List of MLB the Show/DD problems
New issue for ‘24 is the addition of non “perfect” umpires in head 2 head modes. I’ve seen balls 99.9% in the zone called balls many times. This fine in “sim” but abhorrent in a competitive multiplayer game that already has an insane amount of RNG dictating outcomes.
@Wildthingwilly said in List of MLB the Show/DD problems:
New problem: with the introduction of seasons last year, sds has decided to make MLB The Shop 24. With the game centered around these new 40k packs.
I don't understand why people think this is related to seasons. Seasons devalue pack sales. Seasons are designed to give people entry points midseason and theoretically extend engagement (indirectly increasing packmsales). I say thereotically because it seems to have the opposite effect.
Power creep is what drives pack sales above everything else by a huge margin.
I agree with the list overall though and I'll add:
Pulse pitching (maybe others) has had three unneeded nerfs: par size increase, ball never goes to the aim location itself (will never go where the ball icon is), and has a quite high frequency of being well outside of the par.
Battle Royale program track is too grind for lower skilled players. 4500xp and 45 hits are ridiculously high, so the 25k exp must be hit. At 500ish xp per game that's 50 games. 150 innings to get to 100 stars. For comparison I can finish all 150 stars in ranked in 125 innings typically
Lack of big programs outside of TA that help give a season a theme like WBC or Kaiju.
Reduction of TA conquest to 1 small map
L mini season stats needs to be said again
L no fast play for mini seasons
L no variety to showdown -
@Wildthingwilly, Bob Feller is incredibly inaccurate by design. He has a BB/9 of 71, so the PAR is going to be huge. It also varies by pitch, so some will be worse than others, depending on his control for that pitch.
I absolutely agree with you about the strike zone, though; any part of the ball touching that border should be a strike (I've heard that with some views the borders on the screen appear to stretch beyond the plate, but the one I use looks pretty true, so it aggravates me no end).
Mostly, though, it's the frequency of foul balls that hoses pitching results, so if one thing was to be addressed, I'd hope it was that. As everyone knows, it bails people out far too often (and I definitely benefit from that, too), but as a Timing/Analog player, it seems to creep into my good swings as well, as I've never had so many fouls straight back on pitches over the plate with well timed swings. Doesn't make it any better, but I feel like foul balls both save me when I shouldn't be saved and hurt me when I take good swings more than in the past.
Still, I like the game and I'll still be playing when I can for quite some time, but sure would be great if a few adjustments were made.
@The_Joneser must have forgot the part where I mentioned that he's glitched and he will consistently throw pitches outside the par on a perfext pitch. I guess that's irrelevant. Grinded for a broken card. Also all the recent updates have a note at the bottom: no gameplay changes in this update. I guess the gameplay is 100% perfect. Weird how they are the only game studio that comes out and makes no balance changes. This game plays 100% perfect through and through.
@Wildthingwilly seasons make people buy more packs. Every season has power creep, meaning the people who do spend bread will be buying the packs every season to try to pull the best cards.
Really what SDS need DESPERATELY is a community manager that directly fields the game communities concerns and communicates with the devs directly. I'd gladly do that job. I really do like mlb the show and love baseball, and the game I currently play does not resemble actual baseball.
@Wildthingwilly Then you would get brick walled and asked why you're focussing on the consumers ability to play the game instead of their ability to pay them more money for stubs and packs.
I fully believe the owners of this game don't want to fix it because to them it works PERFECT for making money. It already does what they need it to do. -
check out my thread and add players you want to see added to game. I add 2 per day. Over 100 years of baseball tradition and players to pull from. I can go on forever naming players
@AdeptOfMemory If it was my job I'm pretty sure I could handle content recommendations and gameplay.
@Wildthingwilly I'm sure you could. You'd either just be getting a free paycheck cause SDS would literally ignore you lol or you'd be let go cause they have no use for someone who cares about the community.
Also, It's a known business concept that if you keep players engaged and satisfied they will return to play more and more, and I believe gameplay is the most important factor. I know people who stopped playing already because they can't stand the issues with gameplay. A few people I know including myself love playing co-op but the 3 on 3 co-op freezes even more than 2 on 2. The whole experience contributes to making money, not just releasing packs, which is obviously important too. Adding more players into the game when you have 100+ years of players to pull from would further engage the community.
@Wildthingwilly couldn't agree more. SDS clearly doesn't want that though.
@Wildthingwilly, I guess I just didn't believe you. Please, forgive me that transgression and carry on with your grievance.
You say that it's a known business concept to keep customers satisfied so they return, but when one of those customers becomes unreasonable and insists on loudly complaining to your other customers in the lobby, you ask that person to leave.
You know, it isn't that the game is without it's problems; sometimes, the graceless behavior of those pointing out those flaws helps only to ensure that nothing is done to address them.
@The_Joneser I'm just laying out the issues with the game that I see, nobody insulted anyone, and everyone just voiced their opinion. Notice how not one person from sds replied to the entire thread. Notice how they don't reply to anything that criticizes the game in anyway even though it is constructive criticism, and most of the points I made have been legacy issues that the community has brought up for years. They remain content because they know they are the only legitimate baseball game being made, just like every other sports game developer.
@The_Joneser this is also meant to be a spot to committee with SDS, this isn't the lobby. I'm in their office and nobody responds. Unprofessional is what I call it. I've had a moderator on madden forums resond to a post many of times.
@Wildthingwilly, while some of the language you chose could use some editing in consideration of tone, I agree that you aren't necessarily directly insulting anyone (comparisons to last-gen games and "disgusting" behavior toe that line, though). There are plenty of insults to be found in the thread, however; the sharing of one's opinion does not grant absolution from their boorish behavior (it's no coincidence that the most "authentic" among us tend to be the least considerate and the most obnoxious).
But a community forum is not at all meant to be "a spot to committee with SDS"... video game forums are a space for players to interact with each other and to discuss the game. You may be adjacent the office, but that door is sealed tight and you are very much in the lobby. That moderators sometimes chime-in in direct response to comments is an added benefit that exists at the pleasure of those who host it, and one that has not surprisingly all but disappeared amidst the childish tumult into which this forum has devolved. This applies to the forum at-large, and not your post, specifically, but why should they wade through this morass of infantile remonstrance in hopes of finding a few useful items at the bottom of the outhouse latrine?
If you want something to be addressed by SDS, submit feedback or thoughtfully fill out their surveys. If it makes you feel better to say it, then, by all means, but don't act surprised that representatives from SDS aren't falling all over themselves to assuage the "concerns" posted in this forum.
@The_Joneser Why are you so totally ok with paying $80 dollars for a [censored] product? You don't feel the need to requests a better product? You don't feel the need to put pressure on the monopolized franchise to improve quality of the item you paid big money for in an economy that's been trashed?
People like you make me think you didn't even pay for the game yourself or you're so [censored] rich you could give to sh1ts about other people and how they feel when they spend their hard earned money. We call people like that whales. Whales are what ruins the gaming industry.
This forum is nothing but whales and simps. -
If you rightfully list „too many foul balls“, you gotta add „too many stadiums (e.g. Shield Woods, Capital Lane) that play like arcade baseball“. That‘s the biggest disgrace of em all (at least in my opinion)
I don‘t know why it took me that long
@YOSHI24 That's a new one. I'm down to get rid of Shippet and custom stadiums.
@AdeptOfMemory, I'm not at all surprised to hear the screeching of your clown car's tires as you careen around this corner...
My feelings around one thing or another do not lead me to repeatedly waste effort grandstanding for the self-important clods who feel that their poor behavior will somehow make things better. What, exactly, do you think your incessant caviling is going to accomplish? Are you so incognizant that you actually believe you're applying pressure to anything but the keys beneath your greasy fingers?
Go on, champ. Let me have it with both barrels of your adolescent wit; unleash the power of your pre-teen lexicon and tell me what a simp, whale, or white knight I am for being unimpressed by your lack of appropriacy.
People like you don't seem to understand that many people aren't so much defending this game as they are rejecting your juvenile and pathetically predictable fractiousness. This game has issues. So do you.