lost motivation. All extreme stuff still is very easy. It is all in the eyes when you get older. When I play on the portable Switch i dont stand much of a chance.
Working on 63 years old next month so I think I've got you all beat.....but it would be the only thing I could beat you on. I am terrible but I love the game although the new season seems to be a lot of time spinning my wheels again
I'm 54, play offline, how good I am depends on the amount of arthritis I have on the day I'm playing.
I am 46. I am very streaky in online. I find offline play to be too boring so I try to do the minimum of conquest and mini-seasons. I'll do the moments and the normal Showdowns once. Rest of the time it is ranked seasons where I am currently around 210 - 220. Would be better if I didn't automatically quit when playing an opponent in a created stadium. By the end of the game cycle I expect to be about 20 above .500 when I am only using my favorite squad and not trying to achieve TA and whatnot.
You're all a bunch of young farts. I'm 74 (75 in sept.). LOL I do fair at the game. I play at veteran or all-star levels.
I’m 49 and it is really cool to see dudes my age and older still playing. I can remember when I didn’t even want people knowing I still gamed. Well, I didn’t go out of my way to tell em’. Anyway I made Pennant this year once so far. Last I made it to whatever the next one up is for 1 game and was sent packing back down… lol. I have been doing a lot of HR Derby this year, number 18 or 19 on the leaderboard, and it has helped my timing a great deal. Another tip I have for ya older players. Get a DualShock Edge controller. You can adjust the response times on the sticks. I know it has helped me a bunch. Maybe it may help ya’ll as well. Kinda pricey though.
O A D L Old As Dirt League has a nice ring to it… lol I’m on ps5. Interested in the league idea for sure.
@jaychvz im in an over 40 custom league. It's a chill group. All that we ask is that you be active and play a couple games a week. Let me know if you are interested.