this playstation cheated mikekutz7 they think we are stupid you always can tell when you throw a perfect pitch in the algorithm. How many times would they be able to put down a perfect bunt? One in 1 million.? and it’s always after you make them look stupid in the first smh can we all just stand up against these hackers
He's a hacker because he bunted against you?
Everyone bunts to get on base it's totally normal so he's not a cheater
Usually bunting isn't the hacking indicator. It usually comes from pitching or stadium glitching. If you perfectly time the bunt you might get a really good result every time. I don't think there's a PCI for bunting, just timing
I can't defend the bunt so its cheating is how I read this, lol.Its a baseball game their going to bunt.
I bunt, if the all the infielders are farther back, and my batter has speed and can bunt, like for example, Cedric Mullins. Unlike Gaylord Perry's spitball; it's not cheating.
Guys, this is the same dude that somehow knows when people are using Strikezone Camera against him and that it should be illegal cause its unfair.
Oh and PPP makes you less of a man.