Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers
So some news on this issue. I saw someone playing MLB the Show 22 last night online on a a stream via my PS5.
So I launched he game just now on my second "guest" account I have (when buddies come over to play COD & stuff) and it connected online immediately! I also tried the game on my switch using my daughter's profile and it seemed prompted me to set up an nintendo network id - so that may or may not worked there too.
It seems the issue is related to your profile/accounts and not that your system can connect. I tried unlinking and then relinking my switch and PS account from my MLB the Show account and that didn't help.
@Victor_SDS_MLBTS what is going on here? Please give us an update. I have also been messaging a Miguel in the technical support chat/email thingy and let him know what I found today.
I pulled up 22 on my Switch just now and it worked fine. I had a Twitch and regular pack waiting for me, so I opened them. I went into a vs CPU game and I went into my roster. I don't have the required membership to play the online portions of the game, so I couldn't check those out - I did get the message telling me that I needed to subscribe before playing BR though.
@Blind_Bleeder how did it work for you because it still wont work for me??
the servers will restart at 4 am tomorrow May 23,2024 est lmk if it doesn't work
@fortnitebattlepass Did @Victor_SDS say that?
@RomanAndres1948 yes but it works now
please thank @Victor_SDS_PSN for asking the mlbts online engineers to reset the servers
THANK YOU @Victor_SDS! It works!
Let's please try to make sure these don't happen again.....
I am much more inclined to buy MLB the Show 24 for both the Switch and PS5 now!
So I just noticed that even though it now allows me to connect to the servers, all my stuff stored server side appears to have been wiped. I lost my cloud saves, equipment (bats, gloves, etc.), my ballplayer (on the server), and the attribute enhancements (not sure what to call them - one is "Mastodon"). I was able to save my ball player as it was on my switch.
This isn't the end of the world for me personally, especially as I kinda want to play without all the fluff/enhancers and I'd rather be able to use the cloud for saves. But it is still a problem. I will put in a ticket to restore.
anyone up for casual?
How did yall fix this I still can’t connect?
Did you download the new update?
@QuanWavy3 I'm sorry I haven't read the whole thing but are you hardline Ethernet?
@QuanWavy3 they reset the servers a while ago it should be working
Did they fix the player face glitch or is that still on there?