Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers
Same here, been more than a month. All my coin is gone. Submit ticket but only respond is known issue
@KingPyrrhus981 said in Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers:
I cannot connect to the servers for the PS4 and Switch versions of MLB the Show 22. Tried on PS4, PS5, and Switch. Tried to open ports on both switch and PS5. Never saw anything about server shutdowns except that 19 and 20 shutdown in January... this shouldn't affect MLB the Show 22 though.
I do vaguely remember online not working for MLB the Show 19 a few years back prior to the official server shutdown, so maybe this is a recurring issue.
I wanted to transfer my RTTS saves between PS and switch but can't. I was gonna buy MLB the Show 24 for both the switch and PS5, but not sure now with this lol.
Is anyone else not being able to connect to MLB the Show 22 servers?
Are you on PlayStation? I can never get online on PlayStation but Xbox works perfectly.
Same here it also seems I even lost my progress with my created player had him at a 94 ovr and now went down to a 59 ovr.
Same. Going on 3 months now on PS5. Submitted an issue only to receive one response of a known issue. Had almost 2 mil. stubs and RTTS character reset to 59.
@Rockovmysoul Did that response have a way to fix this issue by any shot just anything that might help even if it didn't work for you? I just wanna be able to use my cards and use my created player again.
I think they are not going to fix this issue. It sucks but this is how they force you to buy the new version
@shinyalee I have been talking to @Victor_SDS_PSN and he said he contacted the online engineers but havent replied
So some news on this issue. I saw someone playing MLB the Show 22 last night online on a a stream via my PS5.
So I launched he game just now on my second "guest" account I have (when buddies come over to play COD & stuff) and it connected online immediately! I also tried the game on my switch using my daughter's profile and it seemed prompted me to set up an nintendo network id - so that may or may not worked there too.
It seems the issue is related to your profile/accounts and not that your system can connect. I tried unlinking and then relinking my switch and PS account from my MLB the Show account and that didn't help.
@Victor_SDS_MLBTS what is going on here? Please give us an update. I have also been messaging a Miguel in the technical support chat/email thingy and let him know what I found today.
I pulled up 22 on my Switch just now and it worked fine. I had a Twitch and regular pack waiting for me, so I opened them. I went into a vs CPU game and I went into my roster. I don't have the required membership to play the online portions of the game, so I couldn't check those out - I did get the message telling me that I needed to subscribe before playing BR though.
@Blind_Bleeder how did it work for you because it still wont work for me??
the servers will restart at 4 am tomorrow May 23,2024 est lmk if it doesn't work
@fortnitebattlepass Did @Victor_SDS say that?
@RomanAndres1948 yes but it works now
please thank @Victor_SDS_PSN for asking the mlbts online engineers to reset the servers
THANK YOU @Victor_SDS! It works!
Let's please try to make sure these don't happen again.....
I am much more inclined to buy MLB the Show 24 for both the Switch and PS5 now!
So I just noticed that even though it now allows me to connect to the servers, all my stuff stored server side appears to have been wiped. I lost my cloud saves, equipment (bats, gloves, etc.), my ballplayer (on the server), and the attribute enhancements (not sure what to call them - one is "Mastodon"). I was able to save my ball player as it was on my switch.
This isn't the end of the world for me personally, especially as I kinda want to play without all the fluff/enhancers and I'd rather be able to use the cloud for saves. But it is still a problem. I will put in a ticket to restore.
anyone up for casual?
How did yall fix this I still can’t connect?
Did you download the new update?
@QuanWavy3 I'm sorry I haven't read the whole thing but are you hardline Ethernet?