SDS admit Rookie Rigging
We've known for years that Rookie in play vs CPU as opposed to Conquest and Mini Seasons are massively different.
I can easily put 30+ runs and 50+ hits vs any team in a 9 inning vs CPU game on Rookie but then with the same squad in Conquest or Mini Seasons on Rookie 75% of my games go to extra innings and are 1 to 2 run games with 3 to 4 hits. They clearly mess with it so you can't grind offline in those modes.
I've learned to live with that over the years but with the lack of ways to complete team affinity 3 for offline gamers it's really frustrating. Just admit Rookie, Veteran, and All-Star are one in the same in those modes.
TA3 is now quick offline. You are a week late with this whining.
I find the difficulty levels different in Conquest. I think the reason there is such a big difference in Mini Seasons is because we are playing against high Diamonds instead of LS cards. I do think Conquest is more difficult than vs CPU, but I always figured it was because of the pitcher's stamina is hammered when they start fresh.
Plus, Mini Seasons and Conquest are only 3 inning games.
I also think that vs CPU teams "learn" how we play when the same team is played back-to-back. I can play the A's and score 10-15 runs but if I play them a third time, they hammer my pitcher and I usually only score 5 runs or so.
@Ledfoot_19 You gotta go mini seasons. I got it done in less than a week easy.
Illuminati confirmed
I'm sorry, but no. Not hating on OP or putting him down, but if most of your games on Rookie go to extras, it ain't the game. It's either you or your TV.
The OP is right. Rookie is really 'Rookie +' because Sliders are cranked up.
I never play Conquest below Veteran for this reason. Conquest is definitely liquered up.
One thing I noticed, as I never play CQ below Veteran, is if I just log on, I usually score a bunch in game one, but next game, either the wind is blowing in, or I'll be in a 1-run game the next! -
@yankblan said in SDS admit Rookie Rigging:
I'm sorry, but no. Not hating on OP or putting him down, but if most of your games on Rookie go to extras, it ain't the game. It's either you or your TV.
How can it be me or my TV if I can score 30+ runs on 50+ hits in vs CPU? I've played this game for enough years to notice a difference
@Teak2112 said in SDS admit Rookie Rigging:
TA3 is now quick offline. You are a week late with this whining.
Constructive....thanks for contributing to the topic.
Don’t listen to these clowns. Play how you want. The game is much different in conquest or mini seasons compared to vs CPU. It’s extremely obvious but a lot of people choose to turn a blind eye and gaslight you.
You're not wrong. My first 99 is Mike Schmidt. 62 at bats, 10 hits for 161 avg, 1 homer.
I play conquest on All star. All my lesser cards rake or hit what their ratings usually are. To have a 99 card do absolutely nothing against bronze or commons in conquest when other cards hit just fine, you can't tell me that this stuff isn't rigged.
I'm to the point with this card that I know it's an automatic out.
@yankblan said in SDS admit Rookie Rigging:
I'm sorry, but no. Not hating on OP or putting him down, but if most of your games on Rookie go to extras, it ain't the game. It's either you or your TV.
No he's 100% right. It's not even close to the same playing vs CPU compared to playing conquest/mini seasons. I've just accepted it personally, but when you can drink a beer and play HR Derby vs CPU and then all of a sudden your hits don't fall in conquest/mini seasons it's definitely different. Granted there are games where the engine or whatever gives you 10-15 runs in conquest but it's rare - as a casual and not as a gamer.
Agreed, occasionally you can put up double digit runs on conquest but quite often it’s simply a run or 2 and the hits either just don’t fall or carry as well. I always figured since rewards are tied more directly to conquest they tweak the sliders much like in showdown, although not to that extent. However, with the lack of rewards in conquest this year the sliders should be scaled back accordingly.
I see what the OP sees, but after all these years I honestly believe it's still my fault. There are just certain pitch locations I struggle with and in those tightly contested games I feel like the CPU is making pitchers pitches.
If you ask me, it's all about limited range of the PCI on rookie. If the CPU puts the ball on the low corner, it is impossible to put the sweet spot on it, because the PCI will not drop low enough on rookie.
So in one game you get a bunch of fat Meatballs score 15 runs, next game the CPU is painting the black low and you claw your way to a 1 run victory. Best you can do is lay off those pitches even if they are strikes.
I don't think SDS rigs anything, but this phenomenon became really noticeable when they tied PCI range to difficulty
@nflman2033 This is a valid reason in itself to do away with varying difficulties and have just ONE. You can have the CPU play better, react fast, hit harder, and make quicker decisions without having to modify the basic mechanics and visual speed of the game.
I'm starting to really hate anything that's not Hall of Fame. Everyone should play on hall of fame and if you're playing CPU then make the CPU easier not the mechanics. -
i actually agree with the OP. I'm not saying it skill level as well (sorry OP) but i find Mini Season easy on All-Star but when i jump on to just play a quick game on Rookie for some stats, its always 4-2 or something like that. All-Star i routinely put up 10+ runs.
1000% this, I've noticed the difference for quite a while now. I get more frustrated playing conquest and mini-seasons than ever before. The ratio to frustrating and having fun is really out of whack imo. That's why im playing a lot less this year (not even close to the first boss pack), and at this point I feel that this will be my last purchase of The Show. I'm slowly cutting this game out of my time spent than usual.
@yankblan said in SDS admit Rookie Rigging:
I'm sorry, but no. Not hating on OP or putting him down, but if most of your games on Rookie go to extras, it ain't the game. It's either you or your TV.
I think most people here wouldnt admit it but we've all had those games now and then. About 3 weeks ago, i had a mini seasons game go to the 7th and i won 2-1. I couldnt hit [censored] for the entire game. My timing was good but the PCI placement was always a hair off. It happens.
Of course, thats not "most' games. But it does happen.
Here's the thing... I'm only complaining about it now because there is so little to do in offline mode and based on the difficulty level you earn more or less XP.....likewise in conquest you steal less fans the easier the difficulty so if I want to sacrifice XP and Fan Stealing for Stat grinding on Rookie we should be able to. If I want the tougher challenge with better reward for doing so, we should be able to.
Instead we get very little to do offline in Affinity and are really given no choice but to play the higher difficulty which oddly, I'll put up 3-5 runs on Veteran or All-Star. Before someone says just play those levels, the point is I'd like to do the repeatable TB, Hits, Etc while grinding conquest maps at the expense of the XP but SDS removed that choice by having the Rookie level play more difficult than Veteran or All-Star in those modes. It's a fact
@AdeptOfMemory said in SDS admit Rookie Rigging:
@nflman2033 This is a valid reason in itself to do away with varying difficulties and have just ONE. You can have the CPU play better, react fast, hit harder, and make quicker decisions without having to modify the basic mechanics and visual speed of the game.
I'm starting to really hate anything that's not Hall of Fame. Everyone should play on hall of fame and if you're playing CPU then make the CPU easier not the mechanics.Yes, I was not happy about the change pitch speed and limited pci range change between difficulties