What are the biggest game play frustrations?
@LIONED-33_XBL lol kids are good man! We getting too old! I sadly have lost many games to having to tend to my children at night but mostly due to freeze offs. Be on the lookout for an invite. I'm not good by anymeans or high ranked.
Those are good records by the way!
Check swings... pushing the swing button full force and still getting a check swing animation and seeing the "perfect swing" in the corner is ugh lol
Double plays, double plays and double plays. It doesn't matter if it's online or cpu, the amount of double plays for and against me seem to be tuned up this year compared to the last few. Traditional double plays and the lineout double plays to first and third while someone on base to get tagged out is definitely up aswell.
@ArGenTin32_XBL no joke at all, so many hard line outs to 1st and get doubled off does not matter what mode it seems.
Just that the game play feels unrewarding and completely different then my input
I disagree with the blanketing all custom stadiums as bad or cheesy. There are some good ones out there, with some talented creators.
SDS can do better by setting better parameters in online H2H. They can remove elevation as a factor in online H2H and remove short/shallow fences. Those two things alone, would help a lot.
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in What are the biggest game play frustrations?:
My boys are still way too young to play video games.
My son just turned 30. Co-op is my favorite mode this year with him.
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in What are the biggest game play frustrations?:
I disagree with the blanketing all custom stadiums as bad or cheesy. There are some good ones out there, with some talented creators.
SDS can do better by setting better parameters in online H2H. They can remove elevation as a factor in online H2H and remove short/shallow fences. Those two things alone, would help a lot.
It sucks that I never see these online though.
Its either the clown stadiums like costco or twitch streamers with hideous nonsense all over. I dont want to see your subscriber's names when I play. But if I had the time/talent I would create a custom stadium for my team that would be hopefully aesthetically pleasing and play like a MLB stadium.
The biggest issue is there isn’t enough time in a day to play this great game. Always want more
PCI right on the ball with a good swing and you get short exit velo.
@Tylerslikewhoa_XBL said in What are the biggest game play frustrations?:
The biggest issue is there isn’t enough time in a day to play this great game. Always want more
Is your life this boring where you have time to go into every post and reply with this over the top nonsense everyday?