This game has become anti-offline.
No thanks, there’s no point in discussing anything with someone who’s already made up their mind, which it seems you have and that’s fine.
I’m just going to play the game, for fun, instead. And not be constantly concerned if I’m getting “rewarded” enough for playing a video game.
In a 12 week season you can expect:
12 Event cards
42 BR cards
12 Ranked cards (maybe just 9 this season)Yes, the game favors online play. I absolutely hate the imbalance between online mode cards and offline mode cards.
Still, I dont see a problem with the three cards at the end of the exp track being easier to earn for people who play all aspects of the game.
In general people obsess too much over that exp track. Its mostly [censored] outside the bosses.
@hoo_pharted said in This game has become anti-offline.:
well , im exactly like you , i despise multi , i do love Diamond Dynasty which is online play but minus the [censored] munchers you get saddled with in Multi , i disagree that its leaving us behind
it use to be that you HAD TO play multi in order to complete programs , it was designed that way to entice players to multi player , so at the end of the season , i had a bunch of unfinished content , now they offer different paths to complete the programs so you can choose what better suits your play preferences , thats been the one bright spot of all the changes
I remember that. It was usually win an event game or hit a home run that was tied to finish a program. Kind of like egg hunt this year. If the card was worth it, I did it. Usually it wasn't. I could also use the Stubs earned from flipping or RTTS to purchase cards to finish collections for the cards I really wanted. Never even played a ranked game until they made it so all you had to do was play so many innings. I can't do that anymore though. Most equipment and card prices are around the quicksell prices. So earning and flipping is now useless. Don't remember it ever being needed to finish ranked, BR, and the event to keep up with the XP demands. We could always grind conquest to get the XP needed. I only finished the season 1 XP path and collection because of the last program, on the last weekend. That gave me the final 150K XP and 40 cards needed. Now, I can't use those cards. This isn't the game I left Xbox to play. It's Madden light. Except I can play Madden--more meaningfully--for longer everyday. I think we play DD because it gives you goals to work towards. Might as well play another game if I can't advance the goals I'm working towards. Even last year, I could play MTO or RTTS to advance those goals. Now those modes are nerfed too much to make them enjoyable.
If you still enjoy it, as is, that's awesome. I don't. I'm no longer tied to my PlayStation. That was my point more than anything else. We have more choices today than three years ago. As I said, I'm not leaving. I'm also not paying for it anymore. Should have done this a year ago. Would have saved me the $100 from buying MLBTS24. I needed a new laptop for writing and research. Never owned an Alienware laptop. This one is more than I need, but still less than a PS5 (or xbox,) specialty controllers, and new work only laptop. NCAA comes out July 15th. I used to tell my friends that they would have trouble reaching me for the two weeks after the show came out. This year it was only one, and that's because I didn't realize how bad the XP problems were. I will be that busy the last two weeks of July though.
@BJDUBBYAH said in This game has become anti-offline.:
No thanks, there’s no point in discussing anything with someone who’s already made up their mind, which it seems you have and that’s fine.
I’m just going to play the game, for fun, instead. And not be constantly concerned if I’m getting “rewarded” enough for playing a video game.
Dude, you said the same crud the beginning of Season 1. You really seem to be the type of person that thinks we're really getting 3 TA programs a season. You are correct on another matter though. I have made up my mind. It's based off of everything that we've seen so far this year and last year. I haven't commented much the past few weeks, because I didn't want to use supposition. I waited. The wait ended Friday at noon. Then I spent an hour, just looking at every part of every program in DD. Some of it I liked. That "some" is far outweighed by every other part. If your play style is to stick your head in the sand, that's fine.
We all spend a lot of time on video games here. Some of us are pure sports fans, others are only gamers, and then there's those of us that live in both worlds. As a pure baseball fan, I would stick to Franchise and only play at higher levels. As a gamer, I would only want to play online DD with offline to supplement my team. I love baseball, with the added want of team building. That's what I enjoy most about DD--the team building. The gamer in me wants every card available. Thankfully, dislike of other players keeps me from wanting that. With that said, I can choose what game I want to play and where I spend my money. Sony/SDS is now less likely to "earn" my time and money.
Just FYI, you don't need to use quotes around "rewarded." That was a term I didn't use. I used "earned" and "given." As in we were "given" 4000 XP for completing the current Awards "other program." Although "rewarded" would be a suitable substitute for given or earned, but not both if you're trying to differentiate the two terms. We "earned" 1500 to 2000 XP every conquest game we played this weekend. Do you understand the difference now?
@Teak2112 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
In a 12 week season you can expect:
12 Event cards
42 BR cards
12 Ranked cards (maybe just 9 this season)Yes, the game favors online play. I absolutely hate the imbalance between online mode cards and offline mode cards.
Still, I dont see a problem with the three cards at the end of the exp track being easier to earn for people who play all aspects of the game.
In general people obsess too much over that exp track. Its mostly [censored] outside the bosses.
I'm alright with not getting the cards from online play. I chose that years ago, because I play to unwind and relax. I'm competitive and competition isn't relaxing. More so because the toxicity of a large number of online gamers. Two of closest friends are people I met while gaming. They both are like me and are more apt to send a "GG" message rather than suggesting I should kill myself. I want to meet more like them. I've just gotten more like the latter than the former on MLBTS. The XP track is what the season is about. The Sets makes that more prevalent. I hate that I just spent 2 months to get three of the cards I wanted and could only use them for a week. You are so right when you said, "it's mostly [censored] outside the bosses." Two weeks with the one I wanted most, and one week with the other two. That's why the XP track matters.
@broken_toy1 you’re complaining about other players being given XP, for doing something you don’t want to do. That’s how that all reads. You can’t have it, so no one else should.
I’m sure online players don’t really want to grind out 30 conquest games, but I haven’t seen any complaints yet?
There’s literally no way to please everyone, but your issue really just reads as jealousy to me. The season also started yesterday and there are like 82 more days, so maybe let it breathe before stressing about the reward path.
@BJDUBBYAH said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@broken_toy1 you’re complaining about other players being given XP, for doing something you don’t want to do. That’s how that all reads. You can’t have it, so no one else should.
I’m sure online players don’t really want to grind out 30 conquest games, but I haven’t seen any complaints yet?
There’s literally no way to please everyone, but your issue really just reads as jealousy to me. The season also started yesterday and there are like 82 more days, so maybe let it breathe before stressing about the reward path.
From what I've seen all of your posts suggest a lack of insight, comprehension, tolerance, and a basic understanding English grammar. The complaint is about lack of, and disregard to. I'm allowed to be frustrated. I'm allowed to speak out on my frustration. As are you. Obviously your disregard for my opinion is clear. Let's go line by line of what you wrote.
"@broken_toy1 you’re complaining about other players being given XP, for doing something you don’t want to do. That’s how that all reads. You can’t have it, so no one else should. "
-I'm complaining about the, what I see as, unacceptable change that didn't need to be changed at all. They see that it wasn't acceptable by adding in large amounts of XP in the programs in the first place. However, they screwed over a large percentage of players by trying to force them into a game style they aren't comfortable with. My point: everyone should be on the same footing. Either all up, or all down. If you take that as, " You can’t have it, so no one else should." Then, you are partially correct. I believe they should have been balanced out better. A 25:10 ratio is horrid. Now a 1:1 is where we should be, but even a 20:15 would have been more acceptable. After all, I spent the same amount on the game that people that only play online did. I am not now, nor have I ever said anything about cards given in online play, just XP. As you noticed this, double XP, weekend; a simple boosting of the XP and quadrupling of the limit makes most of these disagreements disappear."I’m sure online players don’t really want to grind out 30 conquest games, but I haven’t seen any complaints yet?"
-They really don't need to complain about something that doesn't need to affect them. They can earn everything I can without ever having to play an offline game. More quickly too. Not my complaint. The other way cannot be said. This is really your worst argument."There’s literally no way to please everyone, but your issue really just reads as jealousy to me."
-There is no way to please everyone. There is a way to please or upset most though. To please most, you just listen to them. Get rid of things that don't work. Upset most by ignoring them, treat them like children, and keep things, like low XP caps, when they aren't working. I can't help your comprehension skills, but as I told my wife several times, don't put words into my mouth. The bigger problem is that you don't know me. You don't know my motivations or the way I deal with problems. Considering you've never tried challenging me before should tell you something. I've seen your posts before, and they've been as poorly thought out as these have. Not as bad as the guy that kept incorrectly using the term "gaslighting" so much that he was starting to gaslight the meaning of the term."The season also started yesterday and there are like 82 more days, so maybe let it breathe before stressing about the reward path."
-A couple of weeks into season 1 I said where I would be mathematically at the end of the season if the current XP trend kept up. I was absolutely correct. If it wasn't for the needed overcorrection at the end of season 1 I, and lot of other offline players, would not have finished. I don't expect you to check all my posts. However, I do use my experiences to make an educated opinion. My current opinion is educated by experiences since mid-March. That will not change until I've seen positive change. This isn't knee-jer k. I have had poor quick tempered reactions in the past, but not on this.Finally, if you're not clear on something I've written, or even if you just disagree, let me know. I'm always up for a respectful debate. I don't want everyone to agree with me on everything. This world would be very boring if that happened. If I don't feel you are being respectful, I will lose all respect and show candid honesty.
@broken_toy1 all the time it took you to look up how much XP you’re not getting from modes you don’t play, could have been spent gaining XP in the modes you do.
Easy_Duhz_It_replied to broken_toy1 on Jun 8, 2024, 2:59 PM last edited by Easy_Duhz_It__PSN Jun 8, 2024, 3:00 PM
@broken_toy1 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
Part of me thinks I'm talking out of my [censored]
You're definitely talking out your [censored].
Theres 142,000 xp in offline modes (6 TA divisions, 3 conquests, TA mini season, classic mini season, Season 2 Awards drop)
109,000 available xp for online (ranked, battle royale, events). Theres also an addition 35,000 xp for online which wont be available for another 3 weeks. In that time, we'll have 2 more programs on Tuesday, an additional program on Friday and 2 more conquests on Friday all with offline xp....and then whatever else we get before the second ranked mission drops.
But yeah...totally anti offline.
My biggest gripe with offline is its just monotonous. I've always hated moments as that is the absolute definition of monotony but this year's team affinities and season drops are just the same goals, repeat the showdown for vouchers, S1 TA3 repeat the conquest map. Even the stupid Jelly Bean thing....repeat the map over and over.
I long for the days of starting with the bronze grinding stats to unlock the silver etc etc until you unlock the diamond.
Collections have been whittled down and completing a team collection unlocks mostly useless players.
Zero effort by SDS in the offline area.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@broken_toy1 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
Part of me thinks I'm talking out of my [censored]
You're definitely talking out your [censored].
Theres 142,000 xp in offline modes (6 TA divisions, 3 conquests, TA mini season, classic mini season, Season 2 Awards drop)
109,000 available xp for online (ranked, battle royale, events). Theres also an addition 35,000 xp for online which wont be available for another 3 weeks. In that time, we'll have 2 more programs on Tuesday, an additional program on Friday and 2 more conquests on Friday all with offline xp....and then whatever else we get before the second ranked mission drops.
But yeah...totally anti offline.
I think its a bit disingenuous to call TA2 an offline mode, or other programs. These are tailored, especially now, towards both online and offline players.
Offline: conquest, showdown, mini season
Online: Ranked, BR, EventThere is no question that both cards and exp are heavily skewed towards online. There really should be cards equivalent to the bosses in the three online modes attached to the offline ones. S1 had this briefly with Feller and Graveman. There should absolutely be more of that.
The caveat here is that the online exp is mostly fixed for the next 4 weeks, other than one event drop. Offline has a chance to catch up.
@Teak2112 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@broken_toy1 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
Part of me thinks I'm talking out of my [censored]
You're definitely talking out your [censored].
Theres 142,000 xp in offline modes (6 TA divisions, 3 conquests, TA mini season, classic mini season, Season 2 Awards drop)
109,000 available xp for online (ranked, battle royale, events). Theres also an addition 35,000 xp for online which wont be available for another 3 weeks. In that time, we'll have 2 more programs on Tuesday, an additional program on Friday and 2 more conquests on Friday all with offline xp....and then whatever else we get before the second ranked mission drops.
But yeah...totally anti offline.
I think its a bit disingenuous to call TA2 an offline mode, or other programs. These are tailored, especially now, towards both online and offline players.
Offline: conquest, showdown, mini season
Online: Ranked, BR, EventThere is no question that both cards and exp are heavily skewed towards online. There really should be cards equivalent to the bosses in the three online modes attached to the offline ones. S1 had this briefly with Feller and Graveman. There should absolutely be more of that.
The caveat here is that the online exp is mostly fixed for the next 4 weeks, other than one event drop. Offline has a chance to catch up.
You're looking at this as some sort of competition between online and offline players but you're neglecting the obvious which is, some people play both. So, in reality, the offline only people will never "catch up". And that's by choice. Is SDS supposed to just release online modes with no incentive and no reward so offline players will feel better about themselves? The rewards are there for EVERYONE. Its each individuals choice whether or not they go for them.
I dont understand the whole "we need more than what the other people have" mentality in these forums.
I dont understand the whole "we need more than what the other people have" mentality in these forums.
And I really don’t understand why anyone is hyper focused on XP less than 24 hours into Season two. Just play and let it breathe.
I’m a person who plays both, but I won’t touch any online mode, until I’ve completed TA2 and unlocked all of the cards. But that’s just me
@BJDUBBYAH said in This game has become anti-offline.:
I dont understand the whole "we need more than what the other people have" mentality in these forums.
And I really don’t understand why anyone is hyper focused on XP less than 24 hours into Season two. Just play and let it breathe.
I’m a person who plays both, but I won’t touch any online mode, until I’ve completed TA2 and unlocked all of the cards. But that’s just me
I dont understand a lot of things on the forums. Wildcards is the new issue now. How about we get to the 3rd wildcard before we start complaining that the 4th isnt available yet?
Im pretty sure they said that would be in a future program.
Teak2112replied to Easy_Duhz_It_ on Jun 8, 2024, 5:51 PM last edited by Teak2112_MLBTS Jun 8, 2024, 5:53 PM
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@Teak2112 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@broken_toy1 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
Part of me thinks I'm talking out of my [censored]
You're definitely talking out your [censored].
Theres 142,000 xp in offline modes (6 TA divisions, 3 conquests, TA mini season, classic mini season, Season 2 Awards drop)
109,000 available xp for online (ranked, battle royale, events). Theres also an addition 35,000 xp for online which wont be available for another 3 weeks. In that time, we'll have 2 more programs on Tuesday, an additional program on Friday and 2 more conquests on Friday all with offline xp....and then whatever else we get before the second ranked mission drops.
But yeah...totally anti offline.
I think its a bit disingenuous to call TA2 an offline mode, or other programs. These are tailored, especially now, towards both online and offline players.
Offline: conquest, showdown, mini season
Online: Ranked, BR, EventThere is no question that both cards and exp are heavily skewed towards online. There really should be cards equivalent to the bosses in the three online modes attached to the offline ones. S1 had this briefly with Feller and Graveman. There should absolutely be more of that.
The caveat here is that the online exp is mostly fixed for the next 4 weeks, other than one event drop. Offline has a chance to catch up.
You're looking at this as some sort of competition between online and offline players but you're neglecting the obvious which is, some people play both. So, in reality, the offline only people will never "catch up". And that's by choice. Is SDS supposed to just release online modes with no incentive and no reward so offline players will feel better about themselves? The rewards are there for EVERYONE. Its each individuals choice whether or not they go for them.
I dont understand the whole "we need more than what the other people have" mentality in these forums.
People asking for things to be equal, I have no idea why anyone would have an issue with that. Online exclusive modes and offline exclusive modes should have a similar amount of xp and earnable cards, and they very clearly do not. I don't understand how any single person, other than an online elitist, would disagree with that.
@Teak2112 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@Teak2112 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@broken_toy1 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
Part of me thinks I'm talking out of my [censored]
You're definitely talking out your [censored].
Theres 142,000 xp in offline modes (6 TA divisions, 3 conquests, TA mini season, classic mini season, Season 2 Awards drop)
109,000 available xp for online (ranked, battle royale, events). Theres also an addition 35,000 xp for online which wont be available for another 3 weeks. In that time, we'll have 2 more programs on Tuesday, an additional program on Friday and 2 more conquests on Friday all with offline xp....and then whatever else we get before the second ranked mission drops.
But yeah...totally anti offline.
I think its a bit disingenuous to call TA2 an offline mode, or other programs. These are tailored, especially now, towards both online and offline players.
Offline: conquest, showdown, mini season
Online: Ranked, BR, EventThere is no question that both cards and exp are heavily skewed towards online. There really should be cards equivalent to the bosses in the three online modes attached to the offline ones. S1 had this briefly with Feller and Graveman. There should absolutely be more of that.
The caveat here is that the online exp is mostly fixed for the next 4 weeks, other than one event drop. Offline has a chance to catch up.
You're looking at this as some sort of competition between online and offline players but you're neglecting the obvious which is, some people play both. So, in reality, the offline only people will never "catch up". And that's by choice. Is SDS supposed to just release online modes with no incentive and no reward so offline players will feel better about themselves? The rewards are there for EVERYONE. Its each individuals choice whether or not they go for them.
I dont understand the whole "we need more than what the other people have" mentality in these forums.
People asking for things to be equal, I have no idea why anyone would have an issue with that.
And again...things are equal. Last i checked, the only thing preventing you from playing online is yourself. WE ALL HAVE ACCESS TO EVERY BIT OF XP AND EVERY REWARD IN THIS GAME. Why should someone else experience be hindered because you hinder yourself? Thats a selfish attitude.
And how exactly are they supposed to prevent online players from earning offline rewards?
Teak2112replied to Easy_Duhz_It_ on Jun 8, 2024, 6:00 PM last edited by Teak2112_MLBTS Jun 8, 2024, 6:04 PM
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in This game has become anti-offline.:
And again...things are equal.
You know this isnt true. Thanks for being part of the problem with this forum.
People can't discuss the game's issues without someone being overaggressive with it, or defending what shouldnt be defended.
FACT: Online exclusive modes have more xp than offline exclusive modes
FACT: Online exclusive modes have more cards than offline exclusive modes
FACT: They are not equalStart from the truth, and make a case for why this is fine if you must, but dont lie and say that they are equal because they clearly are not
@Teak2112 said in This game has become anti-offline.:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in This game has become anti-offline.:
And again...things are equal.
You know this isnt true. Thanks for being part of the problem with this forum.
People can't discuss the game's issues without someone being overaggressive with it, or defending what shouldnt be defended.
FACT: Online exclusive modes have more xp than offline exclusive modes
FACT: Online exclusive modes have more cards than offline exclusive modes
FACT: They are not equalStart from the truth, and make a case for why this is fine if you must, but dont lie and say that they are equal because they clearly are not
I already showed you that you were wrong when i posted the xp totals per mode, so no, its not "fact". Just saying something is a fact doesnt make that so. And how am i being "overagressive"? I just asked a simple question that you obviously cant answer. How are they supposed to prevent online players from earning offline rewards? Are they supposed to shut down conquests and mini seasons if you have more than 2 games of ranked played?
[censored], bro, SDS Knights hit your post HARD.